Small Bump

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Arriving home from your outing, you enter through the front door, immediately being met by the smell of your husband's cooking that had wafted in from the kitchen. Taking your shoes off and pushing them to one side, you step down the hall, pressing a hand to the ajar kitchen door, soon hearing the sweet giggles of your two-year-old daughter.

Creeping into the room unnoticed, your eyes settle upon a sight that would always warm your heart. Joe held your daughter at his hip, while his free hand tended to the pan that was beginning to boil, as he prepared the dinner.

Ocean blue eyes were soon locked onto yours, as [Y/D/N] turned her head, an elated smile sweeping across her sweet face. Her features mirrored yours, the only difference being that her eyes were a bright blue to match her father's. She exclaimed excitedly, reaching for you, as you laughed softly and made your way over to the two loves that had claimed your heart.

"Welcome home," Joe smiled, passing the toddler over to you, before pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek; the heat that swept across your face burning at his lips. "I made gnocchi."

His words were accentuated with a forced Italian accent, an amused grin playing on his face. "I know that you love when I cook food from my ancestry."

"I do," You answered happily, soon feeling Joe's arm snake around your waist and pull you in closer. "It's my favourite of yours."

His free hand was soon resting across your front, caressing at the small bump that had been forming for just over three months now. [Y/D/N] soon followed her father's actions, letting her hand sit atop of his, as you and Joe both chuckled softly.

"We need our baby to grow up big and strong now, don't we?" Before you could answer him, Joe leaned in once more, this time bringing his lips to meet with yours, his smile printing against you. "He's going to come out all fat and chubby."

"Oh, they're a 'he' now?" You chuckled.

"I'm hoping so." Joe grinned, returning his attention back onto the preparation of dinner. "Although another little princess would be just as great."


"Morning, you." James greeted, as you slowly sat up in bed, unaware of the exact time. "Did you sleep okay?"

"I slept great," You answered honestly, allowing your gaze to follow him about the room. "What time is it?"

"Eleven." He informed. "I thought I'd let you sleep in, especially after all the sickness you've been through, Love."

James moved to sit on your side of the bed, reaching to take your hand in his own and stroking the pad of his thumb along the back of your palm gently. "How are you feeling?"

"A little groggy." You frowned in response.

"Take it easy today, it's Saturday after all." He smiled, leaning forward to press a single kiss to your forehead. "Saturday's are meant for being snuggly and wrapped up in bed."


"No buts, [Y/N]." James' tone of voice stopped you in your tracks, as your eyes traced over his, studying the seriousness hidden behind the hazel staring back at you.

"You're carrying our baby; I don't want you overdoing it." He expressed sincerely.

Nodding your head, you went to stand from the bed, before James shook his head, guiding you back to where you lay. "I'm serious, what is it that you need? I can do it for you."

"The bathroom." You laughed. "Now let me go, damn it."

"Right yeah, I can't do that for you." James smirked, instead moving to help you onto your feet.

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