Flashback: I Can't Do This Anymore: Part I

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Stephanie's POV

I used the key B had given me to his apartment the last time I'd been in Nashville. I had come up for a few days to see him and check out a couple of places for wedding dresses. I had been dating David off and on since my senior year of college. We had gotten engaged about a month ago. I had to be proud of Brantley. He couldn't stand him but he tolerated him for me.
We had bought a house in Athens a few months back.

I tossed my bag on the couch and frowned as I noticed the beer bottles on the coffee table along with a couple empty fifths of whiskey. We had always been a bit of partiers but he had gotten out of hand. I sighed to myself shaking my head. He had promised me he was going to do better. When he was at home or around Athens I could keep him in check a little better.

I sent David a quick text that I had made it then tossed my phone back in my purse. I looked at my watch and saw it was three in the afternoon. Apparently, B was still sound asleep. I gently pushed open his bedroom door and prayed I wasn't about to see something I didn't want to see. I was tired from the drive and not in the mood to deal with some crazy skank. I looked in and saw him sprawled out face first in the middle of his bed. I walked over and sat down on the edge, placing my hand in the middle of his shoulder blades, letting out a sigh of relief when I felt the rise and fall of his breathing. I rubbed my hand in a slow circle to try and wake him up nicely.

He stirred slowly and turned his head to the side blinking his eyes sleepily.

"Hey sweetheart," he rasped giving me a smile.

"Hey there rockstar," I said ruffling his hair. " You need a haircut buddy."

He yawned, then stretched before rolling over to face me. He reached an arm out to tug me down beside him. He pulled me closer to wrap an arm around my waist as I stretched out and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt him place a soft kiss on my hair.

"I missed you Steph," he said quietly as he played with the ends of my hair.

"I know. We've both been so busy," I murmured. " I saw all the bottles B. I'm worried." He placed a finger under my chin to lift my face to look at him. I could see all kinds of emotions warring in his green eyes briefly before he locked them down.

"Steph, I'm fine. I promise. That was from the other night. Some of the guys were over," he said looking down at me. I watched his eyes knowing that he wasn't telling me the truth. But what could I do. He was a grown ass man.

"B, promise me you are going to slow down. I can't lose you," I pleaded. He hugged me to him but never met my eyes.

" I promise sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere," he murmured.

I sighed and buried my head in his chest to hide the tears glistening in my eyes. I know without a shadow of a doubt he was lying to me. He forgets that I know him better than anyone.

"Still coming home for Christmas?" I mumbled. He sighed deeply before tightening his arms around me.

"Yea, you and Mama both would have my ass if I didn't," he grumbled.

Three Weeks Later....

David and I had decided to just stay home for New Year's Eve. Ashley had begged me to come out to the bonfire at Potts but I knew David wouldn't go. It wasn't his type of scene. She and Eli both made fun of me any time they thought about it. Why in the hell was I marrying an accountant was their favorite joke when I was over. I reminded Ashley that at least he was a hot accountant.

She usually just smirked and rolled her eyes. Eli would just grumble and glare at his beer and mutter as long as I was happy. He and Brantley usually had the same reaction. David was tall, had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders. He spent a lot of time playing golf and tennis with his clients. I played with him a little but for the most part it bored me.

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