Flashback: CMA Fest 2015, pt.II

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Stephanie's POV

A little while later we were all piled into a corner booth at Margaritaville. Caroline had instructed the waitress to just get us pitchers and to keep them coming. I glared at my phone for the last time in thirty minutes as it vibrated with a text message. I typed out a quick Fuck you before I switched it off. Caroline elbowed me in the side and shook her head.

"Woman, you are asking for hell to rain down upon you by doing that," she said with a smirk taking a sip of her drink. I rolled my eyes and noticed Katie smirking at me from across the table.

"You know she's right," she said giving me a knowing look shaking her dark hair back over her shoulders.

"He can kiss my ass," I said taking a sip of my drink before grabbing a cheese stick off the plate in front of me. I took a bite, chewed it, the used it to gesture.

"I'm just the friend. I can see why the rest of the guys were concerned about us being careful. Look at the collection of rocks around this table. All of you are either married or almost married. I'm just the buddy. The girlfriend is now back home."

Caroline laid a hand on my arm to keep from getting smacked with a cheese stick. Brittney had slid the plate away from me and topped off my drink.

"No, Steph, you are the most important woman in that man's life other than his mama," Lauren said raising an eyebrow at me. Damn woman knew what she was talking about. She had known Thomas for almost as long as I had known Brantley. I tipped my drink back taking a long gulp. Hailey gave me a smile and wink.

"I will say this, she said tucking a strand of short blonde hair behind her ear. I know I am still new to this whole circle and I don't know all the history. But I got to meet her last night. She's nice, don't get me wrong, but I don't see it lasting another six months, tops."

Lauren shook her head in agreement.

"I've been around Brantley for a while because of Thomas and Rhett both and she's right. The smile didnt reach his eyes."

I shrugged my shoulders and twirled my straw around in my glass. I laughed and listened to the girls grill Hailey for upcoming wedding details. Lauren winked and reminded her that was why she had drug her and BCole along tonight. Impromptu bachelorette party sort of.

We were on our third pitcher of drinks and working on our meals when I heard a throat clear at the end of the table over the music. Brittney turned her head first and cracked up laughing then elbowed my side making me stop mid bite. I turned my head slightly to see P.J. standing at the end of the table smiling at us. I closed my eyes and groaned.

"Having fun ladies," he said with a grin. I glared at him.

"What the fuck? Am I low jacked or something?" I growled.

"I told you there was gonna be repercussions to cutting your phone off," Caroline said between giggles.

"Better hope it doesn't involve a red ass, "Katie said hiding her smile behind her glass. I tossed a chip at her head making the rest of the table laugh.

"Now, now Lil Bit, he means well. I'm just gonna go over and park myself at the table with Sarge. Won't even know I'm here," he said with a laugh.

"Ok, so I gotta ask after seeing the argument and now this," Hailey asked grinning. "What's the deal with you and BG?"

"BEST FRIENDS," Katie, Brittney, Caroline and Lauren drawled out. I flipped them all off.

"Yes, best friends since we were ten. Been around for it all," I said with a sigh taking a sip.

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