Tereza x Murr

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Request sent privately.

First Person POV

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you, James, but I want nothing to do with Brian! He's just a friend..." I expressed tearfully, growing sick and tired of my boyfriend continually throwing cheating accusations my way.

"I saw the way you laughed with him, Tereza," James argued. "I know that kind of laugh, you used to do it after everything I said."

He shook his head, sighing to himself. "I know what Brian's like, once he wants a girl, he will do anything to have her."

"We're just friends." I told him for what felt like the thousandth time. "I don't like Brian that way, he's too hairy for me."

"Is that because I've lost mine?" James snapped, shooting a glare across to me.

"I didn't mean it like that, James." I sighed, moving to sit on the sofa, as I held my head in my hands. "Please stop thinking I have eyes on someone else, when the only person that I want to be with is you."

"Fine," He spat. "I will let it go this time, but I swear if I see Brian touching you in any way again, it's over between us."

"You don't mean that...do you?" I asked, my voice cracking, as I fought back the tears.

"With how I feel at the moment, I really do, Tereza." James confirmed, as he dropped his phone onto the coffee table. "I'm going to bed, we will discuss this more once I am back from work tomorrow."

James grabbed his jacket, throwing it over one shoulder, as he turned towards the door. "Goodnight then."

"Goodnight." I muttered under my breath, reluctant to answer him, but also knowing that he'd make a drama out of it if I didn't.

I watched James climb the stairs out of the corner of my eye, as I tried to calm myself down, my hands shaking out of anger, the adrenaline coursing through my veins.


The next evening, I decided to go and pick James up from work, seeing as he was nearby, and to see how he was behaving with Brian. I had high doubts that he'd be cursing and shouting towards his best friend.

I pulled up outside of the store that they'd been filming at for the day, as James exited through the sliding doors, doing a double take as he noticed my car. He ran up to the driver's side, as I rolled the window down to talk to him.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" He questioned, the venom and frustration that he had for me the night prior nowhere to be seen.

"I knew that you were filming nearby, and so I thought that I'd come and collect you." I smiled, as James opened up my door, and pulled me from the vehicle.

"It's a great surprise, thank you." He expressed, before leaning in and pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Come in, I'm sure the guys would love to see you."

After his comment, my brain clicked on to the real reason as to why James was being so gentlemanly. He wanted to see the interactions between Brian and I right in front of him. Sighing to myself, I followed after my boyfriend, as he guided me into the building, soon entering into a back room, where his friends; Sal, Joe, and Brian, were all stood talking.

All eyes locked onto me as I entered the room, smiling awkwardly, and feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. I waved nervously, still anxious around the men. I knew that they were sweet, but a part of me couldn't help but think that James had been discussing the issues with Joe and Sal behind Brian and I's back.

"Hey, T," Sal greeted like he usually did, nothing seeming out of the ordinary in his persona, as he pulled me into a hug. "How have you been?"

"Could be better," I admitted, locking my eyes onto James' across the room, as he studied the hug, relief washing over his features, after seeing that it was just a friendly, and innocent might I add, embrace. "James is right on my ass lately."

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