Emily x Murr

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Emily's POV

"Excuse me, Miss?" A man called to me, as I turned in my chair to see who it was exactly speaking to me.


"I couldn't help but notice that you seemed to have dropped your wallet to the floor." The man spoke, kneeling down to the floor.

He took my wallet in his hands, before looking up, letting his eyes lock onto mine. I took in the shade of his orbs staring back at me. A small smile played on his lips, as he moved from his spot on the floor, soon taking a seat opposite me.

"Thank you." I thanked, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, as the man kept his eyes on me, seeming to be lost in a daze of some sorts. "I would have left here without it."

"Now we wouldn't want that to happen now, would we?" He chuckled, as he offered me his hand. "I'm James by the way, but my friends call me Murr."

"Emily." I stated, taking him up on the offer of his hand. A pause came between us, as I peered down to the study books in front of me. "I should probably get back to my studying, finals and all that."

"I should too," He agreed, as he stood to his feet. "Listen, would it be a bit forward if I asked you out on a date?"

I watched, as Murr's cheeks darkened in colour. "Because there's something about you that I want to get to know more of, Emily."

"A date would be nice." I smiled in response. "What were your plans if I had said no?"

He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, as he shook his head.

"Honestly, I would have kept making excuses to talk to you." He admitted sheepishly. "I've seen you here in the library often within the past couple of weeks, and I told myself that I must talk to her...and here I am."

"Here you are," I smirked, raising an eyebrow at him. "So..."

"So..." He nodded. "Meet me at the campus fountain at eight, and I'll take you someplace special."


I sat on the stone wall surrounding the campus fountain, as the sun slowly began to set over the horizon. Peering down to my watch, I took note that the time was 7:57pm. I had gotten there slightly earlier, but it would show Murr that I was excited for our date for the night.

Amidst the sounds of the world around me, I soon heard the clearing of a throat, as I turned around, coming to find Murr stood a few feet behind me. He smiled small, as he stepped closer to me.

"Hi," He greeted, as I took in his outfit. He was dressed in some jeans, with a baby blue shirt and navy waistcoat. Around his neck, he wore a bowtie to match. "You look amazing!"

"Well thank you," I chuckled, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. "You really went all out on your outfit tonight."

"Dressed special for a special girl." Murr commented, as he held his hand out for me to hold. "Shall we?"

"We shall." I nodded, accepting the offer of his hand.

Guiding me along the path, Murr clearly had an idea in his head on where exactly he wanted to take me for our date. It was evident that he had been planning this for a long time...a really long time.

We continued on our walk, talking and getting to know one another more, before the shops lining the street came into view in the distance. Stopping outside of a small coffee shop, Murr turned to me, as his eyes met with mine.

"Stay here, I just need to collect something for us." He instructed, hesitating slightly, before leaning in to press a kiss to my cheek.

I watched on, as he made his way into the building, soon returning with a picnic basket in hand. With his free arm, Murr gestured for me loop my arm through his, as he led me down the road.

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