I Was Hooked On You (Announcement//Sneak Peek A/N)

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Howdy to the followers who are still here. I know my upload schedule has been a bit bleurgh over the past year; I have my reasons but I tried to stay loyal, as have you, to which I highly appreciate!

I have gone through a cross-country move, gone back into studying, working on other stories with a turtle and life has just been pretty hectic for a while. Even though I spend most of my time at home indoors in my safe place, I am forever behind on life and have the rare time to actually sit down and write something. Either writer's block rears its ugly head, or there are other priorities to get through first.

This requests book has been ongoing for two years now, and all the while I have enjoyed writing it, I think it's time to bring it to its end. Thank you for the support, but I'm moving onto newer and better things; both here and in life. All of those who have sent in their requests; I apologise that some took so much longer than I intended, and I'm sure that you probably got fed up of waiting. Some may not have even gotten their requested chapters, as I lost all of my notes at the end of 2018, and people had either gone on hiatus or no longer wanted their chapters - which is absolutely fine! I apologise for the error.

Thank you for the votes, comments, follows and messages. I will be continuing writing and posting stories weekly, so I hope to see you there :)

I will stop rambling now and let you in on the first piece written for my new work that will probably be uploaded in twelve years' time because it is nowhere near finished. It may even change into a completely different fanfiction for 5sos by the time I'm done with it.

Thank you again,

Bryony :))


Dressed in a pair of pale blue jeans that clung to his waist securely and a maroon shirt dotted with miniscule cars; all of which were different models and colours, Sal, a young twenty-two-year-old, who had only recently just graduated from college, smiled at himself in the mirror. He took a comb in his hand and wetted it beneath the running water that was pouring from the faucet, before brushing back at his thick, dark and slightly curled hair. His facial hair that matched barely connected across his jaw, the speckles of hair soft and faint above his upper lip and chin.

With plans to go out and party with his best friend to celebrate their graduation, Sal wanted to make an effort in the way that he looked tonight. Rarely, in the past four years, did he get the chance to go out and waste the night away without a care in the world.

He was about to put his all-white Nike sneakers on, when the sound of the buzzer echoed around his apartment. Stepping his way over to the intercom, Sal pressed his thumb to the button to answer the door.

"You're early," Sal chuckled, knowing full well who was stood outside of his apartment complex.

"You complain when I'm early, you complain when I'm late. Make up your mind, Dude." Replied his best friend of eight years, Brian. "Are you going to let me up or not?"

"If I must." Sal sighed. "But no shoes on the carpet, Man."

As he went to release his hold on the call button, Sal could hear Brian mocking him, soon hearing the door close behind him. It wasn't long before there was a knock at his front door. Pulling it open, Sal came to find the man clad in the same shirt. "You're changing that shirt."

Brian was a few months older than Sal, but never seemed to gain the upper hand, even when he was an inch taller. He had slightly longer hair that fell either side of his face; the strands were a dark brown and the man had umber brown eyes to match.

Impractical Jokers Requests Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now