Sal x Q (High School Romance)

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Third Person POV

The time was 9:15am, on Wednesday 22nd August 1990, meaning that it was time for the brand new school year to begin at Monsignor Farrell High School. Brian Quinn, a young teenager from Staten Island, was taking his first steps into the towering building, the slight feeling of intimidation overwhelming him. He was slim, with black fluffy hair, and big brown eyes. Brian was dressed in tailored black trousers, white shirt, alongside a yellow and red tie, with a matching jumper. The young 14 year old was making his way to his first class of the day, a backpack that was way too big for him hanging over his shoulders. Brian made it to the door, reading the number upon it.

"This must be it." He spoke to himself, before pushing the door handle and opening the door. He was met by a crowd of students, staring blankly at him. The teacher turned to look at him, a frown upon his face.

"And what time do you call this?" He asked, a sense of anger in his voice. Brian turned to look at the clock on the wall, seeing that it read 9:35am – he was fifteen minutes late to class on his first day, not such a great start to the year.

"Sorry Sir, I got lost..." Brian answered, as he quivered in his boots. It was bad enough being late on the first day, let alone getting on the teacher's bad side, for whom he were to spend the next four years with.

"Take a seat, and don't let it happen again young man." The teacher grunted, before turning back to the chalkboard, continuing on with the lesson. Brian sheepishly made his way through the valley of desks, before finding an empty space next to a boy in the row of four. One student had dark hair, with beady eyes. He was constantly answering questions in class, being heavily involved in the lesson. Another student had a spike of brown hair, with the bluest eyes known to man. He wasn't paying much attention to the lesson, as he spent most of his time placing his nose against people without them even realising what he was doing. The boy nearest to Brian looked at him, offering a smile, letting him know that he could sit there.

Once Brian was seated, with all of his notepads and pencils out and ready, he was finally able to catch up with what he had already missed. He was scribbling out the notes from the board, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see the boy next to him lean over the desk, propping his head onto his hand, turning to look at Brian.

"Psst." The boy whispered, trying to gain his attention. Brian ignored him, as he continued with the class notes, until the boy did it again. "Psst!"  Brian huffed, as he turned his head to look at the boy. "Whatcha doing?" The boy whispered, his legs swinging back and forth underneath the chair, as he dragged out the 'o' sound. Brian furrowed his eyebrows, as he gestured towards his notes.

"What does it look like?" He replied, earning a chuckle from the boy. Brian shook his head in disbelief, as he returned his concentration onto his work, not wanting to get caught by the teacher once again.

The lesson continued on, as Brian soaked in the facts. His page was filled with all of the notes he needed to know for his religious studies. His teacher finished off the lesson, dismissing the class, as Brian grabbed his rucksack, and began packing away his belongings. He pulled the strap over one of his shoulders, before making his way out of the classroom. As he stepped out of the door, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He spun around to be met with the boy who had been sat next to him, with the other two students stood behind him.

"We're going to eat our lunch in the canteen, you want to join us?" He asked. Brian nodded, following their lead, as they made their way through to the canteen. The foursome found an empty table, taking a seat, as the students began to pour through the doors, bringing the empty room to life. Brian felt slightly intimidated by the much older students, they were all so tall, looking more like adults than students.

"So, what's ya name?" The spikey haired boy asked, as he pulled out his lunch and began eating. Brian pondered for a short while, his nerves taking the better of him.

"Br-Bri-" He began, before the beady eyed boy interrupted him.

"T-T-T-Today, Junior." Brian frowned at the joke, as his eyes rolled. It wasn't his fault that his words sometimes got the better of him. The dark haired boy shushed the others, allowing Brian to speak, to which he really appreciated.

"Brian Quinn." He stated.

"It's nice to meet you, Brian. I'm Sal, this here is Joe, and that thing over there is James." The boy announced, gaining a punch in the arm from the one Brian now knew as James. The four students continued with their lunch, getting to know each other as the lunch hour went on. By the time the bell had rung, the four of them were already beginning to become very close friends.

Skip forward four years, and the foursome were still hanging out with each other every day at school. Even though all four of them were close, there was always something different between Brian and Sal. They knew that they could rely on each other, and it comforted each of them to know that they had each other's backs. It was coming up to their last week of high school, the timer counting down, before they'd be off to different colleges, perhaps never seeing one another ever again.

It was just a typical day, Brian had his bag packed with what he needed for the classes he had that day; Maths book, English book, and his sports stuff. He was walking about the halls, when he bumped into Sal, dropping his books onto the floor. Sal huffed, as he knelt down to the ground, picking everything up. Brian felt bad, and so knelt down too, helping Sal out.

"Watch where you're going next time you dope." Sal chuckled, as they both stood from the ground. Brian handed him the last book, as the pair of them just smiled at each other. Never before had there been an awkward silence, but for some odd reason, today was different. "'s the packing for college going so far?"

"Oh, you know...good thanks. How about you?" Sal sighed, as he looked down towards the ground, shrugging his shoulders. Brian placed a hand to his shoulder for comfort, feeling his body transition from tensed to relaxed.

"Bri, I can't do this anymore. It's been on my mind for a while now, and I've never had the courage to say it until now..." Sal spoke quickly, letting his feelings fall free. Brian's eyebrows crossed, a look of confusion across his face. Sal took a deep breath, before he continued. "I-I've liked you since the day we met four years ago. I tried to hide it all, but seeing as we may never see each other again, I thought I'd tell you how I really felt..." Brian took a step back, his mind racing. He searched for the correct words to use, not wanting to say one thing, and have Sal believe it meant another.

"Come here." Brian smiled sweetly, as he pulled Sal into an embrace. As he pulled away, Sal looked at him, worry all over his face. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? We could have made more of the time we had together." Brian smirked. All of the worry from Sal's face faded away, as a smile threatened to pull at his lips, instantly feeling relieved. He shrugged his shoulders, as a nervous chuckle escaped his lips. Brian took ahold of Sal's spare hand, running his thumb over the back of it, as he looked into his emerald eyes. "We'll take things slow, but you know what, I like you too, Sal." Brian stated, causing Sal to smile. He leant forward, placing a kiss to his cheek, before the pair of them made their way to their next class.

Ever since that day, the two of them had been inseparable. They spent the whole of their summer side by side, and by the time that college came around, they made sure to never lose contact. Very often, they'd spend weekends visiting each other on campus, thankfully having a room to themselves for the night.

This was so bad omg...

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