Chapter Two

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Brantley's POV


I jerked out of the deep sleep I had been in and sat straight up in the bed. It was pitch black in my room since I had made sure the blackout drapes were pulled before I went to bed. "What in the hell is that racket?" I grumbled as I blinked the sleep out of my eyes.

I ran a hand down my face trying to get my bearings as I felt the bed move and heard a hand slap the nightstand searching for the offending racket before it finally quit. I could hear Stephanie muttering about getting up. I smiled sleepily to myself before stretching back out in the bed and pulling her to me. She pushed my arm off her waist and pushed the covers back trying to get up. I grabbed her again and wrapped my arms and legs around her small frame.

"No," I muttered burying my head into her shoulder before she threw an elbow back into my stomach.

"Don't start B," she whined." I've got to get up. She tried to wiggle out of my grasp but I tightened my grip on her slightly rolling over to put all my weight on her. I couldn't help but shift my hips and nudge my morning wood against her ass knowing it would aggravate her even more. I lightly nipped her shoulder through her shirt causing her to groan.

"No, you don't, you're sick, cough, cough," I said in my rough morning voice.

"Oh really, pray tell, what is my illness that I am gonna give the office for them to call me in a sub for my class?" she huffed out.

"It's newly discovered strand of virus. Its called Ineeddickitis," I whispered in her ear before biting down on her neck causing her to gasp. "There's only one cure and that's for you to pick up that phone, call in sick and stay right here in this bed. Because baby, I got all the medicine you need right here, "I whispered darkly as I slipped my hand under my t-shirt that she was wearing and traced circles on her stomach stopping at the band of her panties.

I could practically hear the wheels turning in her head. I sucked in a breath when she reached her small hand back and smoothed it down the front of my boxers causing my already hard dick to jump. I was so surprised that I loosened my grip on her slightly giving her enough room to roll out of my arms.

She had jumped up and switched the lamp on glaring down at me before I realized what had happened. I looked up at her giving her sad puppy dog eyes that would rival Silo begging for a T-bone steak, and poked my bottom lip out at her. "But I've been gone for over a month."

She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me causing my shirt to slip a little higher up her thighs. I leaned over and slide a hand across the sheets, trying to reach those long, smooth, tan legs and she jumped back and swatted at my hand.

"Dammit B! I seriously can't today. I have three different tests to give today," she growled. I flopped my head back down on the pillow face first.

"Finnneeeeee, "I growled out. I yelped when she reached over and smacked me hard on my ass.

"Suck it up buttercup. Settle back in a get you some more sleep because I know you need it,"she said as I heard her footsteps head toward my bathroom. When I heard the shower switch on I briefly considered mustering up the energy to go pin her to the tile wall and make her really late, but the grueling pace I'd been keeping up the last few months and the sound of the water lulled me back to sleep. I stirred slightly later when I felt Steph pull the covers up over me and place a soft kiss on my cheek before everything faded back to black.

Stephanie's POV

I was sitting at my desk during my planning period that early afternoon trying my damnedest to stay awake. I had run out of Brantley's and rushed to work. Thankfully I was only about five minutes late. I was trying to finish up the stack of papers I had been working on last night so I could hand them out Monday morning.

I knew there were plans for a bonfire tonight and no telling what else this weekend so I didn't want to be bogged down in paper work the whole time. I missed my best friend and was looking forward to hanging out and having some fun. If some of it wound up being the mattress mambo then who was I to complain.

I giggled thinking about my supposed illness this morning. The things that man could come up with. I heard a voice at my classroom door causing me to jump.

"What's so funny there sweetheart?" Brantley said. I looked up to see him leaning in the doorway with a coffee cup and a bag from the local deli in his hand. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of black track pants with running shoes. He signature black hat was turned backwards on his head.

"Please, please tell me that coffee is for me?" I asked leaning back in my chair and looking up at him. He smirked at me before walking forward to hand me the cup and sat the bag on my desk before leaning down to drop a kiss on the top of my head.

"Yes mam. Even brought you your favorite sandwich from the deli because I figured you had skipped lunch to grade papers," he said leaning against my desk and crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes at him as I took a long gulp of the coffee and sat it down before pulling the most heavenly smelling BLT out of the bag. I took a big bite and moaned loudly. Mrs. Mary could make a mean BLT. I heard Brantley clear his throat before looking down at the stack of papers on my desk.

"Ah so, been studying the Civil War huh. Man, if I had a damn dollar for every battlefield you have drug me to over the years. I'd be a rich man," he said laughing. I rolled my eyes and glared at him before swallowing the bite I had been chewing.

"Oh whatever Mr. Rockstar. I don't recall you complaining while touring Gettysburg when I came to see you in Pennsylvania last summer."

He laughed and reached over to tug on the low ponytail I had pulled my hair back in this morning since I had been in a hurry.

"So, bonfire kicking off at the normal time tonight," I asked leaning back in my chair after I finished my sandwich and took a long sip of my coffee. I was already feeling more awake. Amie had overslept this morning and didnt have time to grab the coffee she had promised and I had run out of B's before fixing some myself. He shook his head no and pointed toward the windows. I hadn't even realized that a slow steady rain was falling outside.

"Nope that cool front coming in has rain hanging around until tomorrow morning so postponed it until tomorrow night. Be a little cooler but that makes it an even better night for a fire," he said before pulling out his phone to answer a text message that had come in.

"Ah ok. That's fine I need to catch up on these papers and then I can pile up with Gone with the Wind a redo my question sheet for my honors American History class," I said. "They are watching it next week in class. Let me know in the morning if there is anything that I need to bring tomorrow night."

I picked up my pen and started looking at papers again when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I glanced up to see the slightly disappointed look on his face before it disappeared.

"Oh, well if you want I can put on a pot of chili and you can do that at the house. I mean, let's face it my TV is bigger and you always cry when Bonnie Blue dies and you know I won't admit it to anyone but you that I think Rhett Butler is kind of a badass.

"Ok, "I said grinning at the sheepish look on his face. "Sounds like a plan and your secret is safe with me."

"Cool, so I'll see you later this afternoon then," he said standing up. He was leaning over to kiss my cheek when I heard a voice at the door.

"Oops, I was just coming to bring this White Out back to ya girl. Didn't mean to interrupt anything," Mandy said as she walked into my room. I rolled my eyes as Brantley chuckled before kissing my cheek and turning toward the door. He nodded his head at Mandy on his way out.

"Good to see you as always Mandy, " he rumbled before walking out the door. She turned and was blatantly checking his ass out as he walked down the hall speaking to a couple of students that called out a hello to him. She looked back over at me.

"Are you sure you are not banging him? Because if you are then you are the envy of half the staff at this school and women everywhere?" she said grinning and fanning herself. I slunk down in my chair and tossed my pen at her.

"I'm quite sure I am not Mandy!" I muttered as I felt my ears turning red. Thank God, she didn't know about that little telltale sign.

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