Q (x Rachel)

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Set in high school. I know they went to Monsignor Farrell High School but shh. Basing this on a UK school timetable because I don't know much about US schools okay.


It was just the usual typical day at Staten Island High School, I was hanging with my social group; Sal, Murray, and Joe in class, when the teacher walked in. She told us to get in our seats, and get ready for Maths. Now, I don't know about you, but Maths isn't really my forte, I'm more of an English lover. I'm serious, I read all the time, especially comic books, my word do I love comic books. Superman was my favourite, there's no denying it.

The class were all settling down, ready as we'll ever be to learn, when there was a knock on the classroom door. My teacher strolled over, pulling the door open, and that's when I saw her, and by her, I mean the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. She had gorgeous brown locks of hair, sparkling brown eyes, and that smile of hers, damn, my heart skipped a beat. Our teacher guided her through the seats, letting her sit next to me. I celebrated to myself, getting caught by Sal. He wiggled his eyebrows, understanding my excitement. What can I say? We're boys!

"Brian, would you like to show Rachel here, around the school for the day? You share the most classes with her, and I'm sure you'll make her feel welcome." My teacher asked. I nodded my head, immediately turning to face the girl, who I now knew as Rachel. That saves me asking.

"Hi, I'm Brian. Welcome to SI, are you new to the area?" I smiled. Rachel let a laugh slip, as she nodded her head. Seriously, I know that I've only just met this girl, but her laugh is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard, so pure, so angelic, and simply perfect.

"My family have just moved here from Houston." She replied. Wow, a Houston girl. Even her accent was majestic, I've found a winner here.

Rachel and I spoke for a short while, whilst the lesson was getting set up. Even in that short space of time, I had gotten to know a lot about her. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my three asshole friends teasing me, but did I care? No. Joe and Murray took it as far as pretending to kiss each other, and that's when I snapped. Once the lesson was over, I excused myself from my seat, and walked with the class out of the room. I told Rachel to stay there, because I didn't want her to see this. I grabbed the collars of all three of the idiots, and smashed them up against the lockers outside of the classroom.

"Stop it, guys! She's a really nice girl, don't screw this up for me! Please!" I practically begged them. The trio nodded their heads, seeming to process how much I had already fallen for this girl.

I made my way back into the classroom, slinging my rucksack over one shoulder – because that's what all the cool kids do, right? Rachel had packed up her things, and she looked ready for our trek across to our next class. We had plenty of time to get there, so I needn't worry about rushing. As we were walking down the corridor, I ran my hand through my hair, turning to face her, and offered her a smile.

"What lesson is next?" She asked, as we continued on our way. I pointed towards the building opposite.

"We've got Religious Studies now, and then lunch. After that we both have History. I then have Drama class, but I don't think you're studying that, are you?"

"No, I chose Film instead." She replied.

"Ah okay. That's a shame, but hey, Film is a good class to be in." I smiled.

I walked her across to the Religious Studies/History building, showing her to our classroom. We took a seat next to each other, as I emptied out my books and everything I needed. I leant my elbow onto my desk, letting my chin rest atop of my palm, as I turned to face Rachel beside me. She glanced at me, her cheeks blushing, before she refocused herself onto her work. I knew that I was staring, but I just couldn't help myself, she was so entrancing. I was so dazed by her beauty in fact that I didn't hear my name being called out.

"Brian Quinn!" My teacher shouted, as I was startled out of my daydreaming.

"Y-Yes, Sir?" I stammered.

"Oh so you are awake. Next time pay attention boy!" He snapped. This guy always had a problem with me. I could have been sat there doing nothing wrong and he'd still manage to pick a fault in me. I could see Rachel stifling a giggle, causing me to smile hard. My cheeks flushed from embarrassment, as I sheepishly picked up my pen and got on with the work set.

At the end of the lesson, Rachel and I walked out of the classroom, coming to a stop in the hallway. I looked at her, as she looked at me. I don't know if it was just me feeling this way, but I could sense something between us, but I was too scared to make a move. I leant against the lockers, trying my best to act 'cool'.

"So, do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" I asked, with a smile upon my face. Rachel went to answer, when I felt something smash into the back of my head. I turned around, to find that it was some jerk getting into their locker. Rachel took me by the hand, and walked me to someplace quiet, as I winced, rubbing at the back of my head.

"Are you okay, Brian?" She asked me, her voice riddled with worry, as I nodded my head.

"Yeah...thanks." I weakly smiled. The truth is, my pride had been hurt, things were going well between us, and then I go and embarrass myself like that...typical. Rachel then took me by surprise, she leant forward, placing a kiss to my cheek. My entire body froze, my cheeks a fire engine red, as I stared open-mouthed at her. I started to stumble over my words, as I became flustered, shocked at how sweet she had been. "W-Wow...what was, er...what was that for?" I piped up, and just to add to my embarrassment, my stupid pubescent voice decided to crack...hard. Rachel let out a giggle, causing me to laugh nervously.

"I like you, you seem funny." She giggled, making me gawk at her. I held my hand out for her to hold, leading her through the corridors, until finally reaching the canteen. I could see the boys at our usual table, and so I walked Rachel over to them, and were their faces a picture or what. Sal was about to take a bite of food, when he froze, dropping his sandwich onto the table, as he stared at us. Joe was slapping at Murray's arm to gain his attention, causing him to look up, almost choking on his mouthful of food.

"No way, no fricking way!" Joe exclaimed, as Rachel and I took a seat next to each other. We remained quiet, as the three of them spoke amongst themselves. I turned to look at her, smiling sweetly, as my hand crept across to hers underneath the table. I held her hand firmly, gently running my thumb across her knuckles.

Even though we hadn't actually asked one another, I'm pretty sure we both had what we wanted. I just can't believe how fast it had happened, one minute I was introducing myself to her, the next we're here. I guess that we should talk about us at some point, but right now, we were happy, and who knows, maybe one day we'll make it official.

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