"Don't panic, Darling" (Brian x Reader)

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Okay so this is based on a dream I had and it was too good to not use as a chapter. Also loosely based on the show I went to. I woke up shook af.

Also kind of based around me and my birthday today so you know, adapt it more for yourself :)

Second Person POV

Tonight was the night, the night that I'd get to see my four favourite people in the whole entire world perform their live show, here at the O2 Arena in London. I couldn't believe that I had managed to get seats in the second row. Like, they'd be right there in front of me, I didn't know how I was going to react.

The countdown was on, a mere ten minutes until the show started, and let's just say that I was beyond excited. I was shaking, the enjoyment riding through my body. The lights went down, as the support act walked onto the stage. He was pretty funny, and even walked amongst the audience. Towards the end, he started a karaoke, where Steve had the whole audience singing Mr. Brightside. As the second chorus came about, out ran my four saviours, leaping about and singing their hearts out. They brought children from the audience up onto the stage, as the audience erupted. I watched, as Sal pulled a young boy up onto his shoulders, singing along to the song. Joe and Murray were singing into their microphones, dancing about, as Brian ran around on the stage. The song came to an end, as the Jokers stood there, waving to the crowd.

"Alright, thanks for a great night, safe journeys home everyone." Brian joked, as he peered at his watch. Joe tapped on his shoulder, shaking his head, as he laughed. "What? Oh...we'll see you in about ten minutes." Brian added with a wink, before they all left the stage.

I took a seat, my heart practically beating out of my chest. I was not expecting them to make an appearance during the support, I was completely taken aback by their surprise entry, plus the added emotion that I felt seeing them have the time of their lives.

After a short interval, the lights once again faded to dark, as the audience chanted 'Let's get sexy!'. With that, Sal, Joe, Murray, and Brian all walked on stage, settling right into the start of their show. I sat there, completely mesmerized being in their presence. Throughout the show, the four of them picked on certain members of the audience, at one point coming close to choosing me. My heart raced, desperate not to be the centre of attention. If there's anything I can't stand, it's having to be laughed at by a crowd of people – that's the downfall of having social anxiety.

"We love you guys, thanks so much for supporting us. We have the best fans in the world, and the UK is like our second home." Sal announced, before the ending music started, 'Thank You For Being A Friend'.

The crowd stood up, including me, as we applauded the four idiots up on stage. Confetti began to fall from the ceiling, as they waved and posed for photos. Brian ran around, shooting t-shirts out of the cannon, before dropping it to the floor, doing the Martian hula hoop. The audience began to seep towards the stage, and I became clustered amongst them. My breathing started to deepen, the sharp pain in my side becoming evident. I knew what was happening, I was having a panic attack, being overwhelmed by the mass of the crowd. Tears filled my eyes, as my hands ran through my hair. I looked around, searching for an exit, wanting space to take a breather. I looked up to the stage, my vision blurred from my tears. I could just about make out the guys, Sal was over the other side, being his sassy self, Murray was posing for photos, as Joe messed with him, trying to ruin the shots. As my eyes scanned the stage, they came across Brian. He was frozen, looking at me with worry. He slid to his knees, clambering down from the stage, and ran up to me. He gripped onto my hand, escorting me through the crowd and through a door to the backstage corridor. He walked me through to a small room, letting me have a seat, as my body trembled uncontrollably, the tears never seeming to stop. Brian crouched down in front of me, placing a hand to my nervously bouncing knee.

"Don't panic, Darling. Everything's going to be okay, I promise." He spoke calmly, his voice warm and comforting. I looked up, my line of vision locking with his, as he smiled sweetly. "What happened out there, Sweetheart?"

"I-I...the-the...crowd..." I stammered, trying to find words to make up a sentence, but to no avail. My tongue became tangled, as my lips sewed shut, forbidding me to speak. Brian shushed me comfortingly.

"Hey, hey..." He softly whispers. "It's okay, take your time."

I took a deep breath, nodding my head, as my hands trembled in my lap. I peered down, as Brian followed my gaze, instantly noticing my hands. He clasped his hand around my right hand, the warmth of his palm being an immediate calming tool for me. I feel him squeeze my fist in support, as my eyes scan the room around me.

"I-I had a panic attack." I finally managed to get out, making Brian frown sympathetically. He stood up, bending over to hug me, before moving to sit next to me, one arm remaining wrapped around my shoulders.

"It's okay, you're safe now with me." He commented with a smile. "How old are you, Sweetheart?"

"I'm 19."

"Wow, you're a youngen." He responded.

"Hey now, I'm still grown." I countered with a smile, gaining a hearty chuckle out of the man.

Brian sat with me for what seemed like ages, distracting me from my thoughts. We heard the door handle to the room rattle, before Sal, Joe, and Murray all seeped into the room. At first they were too revolved around their conversation that they hadn't noticed me, until Sal crossed his eyebrows.

"There you are, Bri...who's this?" He queried, tilting his head slightly, looking a little perplexed.

"This is...er?" Brian started, looking at me, awaiting to hear my name.

"[Y/N]..." I whispered, my voice timid and weak.

"This is [Y/N]. She was a little overwhelmed by the crowds, so I brought her out here to help her to calm down." He smiled proudly, his hand squeezing my shoulder softly.

"Nice to meet you, Kid." Joe smiled, as he walked over to the sofa, and took a seat. Brian shook his head, laughing lightly.

"I wouldn't say that, she's grown according to her." Brian joked, winking at me, as he chuckled. I smiled hard, my cheeks blushing. I lightly pushed at his shoulder, shaking my head, as I stifled a laugh.

Brian kept me by his side, until they were informed that the arena was now empty. I was escorted out by security, after having thanked Brian for helping me. Brian asked to walk with us, just to make sure that I met up with my party safely. We walked through to the lobby area, where I saw my parents waiting for me, looking terribly worried. Brian walked up to them, shaking them by the hand.

"Sorry to worry you, but I saw her get flustered amongst the crowds and knew that I had to get her out of there." Brian stated, as my parents shook their heads.

"No need to apologise, thank you so much for helping her. I'm sure she really appreciated it." My mother smiled, to which she was right.

Brian turned to me, pulling me into one last hug, as he crouched down to my eye level. I'm not that short, but compared to Brian, he towered over me. He placed both of his hands on either one of my shoulders, his eyes staring into mine.

"Now, next time you feel like that, remember that it's all going to be okay. See you next time, [Y/N]." He smiled, before walking back with the security guard. I was confused by his last words, how did he know that I was going to even manage to get tickets? My question was soon answered, as Brian turned around, calling out to me. "I'll have my people contact you and get you front row tickets!"

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