Murr x Reader

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Okay so this is an adapted version of a chapter used in my previous requests book because the original chapter was even worse than this...

Murr's POV

Love. It's a funny thing. It makes a person do the craziest of things, does love. I too have been caught in the entail of love, although, this kind of love is good for me. I've been with my girlfriend, [Y/N], for eleven months now, soon to be a year. I wanted to spoil her rotten for our one year anniversary, whether it'd be a fancy dinner, or a small getaway. Whatever she wanted, I'd do for her. That's the kind of guy I am, I was raised to be a gentleman you know. She has made me a changed man, and I know that she is the one for me. I know that it's a little too soon to be thinking that far ahead, but it's in the me.

I'd decided to take her to the fanciest restaurant in town and then take her for a late night stroll through the park, underneath the twinkling sky. It was going to be such a romantic evening together, I couldn't wait! Hopefully, my romantic side will draw [Y/N] into the bedroom tonight...if you know what I mean, wink wink.

As I pulled into her driveway - borrowing Joe's car because I don't own one - I parked the car and strolled to the front door. I rang the doorbell, adjusting my bowtie, as I waited for her to answer. The front door swung open, to reveal a stunning [Y/N]. She was dressed to impress that night, and I can honestly say that she looked absolutely beautiful, like a damn goddess. I held out the roses towards her, causing her to smile sweetly. She thanked me, taking them in her hands and placing them on the table, before kissing my cheek lightly. I held out my hand for her to hold, ensuring that she didn't fall down the steps in her heels, and walked with her hand-in-hand towards the car. I did the gentlemanly thing to do, and held the door open for her, as she clambered into the seat, before making my way round to the driver's side.

"You look so beautiful tonight, Sweetie." I smiled, placing a kiss to her cheek. [Y/N]'s cheeks blushed, as she clasped her hand in mine.

"You're too good to me, James. What would I do without you in my life?" She giggled.

I shrugged my shoulders, starting up the car, and made our way to our reservation. We were soon at the restaurant. I hadn't told [Y/N] where we were going for the evening, until I heard a gasp from the passenger seat.

"Oh, James. You didn't have to do this!" She exclaimed through her tears. I sighed contently, taking her hand in mine and smiled at her.

"Yes. Yes I did because you, my love, you are the most amazing, beautiful and special lady to me. You're the reason I get up in the morning. You're the reason for this stupid smile plastered on my face, day in and day out. I love you so much, [Y/N]." I pulled her into a light kiss, her tears smeared onto my face, as they fell from her eyes.

"James, I love you so much. I would say something else, but we're in a fancy place." She winked, after pulling away from our kiss.

The meal was delicious but that didn't matter, as long as my girl enjoyed it. I wanted her to enjoy herself and have the time of her life tonight. She was so special to me, I couldn't ask to have a better woman in my life. [Y/N] was everything I could ever ask for. After I had paid the bill, I walked [Y/N] outside. I wrapped my jacket around her, making sure she remained warm, on what was a surprisingly chilly night. We walked passed the car, causing concern for her.

"James, isn't that the car?" She asked, somewhat confused. I nodded my head yes and clasped her hand tightly, pulling her onto a small pebbled pathway, with the dim streetlights lighting our path.

"I'm taking you on a walk, my love." I simply replied, giving her a smile and a wink. [Y/N] giggled, before laying her head across my shoulder, as we walked.

We soon reached the park gate. I slowly pushed the entrance open and let her through. We re-joined our hands immediately. As we were walking along, I spotted a secluded bench for us to sit and cuddle on. I pulled [Y/N] across towards the bench and sat her down. I parked myself right next to her, letting her cuddle into me. Her head rested on my chest, whilst one arm was strewn over my abdomen. We watched the night sky, as the stars twinkled as brightly as possible, no thanks to the light pollution from the city.

The mix of the perfectly lit sky, and the peaceful silence that surrounded us made the evening even more romantic. What can I say, I'm a sucker for romantic crap. We just sat there, enjoying one another's embrace, as the moon made its way across the sky.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a pattern in the stars. It said the words 'I love you'. I gestured towards [Y/N] to look where I was pointing. She moved her head and giggled when she saw it too.

"It's true you know." I smiled, placing a kiss to her forehead. "I do love you."

"I know you do James and I love you too." She beamed, showing off that award winning smile of hers that I fell in love with. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and sighed contently. This was the happiest moment of my life.

It was beginning to get pretty late, [Y/N] had fallen asleep against me, so I carefully stood from the bench, scooping her up in my arms, and carried her back to the car. I placed her into the passenger's seat, strapping her in, and placing a soft kiss to her cheek. I got into the driver's seat, turning to look at her. I studied her features, soaking up her natural beauty, before setting off on our journey home. As I was pulling into her driveway, [Y/N] stirred awake. She looked across at me, her cheeks flushed from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Babe." She sighed. I placed a hand to her thigh, shaking my head.

"Nothing to be sorry for, I love to watch you like a, well, you know, not a creepy way." I panicked, causing [Y/N] to laugh. She shushed me, her hand caressing against my cheek, as she softly kissed at my lips. I was instantly calmed, letting the kiss consume me.

"I love you so damn much." I breathed, after having pulled away, and resting my forehead against hers.

"I love you too, James." She smiled, before exiting the car. I watched her walk to the door, making sure that she was inside safely, before I drove myself home. I could easily drop Joe's car back off in the morning, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

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