The V Card (Brian x Reader)

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Reader's POV

University. The chance to make the best of yourself, to study, to clear a path for your party. Many of my friends were going into this experienced, but not me. I was a twenty year old, still yet to take things further with a man than kissing. It's not that I couldn't find anyone, but more so the fact that I hadn't found the right person to do it with.

Virginity is a social construct, but it's become more than that for society. It's become a need, a necessity to lose it by a certain point in life. Am I ashamed? Hell no. But I do know that I am ready, ready to take a step forward and have my innocence taken away from me. Why the sudden need? Brian Quinn. That's who.

I had met him my first day here at college two years back, and we instantly became very close friends, but never anything more. His dark hair, his eyes that drew everyone in were just a couple of examples of why I was conflicted over my feelings. He was flirty, but he was like that with everyone, and so I didn't really pick up on the fact that his actions towards me were genuine. Although I liked him back, our friendship was too special now to warrant the risk of losing each other.

Brian had driven me out of the city for the afternoon, taking me to a place that he loved, somewhere that he hadn't told anyone else about. He parked up near a cliff's edge, the view looking down over the lake, with the bridge across the water in sight. He laid a blanket out on the grass for us to sit on, as we sat next to one another, listening to the silence surrounding us. In the distance, we could hear the noise of the cars driving along the crossing, with the sound of birds chirping coming from the trees behind us.

"The world is a crazy place," Brian announced, his voice soft and inviting, as I turned my head to look at him.

"Oh no," I chuckled, causing Brian to furrow his eyebrows at me. "Is it time for one of your deep thought talks?"

"I'm just saying," He smiled, leaning back on his hands, as his feet crossed over one another. "Don't you ever just look at people and think about how their true self could completely contradict the thoughts of others?"

"Whoever let you take Philosophy should be fired." I commented, hearing a deep sigh escape his lips, as he sat up properly.

"I'm serious, [Y/N]." He spoke. "When you look at me, what do you see?"

I paused for a moment, thinking over my answer, as my eyes trailed up and down his being. I took in the snapback atop of his head, the baseball jacket hanging over his shoulders, the light jeans, and the crystal white sneakers on his feet.

"I-I," I stammered, as Brian gave me his full attention. "I see a guy."

"That's it? Just a guy?" He asked, sounding rather hurt by my comment.

"Let me finish." I chuckled, elbowing him in his side, as he laughed lightly. "I see a guy, who's experienced, knows what he's doing in every aspect in life."

"Perhaps not every aspect," He uttered quietly, moving to sit up, as my brows arched.

"What do you mean by that?"

", it doesn't matter." He sighed, reverting his attention to his hands sat in his lap, as his thumbs twiddled nervously. "You know what I see when I look at you?"

I shook my head, brushing a fallen strand of hair to behind my ear, as I felt my cheeks flush. Brian scooted closer to my presence, placing a hand to my chin, bringing me to look into his eyes. I got lost in the pools of brown staring at me, before his coarse voice filled the air. "I see a girl, a vulnerable girl at that. Almost...broken."

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