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ANNOUNCEMENT: You'll Never Be Lonely ~ Sneak peek at the next book in the Sal x Bryony series will be posted on Tuesday November 6th at 5pm (UK)! Official start date is yet to be confirmed. Thank you for your patience :)


Happy Halloween! Those of you who know me, know that I'm a dork and that Venom killed me. So, what do I go and do? I go and make that shit into an IJ AU...because like, what else would I do?

Third Person POV

"Huh," Brian spoke aloud, as he was reading over the evening news that had flashed up on his computer.

"What is it?" Sal, his roommate of two years, asked, moving to sit opposite his friend at the table.

"It says here to be warned." Brian explained, scanning over the article, as his brows furrowed in perplexity. "Apparently, some new virus is taking over the island."

"V-Virus?" Sal gulped, his eyes wide with fear, as Brian shot him a disapproving look, and rolled his eyes.

"Sal, it's probably just some cold." He scoffed, shaking his head. "You and your damn fear of germs."

"It's not a fear!" Sal protested. "I just...prefer to be clean."

"There's clean, and then there's your version of clean, Buddy." Brian taunted, knowing that he could get away with it, seeing as he had been friends with Sal since the beginning of high school.

"Nothing wrong with that." Sal defended, half shrugging; too tired to argue with his friend. "What are the symptoms?"

"Er..." Brian read through the list, before slowly looking up from the screen to lock eyes with Sal. "Vomiting, hallucinations, excessive sweating, and...huh, that's weird."

"Wh-What's weird?" Sal questioned, growing more nervous as each symptom was read out to him. "Brian, tell me!"

"It says that black veins can appear across the body, and it can even change the colour of your eyes."

Leaping up from his seat, Sal raced to the mirror hanging on the bathroom wall of their apartment, pulling at the collar of his shirt, checking for any of the signs. Leaning in closer, he studied his pupils, sighing in relief at the normal army green held within his orbs.

"You're being paranoid, Sal." Brian chuckled from behind, startling the man in the process, as Sal turned to him, smiling sheepishly.

"It's what I do." He shrugged.

"I'm sure we'll both be fine." Brian reassured, placing a comforting hand to the man's shoulder. "We ought to get to bed, we have that early start tomorrow, and I don't know about you, but I need my beauty sleep."

"Yeah," Sal scoffed. "And lots of it."

"Hurtful." Brian frowned whimsically, moving his hand to over his heart.

"I still don't know how you've had more girls than me."

"You're just jealous." Brian smirked, nudging his elbow into Sal's side. "I'm just a chick magnet, and you're more of a chick repellent."

"Who's being hurtful now?" Sal sighed, shaking his head.

The two friends headed their separate ways into their bedrooms, bidding one another goodnight, before closing their doors behind them; Brian being the one to forget and move on from the news of the virus that was spreading across Staten Island, meanwhile, it was all that raced through Sal's mind. He wasn't a one to not get panicked over such a fear, he always hated getting ill.

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