Sal x Murr

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Request sent in by fionasealey1


Murr's POV

There he was, my boyfriend, Sal, laughing in my face. It had just been revealed to me that we weren't going to be teaching skydiving classes for the day, oh no, it was my punishment. Skydiving is one of my worst fears, and I can't believe that my best friends, let alone my boyfriend, would even make me go through this kind of torture. I may die. You could be eight foot from the ground, and if a fault occurs, you could still possibly die. Are they purposely trying to kill me?

"I'm not doing it, no, no way!" I cried, as I pulled at my nylon – yes, just nylon – attire. I ripped it from me, throwing it to the ground, as I raced back towards the parking lot. I could hear the others chase after me, telling me that everything would be okay, but how could they know that? Really, how could they? I clambered into the truck, slamming the door shut, as I sulked. I made sure that the door was locked, as Q pulled at the door handle.

"C'mon, Murray. It's a punishment, you've got to do this." He yelled out, as I flipped the trio off through the window. He let out a deep sigh, as they moved away from the vehicle. "Fine, but the show will have to end, think of those poor fans..." Q tried to guilt trip me, but it wasn't going to work on me. Not this time. I'm pretty sure that the fans would care more for my safety than entertainment purposes, right? Right?!

I watched their body language, as they appeared to be talking it out amongst themselves. They were too far away for me to hear their words, but judging by the looks on their faces, this wasn't going to end well, for me anyway. Sal held his arms out firmly, calming the other two, before he made his way back towards the truck. I looked away, pretending that I hadn't been spying on their conversation, as I heard a knock on the window. I turned towards the sound, being met with a sheepish looking Sal.

"Babe, let me in. We need to talk..." His voice sounded serious for once, and that's when I knew that I should hear him out. I pressed the lock on the inside of the door, gesturing for Sal to join me in the truck. He swung the door open, clambering into the seat, before shutting it once again. He let out a deep breath, before turning to face me. "I know that you're scared right now, but it's a've got to do it. We made a pact years ago, where you can't say no to a punishment, Murr."

"You don't get it, Sal. Do you not realise that if something were to go wrong, I could fall to my death? Does that not terrify you?" I asked, my voice shaky and weak. Sal took ahold of my hand, squeezing it gently.

"If I wasn't so certain about these guys' professionalism then I'd be shit scared, Babe. But I trust them, they know what they're doing. And when you land back on the ground, I'll take you out to dinner to apologise for being a dick. How does that sound?" I could tell that Sal was trying his best to comfort me. I reluctantly nodded my head, letting a smile form on his face. He leant over, kissing my cheek softly, before exiting out of the car. Sure, on the outside I knew that it would be over with soon, but there was something deep down inside of me that couldn't shake that fear of plummeting to my death. I enjoyed my life, I didn't want it to end right this second.


"Three, two, one...GERONIMO!" The others shouted, as the instructor pushed us from the plane's side. I was screaming my lungs out, as we flew through the air. I watched, as the plane came in and out of view, as we flipped and soared through the skies. I was hanging on for dear life onto my harness, and before I knew it, the parachute was opened up.

"Don't drop me man." I whimpered, as we slowly made our way closer to the ground. As soon as my feet hit the grass, and the harness had been unclipped, I fell to my knees, kissing the blades of grass. I had never been so happy to be on flat ground.

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