Lay All Your Love On Me (Brian x Reader)

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Lyrics are from the movie version of the song, not the original.

Request sent privately.

Third Person POV

I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every man that I see is a potential threat
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice

"[Y/N], don't lie to me, I saw you with him." Brian confronted, as you rolled your eyes from across the bedroom, attempting to tie your mess of hair into a loose bun.

"He's just a bellhop here, Brian." You replied, noticing in the reflection of the mirror the reaction of your boyfriend, as he pulled a doubtful face. "Don't do that."

"Don't do what?" Brian scoffed, as he pulled his shirt over his head, undressing for bed.

"That stupid face you do when you don't believe me."

"Only face I've got, Babe." He shot back. "Like it or leave it."

"What's your problem today?" You questioned, turning to the man and folding your arms across your chest.

"I don't know, you tell me." Brian shrugged, unbuckling his belt and letting his pants pool at his ankles, before kicking the material off. "Why were you talking to him in the first place?"

"Because he works here!" You shouted at the man. "All I did was thank him for taking our bags up to our room. Get over it."

"Yeah, okay." Brian sighed agitatedly. "It was the way that you said it."

"In my normal voice?" You were confused, trying to understand what Brian was so angry about exactly.

"Thank you, oh you're so strong to carry all of that," Brian mocked, using his forefinger to twirl at the ends of his hair, batting his eyelashes and swinging his foot in a shy manner.

"I never said that, don't put words in my mouth." You scowled, stepping into the bathroom to brush your teeth.

"Oh, what a lovely island this is, so tell me, Cesare, how long have you been working here?" Brian continued to impersonate you, his actions only irritating you all the more.

You could see him out of the corner of your eye, still prancing around the room, overly mimicking the events from earlier that day. "Ooooh, Cesare, such a Greek name that is. I would love to have a bit of Greek in me..."

"Brian, shut up. None of that happened and you know it. Get over it and stop spoiling our vacation...please?" You were tired of this always being the case whenever you even looked at another man.

Brian was a very jealous and over protective boyfriend. He wanted you so much that he had to make it clear that you were his. He owned every part of you, and he despised any man that even attempted to make conversation with you – especially, when he was there right beside you at the time.

You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
But now it isn't true. Now everything is new
And all I've learned has overturned
I beg of you

You made your way back into the bedroom, switching the bathroom light off on your way out of the room, coming to find Brian sat on the end of the bed in his boxers, his stare fixated on the floor beneath him.

Changing into your pyjamas, you were packing some of your clothes back into the suitcase; to save you time on the day that you were leaving the island. An awkward silence consumed the room, before Brian sighed heavily, shifting himself on the bed, so that he was looking across at you.

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