Joe x Reader

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Joe's POV

It had been a long ass day for me, the boys had punished me by dressing me up as a damn genie, and made me fly around the set. I got bashed about, even having a whack to the throat by a fucking rug. It hurt man. I just wanted to get back to my wife, [Y/N], she always knows what to say to make me feel better. The guys had painted me bright purple, the colour tinging my skin. I had on yellow puffy pants, with a red waistcoat over my shoulders. They had painted on a little beard on my chin, before hooking me up to some ropes.

"Genie does as you wish." I repeated constantly, after being flown around the stage. I was told that it was impossible for me to flip, but guess what fucking happened...yep, I flipped upside down. I clung on for dear life onto my ropes, as I was slowly lowered back down to the ground. I must be honest, I've never heard an audience gasp that loud before. I could hear the three idiots in my earpiece pissing themselves laughing at my unfortunate mishaps.

"Hey Joe, can you punch a wall for me?" I heard Q ask. I spun around, punching my fist against what I thought was just a typical Styrofoam wall, but knowing my luck, it was the one wall that was made of stronger material. I genuinely felt my fingers click in and out of place. It was horrible! My ropes then pulled me up into the air, swinging me back, before I was launched across the stage, smashing through a glass door – sugar glass of course – but still, that shit hurt like a mofo.

"Guys, please tell me that's the end?" I pleaded, as the show came to an end. The curtain closed, and I stormed off of the stage into the backroom. I watched, as the door crept open, with three guilty faces walking into the room.

"Sorry, Joe, but that was hilarious..." Sal stated, a sly smile pulling at his lips. I rolled my eyes, as I scrubbed at the paint smothering my skin.

"We didn't know that you were going to flip like that." Murray commented guiltily. I glared at him, before returning to my task of getting the damn colour of purple off of my skin. In all honesty, I was worried that I was going to be purple forever. I did eventually forgive them, seeing as it was only for the show, but even so...I was already planning my revenge for those idiots.

I drove myself home that evening, pulling up onto the driveway. Through the front window, I could see her sat on the sofa, all cuddled up underneath a blanket, watching probably her favourite show, as always. I grabbed my belongings, before making my way out of the car and up to the door. I slipped my key into the lock, pushing the door open. I chucked my bag to the floor, kicking my shoes off, before shuffling my way into the living room. Immediately, [Y/N] looked at me, offering that wonderful smile I had fallen in love with. I took a seat beside her, pulling her into my arms, as I placed a kiss to her temple.

"Hey, Joey. How'd filming go today?" She asked, wrapping her arm around my front, and hugging me tightly. I let out a deep sigh, causing her to look up at me. She smiled weakly. "Not good then I'm guessing."

"You can say that again, Beautiful. They made me dress as a genie, I was flung about in all directions, and I have bruises up and down my entire body from being thrown into set pieces. I was throated by a rolled up rug, even thrown through sugar glass." I explained. [Y/N] made a sad pouty face, one that she knew I couldn't resist. I leant across, kissing her softly, gently pushing her back against the sofa. I held myself above her, as I kissed her passionately, before moving down to her neck. She started to giggle, my affection clearly tickling her.

"Joey stop, the kids are upstairs." She laughed. I didn't listen, I just continued to kiss a trail along her skin.

"Eh, they'll understand when they're older." I muttered between kisses. I pulled the blanket over the top of us, as I made my way down her body, my hands clasped at her hips, as I looked up, smiling at her. Just then, we heard the stampede of footsteps run down the stairs, before three little miracles entered the room. I quickly jumped off of [Y/N], returning to my seat beside her.

"Hey, Dad." Our eldest son at six years of age, [Y/S/N], greeted us.

"Hey, Sport. How was school today?" I asked, the three of them ran up to us, joining us on the sofa.

"I got top marks in my Maths test." He smiled proudly.

"That's my boy!" I exclaimed, high-fiving him. I pulled our four year old daughter, [Y/D/N], onto my lap, placing a kiss to her cheek. "And how was your day, Sweetheart?"

"Good!" She giggled. "At school we made our own masks!"

"Woah, my little artist in the making." I smiled, pulling her into a hug. Finally, I made it to our little one year old boy, [Y/2ndS/N]. I pulled him up onto my other knee, ruffling his light brown curls of hair. He was the only child of ours that I had managed to claim his eyes. He had bright blue orbs, identical to mine, and the most darling little smile a little man like that could have. "Hey Little Man, did you have a fun day with Mumma?"

My son nodded his head, letting me see his cute ass smile that was hidden away behind his pacifier. I couldn't help but smile at my family surrounding me. I had a beautiful wife, who was there by my side through everything. I had a son, who was a maths genius and the kindest of the souls. I had a daughter, who was fabulous in the making, and I had a little boy, who was the darn cutest ball of love I could wish for. It was times like these that I was thankful to have them, even after a punishment day at work, they always knew how to make me smile. I couldn't ask for anything better in life.

The family settled down for the evening, watching a movie, just spending time as the five of us. The three kiddos were all passed out by the time the film had ended. I carried my eldest son and my daughter in my arms, as [Y/N] carried [Y/2ndS/N] up the stairs behind me. We put them to bed in their rooms, making sure that they were tucked in to keep warm, before making our way downstairs. I sat on the sofa, as [Y/N] cuddled into my chest. The television was rattling away to itself in the background, as we talked the night away. One kiss led to another, as I once again held myself above her, without the interruption of our children this time, thankfully.

"Just make sure you wrap it up this time, Joey." [Y/N] giggled. "Three is enough for now I think."

"You're probably right there." I chuckled, before settling for just snuggling under the blanket with her for the rest of the night.

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