Chapter One

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Stephanie's POV

I rolled my eyes at my two best girlfriends as they looked at me across the table. We were curled up in the lounge chairs out on my back deck enjoying a few glasses of wine and girl talk on a warm April evening. I tucked my bare feet up under me and took a sip of my wine and shook my head.

"I'm telling you the truth, no," I said sighing.

"I'm calling bullshit," Amie said before sitting up and pouring more red wine into her glass before brushing her curly black hair out of her green eyes. "I'm serious I don't believe you and we've been good friends for the last five years."

"I second that one," said Mandy shaking her red head vehemently as she sat up and pointed a finger at me. "You cannot sit here and honestly tell me that you have been best friends with that man for twenty years and not once been tempted. Good god, the sex appeal he oozes out, are you sure you don't bat for the other team?"

I choked on my sip of wine and started coughing. "Really," I gasped out between coughs. I brushed my long blonde bangs out of my face before flipping them both off which made them laugh like idiots.

"No, y'all seriously, nothing has ever happened," I insisted.

"Ok, Steph, ok. I guess we can believe you. I mean its just hard though. You fly out at least once a month throughout the year while he's on tour to go hang out for the weekend. Y'all are inseparable when he's home unless you are both with someone. I just dunno how you can resist that man? "Amie said with a grin on her face.

"It's not about resisting you guys. He's my best friend and has been for years. I've been there through it all. Every milestone, ups and downs in life. Hell, I'm the one who had to pick up the pieces the first-time Amber left. So, no I'm not tempted. Yes, I am very aware of what the man looks like. But I've seen it all."

"Seen it all huh?" Mandy drawled out causing Amie to laugh and high five her.

"Grrrrr....would you two quit! We've had this discussion multiple times over the years," I ground out through clenched teeth.

"Discussed what," I heard spoken over my shoulder causing me to jump slightly spilling a drop of wine on my grey Georgia Bulldog t-shirt. I looked over my shoulder and then pointed at my two so called friends.

"Tell them please," I said pointing at the two knuckleheads sitting across from me.

"That your brother and I are nothing more than friends," I demanded of Kolby as he flopped down onto the other end of the chair I was sitting on and propping my bare feet in his lap and stealing my glass. I growled at him as he took a sip and then wrinkled his nose at it before passing it back to me.

"Ugh, how do you drink that shit?" he asked before looking over at Mandy and Amie and shooting them a smirk that was very reminiscent of his brother's. "Ladies, ladies, I can assure you two that Steph, is not sleeping with my brother. She's just his best friend. I've seen them both end several relationships over the thought there was something more, but nope it isn't. I would know, she's like my sister."

"Aww thanks Kolbs. Not that I'm unhappy to see you, but what brings you by? " I asked taking my foot and kicking him lightly in the shoulder.

"You text me yesterday and asked if I could help you put that bookshelf you bought together," he said laughing and ruffling my honey blonde hair. I reached over and smacked him lightly in the chest. I heard Amie and Mandy laughing at our antics.

"Now, you two I would totally believe to be brother and sister, " Mandy said as she stood and stretched her back. "And with that I am gonna head home since it's getting dark and I know I still have a few papers to grade."

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