Q (Anxiety¡)

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Based around me and my problems but you can adapt it to yourselves if you wish.

((Pssst, also just started my new work Smile Like You Mean It. I would very much appreciate it if you were to check it out))

Third Person POV

Brian stood out in the kitchen, turning to the sound of the front door closing. His girlfriend of two years, [Y/N], shuffled into the room, dropping her bag onto the countertop. She looked exhausted, what with having spent too long at her counselling session that afternoon. Usually, Brian would attend with her to be there for her in her time of need, but he had work to deal with. Brian looked at [Y/N] sincerely, as she stepped round to him, falling into his embrace with quite a force, sending him back a step. His arms coiled around her tightly, as he kissed lightly at her head, comforting her in the best way that he possibly could.

"Everything okay, [Y/N]?" He asked quietly, feeling her shrug against him. He knew to let her speak when she felt up to it, not wanting to force her into anything that she felt uncomfortable with.

She pulled away from him, looking in his eyes for the first time since she'd been home, as a weak smile played on her lips. [Y/N] didn't like to voice her issues with Brian, not wanting to be a burden, but he didn't mind. Of course he didn't, he knew that she needed someone to protect her, to ensure her that she was loved. Brian often reminded her of that too, telling her every morning that he loved her, or whenever he surprised her with a kiss to the cheek to brighten her day. He saw it in her eyes when she looked at him that the feelings were mutual. She needed somebody, and that somebody was Brian. [Y/N] hated how her condition could often become a barrier between them; some nights not even being able to speak to her love, for the fear of him judging her words swamping her mind.

"I-I'm going to have an early night..." She announced, her voice timid and quiet. Brian placed one more kiss to her forehead, loosening his restraint around her. [Y/N] stepped back, grabbing hold of her bag, as she approached the doorway to the hall.

"Promise you'll come and get me if you have an episode, Love?" Brian asked, swallowing back the sadness. He hated it when [Y/N] had her bad days, he just wanted to scoop her up, and escape the pain that she was feeling inside.

"I can't promise something I can't control, Brian..." She sighed, taking one last glance back at the man, before ascending the stairs to their bedroom.


Later that night, Brian felt ready for his bed, as he shut off all of the lights downstairs, before climbing the stairs to their room. He pushed the door open, coming to find [Y/N] asleep on the bed, with the covers wrapped tightly around her. A smile pulled at his lips, as he admired her from the doorway. He slowly pushed the door closed, getting himself ready for bed, soon pulling at the covers, as he clambered into the bed beside her. [Y/N] stirred from her slumber, rolling over to look back at the man, as he shushed her softly, wrapping his arm around her waist, and pulling her close. He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, feeling her back press against his chest.

"Don't let me disturb you, go back to sleep." He whispered. [Y/N] curled back up under the covers, the presence of her boyfriend making her feel safe and protected from anything that were to come her way.

Brian laid awake for a short while longer, watching, as she fell back to sleep in his arms. His eyes studied her in the dimly moonlit bedroom. The shadows from the trees outside of the window fell onto her face, the glowing of her skin captivating his attention all the more. He took in every detail about her, how the small freckles had been kissed at her skin by the sun. The calming sounds of her breathing helped him to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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