Sal x Olivia - New Year's Eve (Part Two)

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Sal shot me a wicked grin, as he pressed me down along the sofa, letting his lips meet with mine roughly. I groaned, as I felt my arms being slammed against the arm of the sofa, pinned in their place under his strong grip, our bodies as close as humanly possible.

He was kissing me feverishly. Intensely. My hands gripped onto his raven hair, pulling on it hard, as I kissed him back, embracing the feel of the man. To my dismay, Sal broke away after some time to catch his breath, smiling dazingly down at me.

"We should go to the bedroom." He announced, pulling himself from atop of where I lay along the sofa and holding his hand out for me to take.

I was slightly breathless, as he helped me onto my feet and began to lead me up the stairs to the upper level of his home. I was in awe at how pristine and immaculate the house was; my attention being brought back onto Sal, for as soon as we were in his bedroom and the door was closed behind us, he lifted me up onto his waist, kissing me once again.

Carrying me to the bed, Sal threw me down lightly onto the mattress, soon climbing over the top of me. His fingers trailed to the hem of my shirt, beginning to tug it up, before pulling it over my head and throwing it somewhere on the bedroom floor. I couldn't see a lot amidst the darkened room. Sal dipped his head down, pressing open-mouthed kisses to my now exposed tummy; the touch of his lips at my skin being a little bit ticklish.

I sighed contently, running my fingers through his hair, pulling at a fistful of the curls when I felt him kiss at the valley of my chest.

"Sal, please," I whined.

"Please, what?" He teased, fumbling with the button to my jeans.

"Don't tease me," I groaned lowly, earning a chuckle out of the man.

"You're an impatient one, aren't you?" He grinned, dotting two kisses to my lips only seconds apart.

Sal managed to get my button undone, eventually dragging my pants down my legs and tossing them in the pile of clothes as well, leaving me bare on the bed in front of him. He re-positioned himself, starting to leave love bites along my inner thighs, as I pressed my head down into the pillow beneath me, shuddering in pleasure.

My hands instinctively gripped onto the first thing they came into contact with, which happened to be the bed sheets below us both. Sal tilted his head upwards, locking eyes with me; a devilish smirk settling on his lips. It was as though he already knew all of my weaknesses like the back of his hand in just the little time that we had gotten to know each other.

"Relax, Sweetheart." Sal coaxed deeply, his fingers gliding along my thighs, inching closer to my most vulnerable place. I twitched, practically writhing underneath the man, although he had barely even touched me yet.

"Sal, Baby," I pouted, my voice one of a whimper, as I rocked my hips up, desperate to feel some sort of friction between his hand and my core.

The jokester chuckled, then, without so much as a warning, he had pushed two of his fingers inside of me. My back arched off of the bed at the sudden intrusion, as a moan came pouring through my lips.

Sal watched me, a sly grin playing on his face, as he moved his fingers slowly in and out, toying with every sense in my body. I squirmed and wriggled in my place, whining out every time that I could feel his fingers curl upwards, before I lost all control over my actions at the feel of his lips connecting with my centre. His fingers and mouth worked in time with one another, pushing me to my limits. My hips gyrated, as my eyes squeezed shut, losing myself in the moment.

"You sound so good," Sal claimed, looking at me with such evident lust in his eyes; so much so that they didn't even look green under the light.

My hands clawed desperately at the sheets underneath me, my hips grinding down against his hand, which was still relentlessly stimulating a reaction out of me.

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