Flashback: Nashville 2016: Part III

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Stephanie's POV

I took a sip of the drink Caroline had grabbed from the bar earlier as she, Lauren, Brittney, and I hit up the dance floor. We had made our way downtown to one of the local bars FGL had rented out for a private after party. We had stopped by the one that Big Machine was hosting for a little bit before making our way down here.

Lauren and I had snuck in a couple of shots while Thomas and Brantley were talking to people. They had busted us on the third one and shook their heads. I had laughed at Brantley in the car on our way to this party, he had shucked the vest Trish had insisted on, untucked his shirt and turned his hat around. I swear he sighed in relief as he flopped back against the seat. He had side eyed me as I started giggling when he did it.

"Stephanie Lynn," he said raising an eyebrow at me. "How many shots did you girls take earlier?"

"Just three B," I said giving him a grin. He rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around my waist tugging me closer.

"What am I going to do with you," he muttered as he placed a soft kiss on my temple when I laid my head on his shoulder. I twisted my head to look up at him. He gave me a soft smile and lowered his head. We jerked apart when the car stopped and his name was called.

I shook my head at the thought of what would have happened if we weren't interrupted as I danced with the girls. Ever since I had gone to see him in Dallas I had tried to keep a line drawn between us the best I could. We had let that guard down for one night and I knew if I didn't put that wall back up I would want more.

And if I went down that path and then something happened, I would lose him in more ways than one. My biggest fear was losing him in the bottle again. I noticed Caroline giving me a concerned look and shook I her off with a quick smile. Blake walked up to us with a huge grin and a tray of shots. He handed us each one before holding up his own to tap against ours then tossed it back.

I chased mine with my drink and felt the burn. Yep, if I wanted to walk out on my own two feet I would have to slow down soon. I glanced over to the side of the dance floor where the guys were grouped up talking. I saw Brantley bite his lip while he shook his head at something Jason was saying then laughing. Holy hell..... Jesus Steph, get it together. I felt a hand on my arm as Caroline grabbed my arm to pull me towards the bathroom.

Good I needed a minute to get my head on straight. Brittney and Lauren followed us looking at something on their phones and laughing. Caroline was almost to the door of the bathroom when I heard a voice to my right that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Fuck me, I knew that annoying ass voice anywhere. I saw Caroline freeze up and turn to look at me with a deer in the headlights look.

"Well, well look what the cat drug in. Acting like you belong here bitch," Jana drawled from where she was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed glaring at me.

She had a on tight, red, cleavage baring dress that just screamed slutty. I made a mental note to slap Brantley just for the hell of it for ever getting near this bitch. I squared my shoulders and stepped closer to her. I saw Caroline grab Lauren's arm and I heard her mutter "go get BG" before she moved behind me.

"Jana honey good to see you again," I said thickening my southern drawl with sarcasm and crossing my arms. "Didn't you learn your lesson last time to not call me a bitch?"

She rolled her eyes as she pushed off the wall and got closer.
"You got lucky. How long after I was gone did you wait to get all up on that or had you already been sleeping with him while we were together?"
I heard Caroline growl to my side and tried not to laugh.

"Honey, I don't have to stoop to your level and sleep with other women's men," I said grinning maliciously.
"But I'd had that man way before you ever come along and you were barely even gone before I did again."
She let out a screech and curled her hands up, nails out and tried to go for my face. I rolled my eyes and smoothly side stepped her before turning around and planting my fist into the right side of her face.

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