Christmas Holidays

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Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it!

Joe: You pulled at the Christmas wrapping paper of the small gift, being met with a hand-made booklet. On the front read 'Joey's Coupons'. You looked up, being met with the baby blue of your boyfriend's eyes, as a cheeky smile pulled at his lips.

"Joe...what is this?" You asked, as he rolled his eyes. He snatched the coupons from your clasp, as he flicked through them.

"They're Joey Coupons! Need a hug? There's a coupon for that. Need a kiss? Yep, there's a coupon for that. Need sex-?"

"Joe! That's enough!" You interrupted, as he closed his mouth, a small frown across his face. You placed a hand to his cheeks, squishing his lips together, as you pulled him closer, and kissed him softly. "Thank you."

Joe smiled, as he wrapped his arms around your waist, and pushed you down onto the floor. He placed a single kiss to your lips, before moving to your cheeks, and down to your neck. He pulled away, locking his eyes with yours, as he raised a brow.

"Wanna use one of those coupons now?" He asked, his voice thick with seduction. Joe leant down, kissing you passionately, as you threw the booklet across the room, and curled your arms around his neck.

Murr: The fire alarm blared around the house, as Murray jumped from the sofa and ran out into the kitchen. You could hear him cough and splutter through the smoke, as you followed after him, coming to a stop in the doorway.

"NO!" Murray yelled out, as he pulled the turkey from the oven. It was burnt to a crisp, charcoal smothering the whole bird, as Murray frowned at you. He slammed it onto the counter, shaking his head in disappointment. "Why can I never do this right?!"

You stepped into the room behind him, placing a hand to his shoulder, as he sighed deeply. You moved to wrap your arms around him from behind, and rested your head against the back of his shoulder, after having placed a kiss to his neck.

"Its fine, James. We can just have sandwiches." You spoke, as he shook his head all the more. Murray turned around in your embrace, leaning himself back against the counter, as he pulled you tightly into his chest.

"I wanted this to be a special Christmas. Our first one living together..." He sighed, as he softly kissed at the top of your head.

"It is special, Love...because I'm with you. We don't need a perfectly roasted turkey to enjoy Christmas. As long as I have you, what more could I need?" You smiled, seeing a small grin pull at his lips.

"If you say so." Murray answered, as he pulled away to grab the tea towel, and waved it in front of the smoke alarm to get it to turn off.

Q: "[Y/N]?" You heard Q call from downstairs. You stepped down, making your way into the living room, coming to find your boyfriend of three years stood awkwardly by the Christmas tree in the corner.

"What is it, Babe?" You asked, gaining no response. Instead, Q held his hand out for you to hold. He held your palm firmly in his, pulling you into him, as his eyes scavenged your face, appreciating every minor detail. There was no denying that he was in love.

"I love you, and Merry Christmas." He smiled sweetly, as a light giggle passed your lips.

"You called me all the way downstairs to tell me something that we tell each other every single day? I love you, you dope." You laughed, not noticing how Q's left arm had remained behind his back the whole time.

His free arm coiled around your waist, pulling your body into his embrace, as he leant in. Q went to kiss you, when you stopped him, looking deeply into his brown eyes that had darkened from lust.

"Why'd you stop me?" He pouted.

"Because there's no mistletoe above our heads, so we can't kiss yet." You smirked. The smile from your face soon faded, as you watched Q raise his left arm up. Sure enough, gripped between his fingers was mistletoe. Your eyes fell back down to meet with his, as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"I'm more prepared than you think." He chuckled, before leaning in and kissing you softly.

Sal: You froze in your place, as a giant snowball came flying your way, whacking into the centre of your chest, sending you flying backwards. You landed with a thud on the snow covered ground, as the culprit of the shot came running up to you.

"Babe! I'm so sorry!" Your boyfriend, Sal, cried out, as he knelt down to your side, stroking at your forehead.

Your eyes fluttered open, being met with his gaze. He smiled sheepishly at you, before leaning down and placing a kiss to your lips. His fingers caressed your cheek, as he checked you over. You watched, as he became flustered and guilt-ridden. He continually checked you over, not taking notice of the snowball you were forming in your hand. Sal locked his eyes with yours once more, perplexed by the menacing smile playing on your lips.

"[Y/N], what are-?" You smashed the ball of snow into his hair, as he froze, his mouth agape, and soaking in your revenge. The snow began to melt, as it ran down his strands of hair and fell down to the ground. Sal scowled playfully, as he grabbed a handful of snow. "You are so going to pay for that!"

You leapt up from the ground, making a run for it, as Sal chased after you; the sweet sound of his laughter making its way into your ears. A snowball came hurtling towards you, just about skimming passed you.

"Going to have to do better than that, Sal!" You heckled, as you ran as fast as you could.

Sal came to a stop, making himself up a new snowball, before he caught up to you. His foot became trapped under a mound of snow, as he tripped down, pulling you down with him. The pair of you were laughing, as he pulled you close. Sal fixated his gaze on your eyes, as he drew you into a trance. He leant down to brush his lips against yours, stopping millimetres away, only to let a sly grin sprawl across his features. You suddenly felt an ice cold chill seep down your back, as Sal stuffed snow under your coat.

"T-That's c-c-cold!" You shivered, as Sal laughed at you.

"Told you that you'd pay for that." He commented playfully.

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