Flashback: High School: Part I

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Brantley's POV

I hit the horn on my truck and drummed my fingers on the steering wheel. Coach was going to have my ass if I was late for school again and Stephanie was taking her dear sweet time. I honked one more time then leaned over to open the passenger door for her when she came running out with her cheer bag in her hand.

I grinned and thought about the poor freshman boys she was going to tease with those tight American Eagle jeans on with holes in the knees and my football jersey on. Hell, I was fighting a hard on at the thought of her ass in those jeans. But she was my best friend, I could never cross that line with her. She was too important to me. Her long blond hair up in a high ponytail with a blue bow in it.

"Morning B," she said with a grin as she jumped in a slammed the door.

"Hey sweetheart," I said smiling back at her as I turned to pull out of her driveway. I rolled my eyes when she automatically reached over to take control of the radio. "I was listening to that Stephanie Lynn."

"I know," she said giving me a wide grin as I drove us to school. I smiled back at her shaking my head as she checked her makeup in the mirror singing along with the song on the radio.

"Why do you even bother with that shit Steph?" I said with a laugh as she glared at me. "It's not like you need it."

"Kiss my ass B," she growled hitting my arm as I parked reaching for my leather jacket slipping it on as I climbed out. Stephanie met me at the front of the truck. I took her backpack from her tossing on my shoulder as I followed her inside. If she had half an idea how damn hot she looked in those tight jeans she'd be a million shades of red.

I narrowed my eyes as she got further ahead of me waving at Ashley on the other end of the hall. Half the JV team was congregated around a couple of lockers and their jaws were almost on the floor at Steph's ass in the jeans. I closed my eyes and counted to ten reminding myself I didn't need to swing a fist this early in the morning. I stopped in front of them fixing them with a stare making all of them look at the floor but one cocky ass freshman running back that thought he was all that since he had been able to play in a couple varsity games.

I stopped at my locker grabbing my stuff before heading down the hall to catch Stephanie before our first class. I saw Justin, said freshman leaning against the locker next to Stephanie's. He was giving her what I was to assume was his best flirty smile.

"So beautiful," I heard him ask as she turned her head to look at him. I went to step forward but Eli stopped me with a hand on my shoulder shaking his head. "You going to the bonfire tonight?"

"Yea," Stephanie said as she dug in her locker for her history book. "Pretty much all of the senior class is so yea I will be there."

The fucker then had the audacity to step closer to her and wrap an arm around her waist sliding a hand in the back pocket of her jeans. I looked over at Eli who was turning red in the face keeping a laugh in. This little son of a bitch had a death wish. Steph tried to step away from him, but he tightened his grip.

"Save me a dance won't ya sweetheart," Justin said leaning closer to her. Steph took a step back trying to get away.

"Uhh.." she said reaching back to tug his hand away from her. "Yea, I don't think so. I really don't do younger guys Justin."

"Don't have to be a bitch about it Stephanie," he snarled leaning closer to her. " Way I hear it, you don't do much of anybody."

I shrugged Eli off and stepped behind her narrowing my eyes. Steph took a small step backwards closer to me as I put a protective hand on her slim shoulder.

"I believe she told you no Hayes," I growled through clenched teeth. He smirked at me with a cocky grin.

"What's your damage Gilbert?" he popped back. "Last I heard the lady wasn't taken. Word is she is single."

"My damage is you you little fucker," I snarled stepping closer causing Steph to throw an arm back against me to keep me in line. "Stay the fuck away from her. I get you are still new here. While she may be single, that's my fucking number she is wearing. That's my best friend and it would be in your best interest to not look her way again. You feel me?"

"Yea, yea," he said rolling his eyes shaking his head. "You maybe the starting QB but you're not God."

"Why you little...." I said trying to step after him as he turned to go down the hall. Stephanie wrapped a small hand around my arm stopping me.

"He's not worth it B," she said tugging me back then slamming her locker door shut. "Walk me to class? "

"Sure thing sweetheart," I said looping an arm around her shoulders as Eli fell into step with us.

"I swear," Eli said with a loud laugh. "It's never a dull moment with you two. You do realize Brantley, one of these days many years from now, our little Stephanie is gonna be grown up and gonna get married. You won't be able to beat the hell out of her husband."

"Fucker, whoever he is," I smarted back. "Better treat her like a damn princess."

"Geez B," Stephanie grumbled smacking my abs earning a grunt from me. "You criticize half the guys I've dated. I don't even want to see what you do when I get married. But heaven forbid I comment on the pussy brigade that follows you around. Giggling and falling all over themselves to get your attention. Half of them you need to strap a 2x4 to your ass to keep from falling in."

"Oh, shut up Steph," I grumbled rolling me eyes at her. I stopped in front of her first class and handed her backpack over. She gave me a wink and darted into class. I watched her walk in to sit by Ashley then turned to follow Eli down the hall.

"Or you could just save yourself some headache," Eli said pushing my shoulder as we turned a corner. "And marry her one day."

"Shut the hell up E," I said rolling my eyes. "She's my best friend. Nothing more."

"Yea....." Eli said with a booming laugh. "That's what you always say fucker."

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