Barbeques and Confessions

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This is what you get sometimes when you are lifelong friends...... 😁😁 baseballfan8 thanks for the inspiration

Ashley's POV

I walked out into B and Steph's backyard and gave him a grin as he flipped a burger on the grill. Eli had gone to drop the kids off at his mom's after Stephanie had called wanting us to come over. Tinsley had just had to get a hug from Uncle B before she would go. Brantley had gotten home from a quick trip to Nashville. Mama Becky had called Carson for the weekend. I gave him an evil smile.

"You know BG, you really should take advantage of getting some sun while you are home," I said with a laugh as he pulled his sunglasses down to glare at me. "Need some sun on that ass of yours. Looking like a snow flake."

"Shut the hell up Ash," he growled. "Learn to fucking knock maybe. Besides you know you wanted a look at this fine ass. Finally see what a real man looks like."
I tossed my beer cap at him when he turned to shake his ass at me.

"Oh shut it," I said rolling my eyes. "I heard enough in high school after the whole football practice and ruler comparison to last me a lifetime thank you."

"It was your husband's idea!" Brantley said pointing at me. "How many cheerleaders got threatened after that?"

"That's because they kept asking Stephanie if it was true!" I snapped back as I started laughing. "They thought since she was your best friend she knew all."

"What about all the fights Eli and I got into after you two decided to flash half the football team?" he grumbled as he pointed the spatula at me. I pulled a water out of the ice chest and tossed it to him.

"We only did that after you told a half-drunk Stephanie that she wouldn't do it. I just got roped into it," I said snickering. Yea, we were a bit of hell raisers back in the day. "
Besides you know you enjoyed knocking Bobby Mason out after what he said about her. You never liked the way he looked at her."

"Fuck no I didn't, he growled. Had the nerve to way at her on the road last week. I flipped him off from the passenger seat. You know, she didn't have to go and beat the hell out of the head cheerleader from the other team that next week."

"She called you a piece of prime grade A beef and then because Stephanie had gotten cold and put your lettermans jacket on over her uniform, she told her to stay out of her way bitch," I said laughing. I remembered the look on that girls face when that tiny blonde growled, turned on her foot, then sucker punched her.

"What was wrong with that? Besides her calling her a bitch," he said grinning." I was sure to get laid that night."

"Because you would have needed to strap a two by four to your ass to keep from falling in," I chimed back.

"Or caught something that AJAX wouldn't take off," Stephanie called out as she made her way down from the deck. "The little tramp didn't get to cheer the rest of the season because her jaw was wired shut. I had heard the she'd had quite the fun times with the Commerce baseball team."

She high fived me as she walked by then smacked her husband on his ass with a grin. He pulled his sunglasses down to glare at her playfully.

"Why do you think I asked her out?" Brantley said with a laugh. "She was a sure thing."

"Keep that up and your wife won't be a sure thing mister," she said pointing a finger at him. He grinned at her before pulling her closer and placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"Beside Ash, you were flirting with the quarterback that night to make Eli jealous," he said with a grin looking at me. That's right fucker hide behind your wife and bring this up.

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