Sal x Murr

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Request sent privately.

This has been taken from my Joker x Joker book, as I'm suffering with really bad writer's block, but I wanted to make sure that I didn't miss anyone's request.

Murr's POV

Valentine's Day, a day where you get to spend time with your loved ones, and show them how much you care. To let them know that you appreciate the hell out of them, and that you would be nothing without them.

That's all well and good, unless you're like me, and the person you love is already taken. My heart seeks out for my best friend, Sal...but he's already in love with another. I see how happy he is with her, and it breaks my heart, knowing that I am not the reason for his happiness. He had already told me about his plans for Valentine's Day. He was going to take his girlfriend, Sara, out for a romantic meal. It wasn't until the day before that I realised how special this date was going to be.

Sal's door was open ajar, as he sat on his bed. I walked passed his door, noticing a glimmer of light reflect out into the hall. I peeked through the gap, noticing that Sal was twirling something around in his hands. An engagement ring to be exact. I gasped, as I moved away from the door. No, this can't be happening! I can't handle seeing Sal with Sara, let alone see them get married - well, if she says yes, and of course she will! Who the hell would say no to Sal?


I tried to erase the mental image of Sal holding onto the engagement ring out of my mind, as the ultimate day was creeping closer and closer.

It was the evening of Valentine's Day, and Sal was busy getting ready for his date. His hair was combed over to one side, his beard neatly trimmed. Sal had a black shirt on, with a black cardigan over the top. He wore navy blue jeans, and some brown canvas shoes. He looked impeccable.

I was sat on the sofa, as Sal came to say goodbye to me. He perched on the coffee table opposite me, his face a display of pure nerves.

"H-Hey, bud." He mumbled, as his hand fished into his pocket. He pulled out the ring box, showing me the engagement ring. "I-I'm going to ask Sara to marry me...what do you think?" He gulped. I looked at him, trying to hide my sadness, as I let out a sigh.

"It's beautiful, bud. She'll love it." I faked a smile, as I patted his shoulder. With that, his phone chimed. He held it to his ear, as he took the call.

"Hello? Sara? W-What do you mean? Oh...okay. Hope you feel better soon, Baby." Sal hung up the phone, and sighed deeply. I sat up, muting the television, awaiting for him to explain. "She's not feeling well so she's cancelled..."

I watched as a tear fell from his eye. He was really looking forward to tonight, and now this has happened. I felt bad for the guy, but at least he won't be taken away from me so soon, right?

The two of us watched some TV for a short while, before Sal reached for his phone. He was casually scrolling, when he thumped his fist into the cushion beside him.

"Sal, what's wrong?" I asked, as I refrained him from punching anything else. He didn't utter a word, as he just held his phone towards me, instantly I saw what was wrong. On his screen was a photo of Sara, she was kissing a guy, and the caption read: 'So glad I got to spend Valentine's Day with my man.' I looked at Sal, as his eyes filled with tears. He nibbled at his bottom lip, his lips quivering, clear upset upon his face. My heart crumbled, as Sal took the ring box from his pocket, and chucked it into the trash. "You know what, fuck her dude! Me and you should go out, and prove that you don't need her!"

I stood up from the sofa, and ran to my room to get dressed. Minutes later, I came back out in a navy blue suit, and brown dress shoes. I went to grab my keys, as Sal made his way to the front door.

"I should have known...she's been distant for weeks, and I thought it was because I hadn't treated her right. I mean we haven't had sex in ages! It's because she was getting it from that dick!" He was angry, and completely understood why. That was a douche move that Sara pulled.

"A little more info than I needed to know, but we'll show her!" I replied, as we got into the car and made our way to the restaurant. Once we were in and seated, Sal held up his glass, preparing for a toast. He gestured for me to hold my glass up too, as he began his small speech.

"Here's to a new life, without bitches." He stated, clinking our drinks together, before he guzzled down the whole contents of his glass.

As the evening went on, I tried to subtly make moves on him, showing that I would love and care for him, way better than that bitch, Sara, would have done. By the time we had arrived home, Sal and I had become very quiet. I'm not sure if it was awkward, or just the fact that we were both very tired. Sal kicked his shoes off, and took a seat on the sofa. I soon joined him, as I switched the TV on, just for some background noise. After a little while of just sitting there, not a word being spoken, Sal decided to speak up. He turned to me, placing his palm against my thigh.

"You know what, James...I had a better time with you in one night, than I ever had with Sara. You cared for me, and I can't thank you enough for it. Um, how do I say this...would you, er...would you maybe like to, I don't know, try and be more than friends?" He stuttered. I looked at him, a wide smile sprawling across my face. I pounced forward, my hands wrapping around his neck, as I planted kisses all over his cheeks, before finally reaching his lips.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this to happen, Sal!" I exclaimed, as he chuckled lightly. His arms curled around my torso, as he hugged me tightly.

We spent the rest of the night cuddled up, and watching show after show. Finally, finally, I had him where I wanted him. Years I have waited for this day, and now he knows how much I want to love him, care for him, and just be the best damn boyfriend in the world.

Impractical Jokers Requests Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now