Sal x Natasha

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Request sent privately. Sorry that it's so short :(

Third Person POV

For the past three years, Sal had been keeping a secret from his friends and all of the crew of the show. Correction: all of the crew except for one, Natasha, as she was in on it. The two of them had been dating behind closed doors, not wanting to make a big scene out of their relationship should it fall to pieces after a few months or so.

But, as things started to progress between them, that promise to not tell a soul of their relationship stayed. It didn't go further than the bedroom door. Though, as time went on, Sal knew that it was blossoming into something more than just a typical boyfriend and girlfriend connection. No, Natasha was wife material to him and he had just the right idea to ask her for her hand in marriage.

On set. In front of everybody else.

The ring box sat in his pocket, as he could feel the beads of sweat roll down his forehead on the morning of the day in which he had planned to get down on one knee. Out of character, Sal was pretty quiet, which Murray picked up on, as they all sat waiting to start filming.

"Buddy, you okay?" He asked, as Sal looked at him.

"I'm fine." Sal choked; his voice conflicting with his answer, as Murray furrowed his brows.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep." Sal nodded. "We only have five minutes until filming starts right?"

"Yeah," Joe stepped in. "Murray's right, you don't look so good, are you sick?"

"Sick?" Sal questioned. "No, no...I hope not."

"I reckon Sally boy here is just nervous because he knows that no one can beat me at the balloon challenge." Brian stated confidently, patting a hand to Sal's shoulder. "Right, Buddy?"

"Hold on," Joe chuckled. "I beat you last time."

"Details, details." Brian demurred, waving his hand at the man.

A call went around the crew that they were ready for filming to start, as Sal searched for Natasha throughout the crowd of people swarming around the monitor. His eyes landed onto the blue-tinted hair, bringing a smile to his face. He reached for her hand, dragging Natasha out onto the floor, where all of the cameras were pointing.

"Sal, where are you taking me?" She asked, as he kept walking, leading her to the exact spot that would be captured from every angle possible. 

He stopped her and faced the girl, as his hand ran down her arm, subtly playing with her fingers, seeing the slight blush make its way across her face. In his ear, the earpiece transferred the words of his three best friends that the microphone picked up, as he looked into the camera, nodding his head to their assumptions.

"Wait, are they together?" Murray exclaimed.

"I told you!" Brian shouted. "Fucking knew they weren't going over each other's houses just to plan punishments."

"But why has Sal taken Natasha out onto the floor?" Joe was confused, before it clicked. "He's going to propose!"

Sal readied himself, as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, before slowly kneeling down onto one knee in front of the girl. He fished the box out from his pocket and slowly pulled back the top to reveal an expensively cut diamond ring, as Natasha's face fell into one of shock. She brought her hands to her face, a choked gasp falling from her lips, as Sal swallowed hard, noticing how badly his hand was shaking.

"Baby," He smiled, feeling the tears begin to form in his eyes. "I love you, and have done from the first moment that I laid my sight onto those charming blue eyes of yours."

He reached for her hand, brushing his thumb over her fingers, before leaning closer and pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand. "Will you make me the happiest man to walk the earth by marrying me?"

The chaos in the back room was interrupting her response, as Sal pulled the earpiece out and stuffed the device into his back pocket. His eyes studied her features, Natasha's face streaming with happy tears, her voice lost in the emotions, as she nodded her head in response.

"Y-Yes." She managed to get out in a whisper, as Sal smiled through his own tears.

"Really?" He asked back, sliding the ring onto her finger and standing back up onto his feet.

His arms reached around her, pulling the girl into his loving embrace, as he dotted multiple kisses along her cheeks, before meeting with her lips. His forehead rested against hers, as they held onto each other. "I love you so much, Sweetheart."

"I love you, too." Natasha replied back, mirroring his sincere tone. "More than you'll ever know."


Two and a half years later, Sal sat on their bed in their brand-new house, staring down at the two babies fast asleep upon the mattress. Natasha soon joined him on the bed, sitting to his side, soon feeling his lips press a kiss to her temple.

"I've never known two people to be so cute." Natasha cooed, running her hand over the infant girl's head.

"Hey now," Sal chuckled. "What about me?"

"Eh," She shrugged back whimsically.

"Wow, I see how it is." Sal rolled his eyes, before peering down once more to the baby boy laid in front of him. "Twins...can you believe it?"

"It's going to be a handful." Natasha laughed. "I can't believe after a month in the NICU they're finally home."

She leaned down and pressed a kissed to the girl's head. "This is our first night looking after them on our own, Sal."

"I know, Baby," He replied. "But we can do this."

"I hope so." She sighed.

Sal raised his gaze from the baby to his wife. "I know that we can."

"Little Zariah and Maliki Vulcano." Natasha smiled. "They're so beautiful."

"All from you," Sal praised.

"Lies." She laughed. "Maliki's got your hair for sure."

"He's going to be so damn handsome then." Sal shot back, gaining a shove from the girl, as they both chuckled softly, so not to disturb the twins.

The birth of Zariah and Maliki had brought the family of two to a family of four; filling both Sal and Natasha's hearts with joy. They were overwhelmed to become parents but they had waited long enough to have their little family completed. The parents were ready for the challenge, excited for the times that followed; from their first steps to their first words, before they would grow before their very eyes.

Who knows, maybe one day they would add more children to the mix, but right now, Sal and Natasha were elated with the birth of the twins, their names holding a special meaning to both Mommy and Daddy.

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