Best Friend (Brian x Reader) - Part One

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((Will do a part two only if people actually want it))

Brian's POV

The scent of her still lingered upon the denim jacket clasped firmly in my hand, as I slumped myself down on my sofa that night, with the darkness creeping around me; only the deep orange glow of the street lamp from outside my living room window lighting my way.

She had been wearing my jacket all evening, all because she was getting cold and I had offered her mine as a gentlemanly gesture. It was a summer's evening, but admittedly there had been a sharp, bitter chill in the air.

My evening hadn't gone as exactly as I had originally planned. I was expecting to bring the girl back to my place, where we could continue our talks and just get to know each other better...but she seemed uninterested. I can't blame her for that, either.

[Y/N] and I had met a couple of weeks back, and exchanged numbers there on the spot. We had spent those weeks planning and organising a date night, which ultimately backfired. I could have sworn that we were a better match than how it came across, but I guess that I was wrong. Severely wrong.

I should have stayed at home
'Cause right now I see all these people that love me but I still feel alone

Thoughts raced around my mind that night; how could I have made things better between us? What was it that I had done wrong? Did I say the wrong thing?

I couldn't help but feel that I was to blame, that I was the reason behind her declining my invite back to my place. Granted, probably not the ideal way to ask her, seeing as it could have meant so much more. But, I know for one, that I just wanted to spend more time with the girl. She seemed cool and I felt like we had so many things in common with one another.

Can't help but check my phone
I could have made you mine

Nothing. I had heard absolutely nothing from her since we bade our goodbyes in the parking lot an hour prior to my arrival home. Looking around the room, I sighed heavily. This was definitely not how I had intended my evening to end.

I wanted her, I wanted more of who she was. I wanted to be able to boast about how I had such an amazing person to call my own...but she thought otherwise. I, clearly, was not the kind of guy that she was looking for...and I have to learn that that's okay.'s not.

I needed her; my feelings for [Y/N] had developed so much in one night, that I knew that I had to have her, no matter how long it took me, I was going to make her see that we were meant to be together. Even if it kills me.

But no it wasn't meant to be and see I wasn't made for you and you weren't made for me
Though it seemed so easy...

I went to bed that night searching my own thoughts on a way to fix things, a way to make her realise that I was better than what she thought. I would do anything for her, carry her on my back, stand out in the pouring rain just to wait for her. I would spend my last penny on anything that she ever wanted, spoiling her rotten and being the reason behind the smile that I had grown to love so much.

And that's because I wanna be your favourite boy
I wanna be the one that makes your day

The next morning, I set out seemingly early and made my way over to her apartment block, parking my car up right outside. Peering into the rear-view mirror, I smoothed over my hair, dusted off my jacket and neatened up my collar, before exiting from the vehicle with a bouquet of her favourite flowers in my hand. I stepped up to the front door to the building, buzzing her apartment number.

"Hello?" Her soft voice came through the receiver, as I cleared my throat nervously and leaned closer to the speaker.

"[Y/N]? It's Brian..." I explained. "I was wondering if you had some free time now to go somewhere."

I heard her sigh in thought, dread and fear racing through my veins, as she stalled over her answer. I waited with bated breath, until finally, [Y/N] brought herself to answer me.

"Come on up."

With that, the front door unlocked, and I made my way inside, climbing the stairs to her apartment door. I studied the numbers upon each door, searching for her place, until I saw the silver lettering on the wooden surface, smiling nervously to myself.

I stood outside for longer than I had anticipated, my anxiety reaching an all-time high, as I tried to compose myself. Raising my hand to the door, I knocked softly, waiting for not too long, before [Y/N] pulled open the front door.

She stood in an oversized sweatshirt, and blue and white striped shorts. Her hair fell over her shoulder in such a way that my heart began to race inside of my chest. I adored her in every way possible.

The one you think about as you lie awake
I can't wait to be your number one

"Hi," My breath caught in my throat, causing a flattered blush to sweep across her face, as she cowered slightly, averting her gaze away from my face.

"Come in." She offered, as I followed after her, passing over the flowers that I had been gripping tightly in my hand. "Thank you, how did you know that these were my favourite?"

"I remember you saying." I shrugged innocently, as though it wasn't a big deal.

[Y/N] led me through into her living room, gesturing to her sofa, as I took a seat, with her soon sitting to my side. "Listen, about last night..."

"Brian, it's okay." She smiled, placing a hand to my knee. "It should be me apologising to you."

"Why's that?"

"Because I know you meant well, but when you asked me back to your place, I panicked." She expressed regretfully. "I wanted to see you again, honest."

"Then how come you didn't text me? Call me?" I asked almost desperately, my eyes searching hers for some sort of reassurance.

"I was scared that you wouldn't want anything to do with me since I-"

"Never." I cut her words off, shaking my head. "I would never think that of you."

I sighed shakenly, before taking her hand in mine – admittedly, rather hesitantly – as I brought my lips down to meet with the back of her hand and kissed gently. "You've made such an impact on my heart in the short space that I've known you, [Y/N]."

I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine
But I still wanna break your heart and make you cry...

"Are you willing to give me a second chance?" The words slipped passed my lips before I could even stop myself from talking, as she locked her eyes onto mine.

It felt as though the whole world around me had come to a stop, as I studied the irises watching over me. The different pigments of [E/C] coming together to create the most beautiful eyes that I had ever seen.

I watched, as a nervous smile began to pull at her lips. Her arms moved to slowly intertwine around my neck, as my hands ran down her back; my fingertips brushing softly over the fabric of her sweatshirt, before clasping firmly around the hem of the material.

Without warning, [Y/N] brought her lips to meet with mine, as she kissed me with every ounce of passion that was held in her body. The sweet taste of her filled every crevice of my mouth, as I settled into the kiss, meeting with her rhythm.

Her fingers found their way into my hair, raking through the thick strands, as I tightened my embrace around her body, pulling the girl to straddle at my waist. I could feel her smile print against my lips, as the intimate moment between us soon deepened. She melted into me, as we became one.

This was everything that I had ever dreamed of; she was finally giving into my advances, allowing me a chance to show her who I really am and how good we would be more ways than one.

You're gonna wanna be my best friend baby
You're gonna wanna be my best friend

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