Chapter Twenty-Five

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Stephanie's POV

"Things any better?" Ashley asked me with a concerned look on her face as she placed the glass of iced tea on the kitchen table beside me. I glanced towards the living room where Tinsley was playing with Carson and smiled their way before turning back to look at Ashley.

"No, not really", I replied with a shake of my head. I leaned back in the chair and sighed. "Other than it being something about Carson we really havent talked to each other."

"That's not like either of y'all Steph," Ashley said tucking a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear. She tapped a nail on her kitchen table and looked at me harder. "It's Wednesday. One of you two has usually cracked by now."

"I know," I groaned dropping my face into my hands groaning. "I don't think either of us knows what to do. He's slept on the couch every night since."

"Probably scared you will knife him in his sleep," Ashley said grinning as she took a sip of her own tea. "Can't say that I blame him."

"Shut up Ash," I grumbled looking down at my hands. I stroked a finger over my rings and bit back tears. "Do you think he ever would have made a move if I hadn't gotten pregnant with Carson?"
I heard her choke on her tea and looked over at her.

"Did you just seriously ask me that girl?" Ashley said rolling her eyes.

"Yes," I said shaking my head as my eyes watered. She reached over and placed her hand on top of mine.

"Sweetie, yes I do. I think if our lives had been a little different when we were younger, he would have done it a lot sooner. Like day we graduated sooner. Eli and I have watched you two dance around each other for years, "she said looking at me. "Irritated the hell out of me to watch place holder after place holder pass through your lives. Why do you think Jana hated you so much? The way he feels about you is so evident she knew she didn't really have him. That he was settling for her because he was scared he couldnt have you. You did the same thing with David."

"I just don't know what to do to fix this Ashley. A big can of worms got opened the other night and a lot of things were said," I said wiping a tear off my face.

"Steph, they needed to be said. I wouldn't have recommended it going the way it did. I thought for two seconds the other night that y'all may just kill each other this time. Chase gets to him so bad because hes still somewhat relevant in your lives," she said giving me a knowing look.
" Y'all have let Steph and B take the backseat to being parents. He's home until after the first of the year. Make him take you somewhere just the two of you."

"I can't," I say shaking my head. "Carson's been teething. He nor I have been sleeping well because of it. Just not a good time right now."
I jumped at the tug of my ponytail and glared at Ashley who was rolling her eyes.

"Excuses are like assholes honey and everyone has one," she said shaking her head at me. "That's the problem. You are burnt out. Yea, you leave Carson and go visit BG. You spend half of that time on a plane to and from sometimes. Then when you get there you get fit in around everything else going on. That baby boy has an aunt, two uncles, and two sets of grandparents that would love nothing more than a few days of spoiling him."

"I know, I know, "I muttered not looking at her.

"Got any more excuses Steph," Ashley asked crossing her arms and glaring at me. I flipped her off and glared.

"I'll think about it Ash," I sighed. I jumped when she kicked my shin under the table and shook a finger at me.

"You do more than think missy," she snapped making me cringe. "I'll be the only one to tell you this because I've known you the longest out of the girls. That man has been in love with you since he was ten years old. A, don't fucking forget it ever! B, whether either of you wants to admit it or not, you both were in the wrong this past weekend. You should have sucked it up and told him we were all going out.

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