Brian x Reader - tshirt

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Brian's POV

You'd think you'd grow to know someone for all that they are within the space of two years, but I was wrong. The girl that I had grown to love left me; no explanation, no warning...nothing. I couldn't work out what it was that I had done wrong; you left me a heartbroken mess.

Faded red, short sleeves
I can't forget the way you looked without your jeans on
It's in my drawer and you're all I dream, so
I had to let you know you left it here with me

Pulling open the drawers to my dresser, my eyes fell on the tee that had been thrown in there amongst my own, and yet it stuck out over anything else. Maybe it was because all my mind could think about was you, or maybe it was because I was still wounded by the way you up and left me all of a sudden. I thought that I had given you my all, but I appear mistaken.

I pulled my phone out from my back pocket, unlocking the device and opening up my message threads. There, at the top of the list was your name; it was as though you had forced a dagger through my heart all the way through to the other side, bleeding with everything that I ever felt for you. Reminders of you were everywhere.

It kills me to admit that I still want this bad
And I try to forget all the feelings I had
But each time that I look in my closet, I can't
'Cause I still got your tshirt, do you want it back?

B: Found your tshirt, do you want it back?

No was to be expected from you.

I laid down on my bed, clasping the cotton in my hand, bringing the material up to my face, inhaling the scent that still lingered upon the shirt of you. It broke my heart to know that I wasn't enough to deserve you; I tried my best to be everything that you wanted in a man, but I wasn't the right match. I admit I had my issues, but doesn't everyone? You're no angel, either.

I gave you love and all you did was leave first
Then you told that I shouldn't be hurt
I tried to hide it but it couldn't be worse
You broke my heart and all I got was this tshirt

With my eyes shut, I embraced the silence of my house; one that was once full of laughter and love. I remember the time that you tried to cook me breakfast, almost burning down my kitchen. Every room held a treasured memory that I shared with you; the girl who made me the man that I am today.

Are you proud of yourself? Building my hopes up, feeding me lies daily that we were going to be together forever? What was it that I did wrong to lose you? All I can remember is treating you like a queen; giving you everything, all the way down to the last penny to my name.

But it wasn't enough. It never was.

Something 'bout the way I love you seems cursed
But I've learnt karma tends to be a b-word
So, I hope you get everything you deserve
You broke my heart and all I got was this tshirt

The day that we had met was something that I thought about a lot, especially now that I have lost you; lost you to a better man. He will give you everything it is that you really want, I know that. Things happen for a reason. Clearly, we were never destined to be, but that doesn't mean that I can't be sad over the fact that we are no more.

We were good together; I know you believe it too. Your hand fitted into mine perfectly, holding onto me securely. I never wanted to let you go. Ever. But you were fighting to be set free; to spread your wings and fly.

I'd burn it in a fire if I didn't know the smell
I'd bury it six feet deep if that would help
I'd hold onto it longer, but you don't like being held
So, I'd really like to see you so that maybe I could tell you

I laid the shirt out onto the bed in front of me, picturing it clouding your body, just like how it used to do. Our lazy days were out brightest; the most fun that we could have ever had, snuggled up in each other's worlds like no one else even existed, and now that you're gone, I'm lost without you.

I loved you...

...I still kind of do.

I don't know how or why; you fucking broke me, Y/N.

Maybe this time, you could take one of mine
And maybe this time, everything would be fine
So maybe tonight, we could run alright so
Maybe it's time, we should give it a try

Y/N: Keep it.

That's all you said.

That's all you could bring yourself to say? After all that we've been through?

I missed you. My heart ached to have you in my arms again; to feel your skin against mine, embraced so tightly into my chest like we were the same person. I lived for you, breathed for you. You were the light at the end of the tunnel; hope and guidance, leading me to a better and happier life.

All that effort came crashing down to the nothingness that I had once believed. I was back to square one as soon as the words fell from your mouth. Those lips always felt so soft against mine; your kisses were like an angel's touch.

I adored the way that your skin felt against my fingertips, as I traced them down your body, pulling at the clothes to see all of you. We had more than just sex, we had a bond; I felt tied to you and I wouldn't change a damn thing about the way that we were. I loved the sound of my name pouring through your lips; I loved the connection that held us together as we made love with each other, creating music that only lovers could ever make.

Now, I was all lies.

Taking one last hit at the scent that lingered upon the tee, with tears in my eyes, I discarded it to the floor, knowing that in my heart it could never be thrown away. It meant too much to me; you meant too much to me.

Tshirt, this tshirt
You broke my heart and all I got was this tshirt
Tshirt, this stupid fucking tshirt
You broke my heart and all I got was this tshirt

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