Flashback: Song Choices and Questions

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Stephanie's POV

I made my way downstairs to the small studio Brantley had added. I had been out shopping with my mom and Mama Becky all day. They both were a little excited about the baby and we didn't even know if was a he or she yet. He was sitting on the couch down there with his song book sitting beside him, guitar in his lap and pencil between his teeth as he focused in concentration.

He looked so damn hot sitting there in just his jeans, t-shirt and bare feet. After leaning in the doorway for a minute watching him. A thought crossed my mind as I watched him. This was a view I was used to after seeing him do it for years. I looked down at the ring on my hand and grinned knowing that man right there was all mine. I jumped when I heard his voice.

"Sweetheart, you just gonna lurk in the doorway or you going to come over here and give me a kiss."

I grinned as I pushed off the doorway and made my way over to him. He sat his guitar to the side before leaning over to drop a quick kiss on my stomach then tugged me down into his lap. I gripped his beard and slightly pulled his lips to mine and kissed him deeply.

"Mmmm....... I needed that," he said with a smile as he leaned back against the couch and wrapped his arms around me. I leaned against him and tucked my head under his chin as I played with the rings on his fingers.

"Hey B, I've got a question. I remembered something that Kolby said to me a while back. He made the comment that a lot of songs you've written were about me. He was wrong right," I said softly. He swallowed deeply before shaking his head.

"No honey, he wasn't wrong. A lot of them are," he said. I turned and looked up at him.

"Which ones?" I asked. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Pick an album and a song babe and I'll tell you," he said with a crooked smile. I felt my heart skip a beat before I thought for a minute.

"MDP, which ones?" I asked staring at him. He sighed before answering and tapping my engagement ring on my finger.

Y"ou already know that "Play Me That Song" is about you, so is "Whenever We're Alone". There's elements of you in others on that album."

"Oh, "I said quietly.
"Halfway to Heaven?"

"Shit babe, had to go there huh. "You Don't Know Her Like I Do", I wrote it after you stopped speaking to me for almost a year."

"Bullshit," I said interrupting him. "Everyone knows that is about Amber. "
He grinned and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before tapping me on my nose.

"No sweetheart, that's just what people assumed and I let people believe it."

"Ok what else?"

"My Kinda Crazy" is so damn obvious that babe you must be blind, "Hell on An Angel", "Fall into Me", that and "Let It Ride" came out of the first time we slept together. "Back in the Day" has parts of you in it.

"Ok, Just as I Am? I asked looking at him in awe. Apparently, I had been a blind idiot over the years.

He hung his head slightly before answering.

"Do What the Night Wants", "My Baby's Guns and Roses", "17 Again", and "Stone Cold Sober". You done asking yet babe? I have been for sure in love with you since I was sixteen years old. I was just to scared to do anything about it because I couldn't lose my best friend. "

He looked down at me and I could see the faint blush on his cheeks. I knew every word to every song and I like and an idiot didn't put two and two together years ago. But I couldn't stop now.

"Devil Dont Sleep," I said as I noticed him turning redder.

"Everyone you are thinking of but "Way Back". "Tried to Tell Ya" and "You Could Be That Girl" came to me after that night we got the idea to go play curve sign. And well sweetheart, "Smokin Gun" ought to be pretty obvious," he said giving me a smirk. I smacked him in the shoulder and rolled my eyes.

"That one I did have some clue about. Way to subtly tell the whole world we had been hooking up," I grumbled crossing my arms. He laughed before planting a long slow kiss on my lips. He pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"Shouldn't be surprised Steph. You know that each song and album is a chapter in my life and honey you've been part of my life for twenty years. That's a lot of song material and I look forward too many, many more."

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