All Of Me (Sal x Samantha) - Part One

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Tears were streaming down her face; her hands shaking ominously in her lap, as Sal, whose face was emotionless and rigid, stared across the room at the girl. His eyes studied his wife, his jaw clenched and hands balled into fists at his side. A heavy sigh escaped him, as he shook his head, before moving to sit beside the girl.

"Look," Sal started to provide her with an explanation, before Samantha cut him off, shoving him back.

"You're an asshole, I don't want to hear it, Sal!" She wept, fighting the urge to push and shove at him more. "You told me on the day that we were married that you always wanted a family, and now that shit is getting real, you're trying to back out."

She brought her hand to her face, wiping away the tears that were still willingly rolling down her cheeks. "That's not fair on me, know that it's not."

"I-I know," Sal acknowledged shakenly. "But let me ex-!"

"You could have done that before pinning all of the blame on me for falling pregnant!" She screamed at him; her patience wearing thin. "You could have worn a condom, or you know, actually pull out in time for once!"

"Hey!" Sal shouted back. "I didn't hear you complaining when I came inside you, in fact, I distinctively remember you telling me to do so!"

"Because I wanted to start a family, Sal! I want to have a baby with, I wanted a baby with you, but..."

"But what?"

"How can I when this is how you're reacting to the news?" Samantha sniffled, shaking her head defeatedly. "You knew all along that I wanted to start a family together, what's changed?"

"I'm just...not ready," Sal answered, averting his attention to the bedroom floor. "I thought that I was...but I like it just being me and you, Babe."

"If you're not ready now, when will you ever be, Sal?" She sobbed, her emotions all over the place. "We worked hard to get to where we are today; a beautiful wedding that made us man and wife, a house big enough to be the home of our children – two, three, maybe even four...and yet, here we are, having the same argument, only this time it's real."

She turned to her side, taking the pregnancy test in her hands and studying the positive results through soft tears. "There's no going back now, this is it...I'm pregnant with your kid, and to hell with you if you think I'd ever get rid of them."

"I'd never make you go through that." Sal interrupted without hesitation. "It just took me by surprise..."

"What makes you say that?" Samantha asked, searching his eyes for some reassurance, before Sal averted his gaze to his feet, sighing deeply.

"Think about it," He expressed. "We've been married for three years, not once thought to use any precautions, you'd think that you'd have gotten knocked up long before now."

"Doesn't that make you feel that this baby is even more special? A miracle?"

"I guess..." Sal answered quietly, shame and remorse washing over him.

Samantha choked back another breath, her face sorrowful and stained with emotional turmoil. She shook her head, as more tears stung their way down her cheeks; the sight only adding to the regret stabbing at Sal's heart.

"Now's not the time for guesses, Sal." Samantha managed to bring herself to say, her voice torn and wrecked to no extent. "You can come and find me when you're ready to be the man I married."

She went to leave, feeling something tug firmly at her arm to stop her from leaving. Bringing herself to look back at him, Samantha was met by a broken man; his smile that he always wore non-existent, only to be replaced by tears and a frown that didn't suit him.

"Please don't go," Sal whispered. "I'm nothing without you...I won't last a day on my own."

She couldn't face him any longer, the sight of the man that she loved with every ounce of her heart was also the cause for her sadness, for her pain. They had fought through ups and downs over the years spent by each other's sides; although, this time, it felt as though it was the end of the road. "Samantha, I love you."

With her heart breaking in her chest, Samantha scooted further away from the man, as Sal picked up on her movement. He turned his head to her with pleading eyes; the same ocean green orbs that had made her fall for him the first place, seven years ago. The same eyes that Samantha had stared lovingly into on the day of their wedding over three years ago, and the same sight she knew she couldn't turn away from, as he held his hand out to her.

Caving so easily, Samantha accepted the offer of his hand, as Sal shifted nearer to her side, leaning in to press a kiss to her cheek, before he broke the connection of their hands and snaked his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry for the way I've acted towards you...and I know that there's no excuse for it, but my only reason is that once this baby is born we're not going to have as much time alone together...and I just...I know that I'm going to miss you, I'm going to miss being with you...intimately." Sal poured his heart out to the girl, as his eyes began to glisten under the bedroom light.

"Sal, we will still have us time." Samantha expressed sorrowfully, placing her hand to his cheek and caressing his coarse facial hair gently. "We will still have that, and have a beautiful baby that we made together...isn't that what you want? Our own little mini me or you running around the house?"

Sal swallowed hard, nodding his head in response. He couldn't bring himself to speak, his words stuck in his throat, as he took Samantha's hand in his, squeezing her palm softly.

"It's all I've ever wanted with you, Sammy...I just got scared." He simpered.

"It is scary, terrifying if anything." Samantha shrugged. "But I know that we can do this, as long as we have each other, this parenting thing should be a piece of cake."

"You're too good for me, you should have kicked my ass out the door the moment I got mad at you." Sal half-heartedly chuckled, pulling at his sleeve to wipe away at the single tear that was daring to sting its way down his face.

"Believe me I wanted to," Samantha smirked, nudging the man in his side playfully. "Still mad at me?"

"I could never stay mad at you for long." Sal simpered. "I was wrong to react the way that I did, I love you and I love our baby."

Sal settled his hand at her stomach, his emotions getting the better of him. "I'm sorry..."

"Apology accepted." She smiled in return. "Now,"

Samantha draped her arms over his shoulders, letting her fingers fiddle with the end of his hair. "Where were we?"

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