IJ (Harry Potter AU)

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Merely based on Philosopher's Stone, not meant to be accurate. Details have been changed to fit the characters better.

Moving throughout the train carriages, Brian Potter, who once thought that he was just like any other ordinary boy at the age of eleven, searched for a spare seat. He could hear the crashes and bangs of spells being casted by other students, before he came to a stop outside one of the booths that had its door left open. Stepping in, he came across a boy, who was a similar age to himself. The stranger looked up to Brian, offering him a smile and held out his hand.

"I'm Sal, Sal Weasley." He stated, as Brian accepted his hand, before taking a seat opposite him.

"I'm Brian Potter." He replied, witnessing Sal's eyebrows furrow.

"As in the Brian Potter?"

"The very same." Brian smiled. "Is it your first time to Hogwarts too?"

"Yep," Sal nodded. "My older brothers are going into their third and last year, so I know roughly what is ahead of us."

Brian went to speak, when the door to the carriage was pulled open, as a girl stepped in. She looked between the two, arching her eyebrows slightly at Sal, before taking a seat next to Brian. Exchanging a glance with Sal, Brian cleared his throat, as he shifted in his seat to face the girl properly.

"I'm Brian, and this here is Sal. What's your name?" He asked, as the girl looked at him, before brushing a fallen strand of hair to behind her ear.

"[Y/N] Granger." She answered quietly. "I know who you are, you're Brian Potter."

"Why is everyone so fascinated with who I am?" Brian questioned, turning to look at Sal.

"You were the boy who lived! He who shall not be named couldn't kill you!" Sal exclaimed. He leaned in closer, whispering to Brian. "Can we, er...can we see it?"

"See what?"

"The scar." Sal answered, the hope in his eyes evident.

Brian placed his palm to his forehead, brushing his fringe back, exposing a lightning bolt shaped scar on the right side of his forehead. An audible gasp came from Sal, as he reached across to Brian, placing a finger to the mark staining his temple. "Bloody hell, it really is you!"

"Ow!" Brian shouted, pushing the boy back into his seat. "Don't touch it!"

"Sorry." Sal apologised sheepishly. "I couldn't help myself."


Arriving outside of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the mass of first year students gathered into a group, following after Professor McGonagall, as she took them on a tour of the grounds. She came to a stop at the top of the stairs, turning around to face the students, as one barged their way to the front.

"Out the way, Potter." The boy hissed, pushing Brian to one side.

"How does he know my name?" Brian whispered to Sal.

"That's Joe Malfoy, he's a nasty piece of work." Sal shrugged. "Just ignore him."

"Filthy mudblood," Joe spat in the direction of [Y/N], as she cowered, trying her best to not show her upset.

"What's a mudblood?" Brian asked quietly, as [Y/N] turned to him, sighing deeply.

"It's a term used against muggle-born wizards and witches...like me. It means dirty blood." She explained, shrugging her shoulders, completely defeated.

"Come back, Trevor!" A boy called out, as he fell to the floor at the feet of Professor McGonagall, catching his pet toad in his hands. He peered upwards, coming to find her stern glare eyeing him up and down. "Sorry, Professor."

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