Sal x Reader

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Sal's POV

So I met this girl, [Y/N], a while back. We've been on a few dates, and I just wanted to see her more. She's absolutely amazing; she's funny, adorable, beautiful, and someone I can just be myself around, which is what I want in my life. I met her when we were filming in the park the other week, and I can't say for her, but I felt an instant connection with the girl, from the moment I sat down on the bench beside her. I asked her for her phone number, and miraculously she agreed.

On our first date, I took [Y/N] out for dinner. I insisted that I paid for the entire evening, seeing as that was the gentlemanly thing to do, and I am a gentleman. The evening was amazing; the meal was delicious, and then afterwards we went for a moonlit walk around the park. It was so romantic. As we were walking, [Y/N] laid her head against my shoulder, and I can honestly say that I was already feeling the fireworks spark between us. I can't put into words how amazing she is. For our second date, I took her to a bike rentals place, and we went for a bike ride through the woodland area. It wouldn't be a date without me making a fool of myself, of course. Let me tell you what had been raining, so the ground was muddy and slippery. I was being an idiot and tried to show off by racing with [Y/N] through the woods on our bikes. My back wheel got caught in a sludge of mud, making my bike come to an immediate stop. I flew over the handlebars, landing in the mud pile below. The brown dirt seeped into my hair, and stained my clothes, it was a good thing that I was wearing old shorts and a tattered tee. [Y/N] jumped from her bike, letting it fall to the ground, as she came running up to me. I could tell by the crack in her voice that she was trying not to laugh. She helped me back onto my feet, as I brushed myself off. I thanked her, before making my way back to the bike, I'm not going to lie to was wedged in the sludge. It took the both of us ten freaking minutes to get the damn bike free. I'm just thankful that I didn't need to go to the hospital. My shoulder hurt for a few hours, but once I got some heat to it, it was all good.

Thankfully, [Y/N] agreed to go on a third date with me, which is where we are today. I felt that it was only fair for her to decide what we did this time, and do I regret it slightly? Yes. [Y/N] had decided to do an adventure trail, you know what that means...heights. But, if it meant that I get to spend time with her, then I'll do it. Who knows, maybe I'll like it in the end.

That afternoon, I picked her up from her apartment block, and drove her to the location. I parked up, before we walked hand-in-hand to the entrance. I could see the harnesses hanging up on the wall, knowing full well that we were soon to be hanging on for dear life – well, at least I would be. I paid for the both of us, much to her dismay. I knew that she didn't want me to pay for everything but I couldn't help myself. I have a way with arguments, meaning that I can win the battle almost every time.

"Are you ready for this?" [Y/N] asked me, as my breathing rate increased. I nodded my head, gulping hard, trying to convince her that I was. Our harnesses were hooked up to the system, before it was time for us to go. I followed her up the stairs, as we made our way to the first stage. It was a simple rope bridge, I could handle it...I hope. I watched [Y/N] make her way across with ease, she was a natural! I took my first step onto the wood that was only held up by a piece of rope. It started to swing, freaking me the fuck out. I jumped back to safety, running a hand through my hair. From the other side of the crossing, I could hear [Y/N] offering her support. "You can do it, Sal! I know you can!"

I composed myself, taking a deep breath, before I tried once again. This time I gripped tightly onto the ropes either side of me, as I slowly took it step by step along the rope bridge. I daren't to look down below, otherwise I'd never get off of this thing. As my feet landed back on firm ground, I breathed a sigh of relief. [Y/N] placed a hand to my back, checking that I was okay, before we made our way to the next stage. This one was even worse! It was just upright logs that were practically miles apart. There was no way I could do this, its official, I was trapped between these two stages forever. Even [Y/N] was nervous about this one, but she made it seem easy, as she stepped across to the other side. My hands curled around the safety ropes, my knuckles turning white from how tightly I was holding on. I placed one foot onto the first log, trying to keep my breathing normal. I shook my head, wincing at the gap between me and the ground below.

"I-I can't do it, [Y/N]!" I cried out, as tears filled my eyes. I know, I know, how manly of me. I froze in my place, shaking my head in panic. I tried to keep my breathing in control, wanting to avoid hyperventilating at all costs.

"Yes you can, Sal! I know it looks scary, but you've got this! You're securely strapped in, you won't fall...I promise you!" [Y/N] called back to me. I looked up, my eyes meeting with hers, as she offered me a sweet smile. I slowly made my way across, as she guided me step-by-step along the crossing. I eventually landed onto the other side, once again breathing a sigh of relief.

The two of us continued throughout the course, taking each stage as it came. I was beginning to get the hang of it, even though I was still shitting myself as each challenge arose. We eventually made it to the last stage. It was a rope swing that led to a net for you to climb. Let's just say that this brought back some horrific memories for me. I watched, as [Y/N] was hooked up to the swing, she turned back to smile at me, before she jumped from the ledge. She swung through the air, before crashing into the net, grabbing onto the ropes so that she could climb up to the end. Once she was on safe ground, I could see her jumping about in excitement.

"Sal, it was amazing! You've got to do it!" I could hear her faint voice shout from across the way. I quadruple checked that I was safely hooked up to the safety ropes, before gripping onto the rope swing. I took a deep breath, before letting my feet step from the edge. My eyes screwed shut, as I flew my way towards the net. I was screaming my head off, but hey, at least I did it, right?!

I went crashing into the net, letting me swing out once more, before I even attempted to grab ahold of it. I slowly clambered my way up the rope, pulling myself up onto the ledge. Once I was unhooked and freed from my harness, I made my way through the exit, meeting [Y/N] outside. She ran up to me, wrapping her arms around my torso. I pulled her into my embrace, as I placed a kiss to her head. She looked up at me, her entrancing [E/C] eyes staring into mine.

"Thank you for helping me get through all of that." I chuckled, causing her to giggle.

"I'm so proud of you for doing it, Sal. See, you can do these things." She smiled. It was at that moment that I felt it was time to take things to the next level. I leant down, pressing my lips against hers softly. I kissed her for a few seconds, before pulling away. My cheeks must have been bright red from embarrassment. I just hoped that it wasn't too soon to pull that move. [Y/N] looked at me, as I started to panic. "Sorry, was that...was that too so-?"

"Shut up and do it again." She interrupted, pulling me into another kiss, for longer this time. I can't tell you how amazing it felt to kiss her, she was absolutely perfect for me, and now I knew that for sure.

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