Flashback: Christmas 2016: Part I

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December 23, 2016

Stephanie's POV

I hummed along with the Christmas music streaming from my phone as I mixed up another batch of sugar cookies to cut out. Kolby had been over here helping me earlier before he left to actually go start his Christmas shopping. Yep, my dear little brother was one of the idiot men that waited until right before. That was unless I drug him with me and made him go on and do it.

I brushed a loose strand of hair that had fallen from my messy bun as I turned to pull a couple of cookie sheets out of the oven. I rolled my eyes at that the crooked candy canes Kolby had done earlier. I looked at them shaking my head as Sylo leaned his head against my knee whining pitifully.

"Oh no mister," I said shaking a finger at him as he gave me the most pathetic pair of puppy dog eyes I had ever seen. "You aren't getting any of these. Your Daddy would kill me. I love you, but not enough for that lecture." He lifted a paw up to my hip scratching gently. I squatted down for him to snuggle up close to me, but he knocked me backwards on my butt instead. I got a slobbery kiss as I pushed up on my elbows glaring at him. "Dammit Sy."

He whined putting his head in my lap as I scratched his ears with a sigh.

"I know buddy," I mumbled sitting up. "I miss him too. He'll be home tonight though ok."

Brantley had been out on a radio tour gearing up for the next tour and the new album since right after the CMA's. He hadn't been home as much as he would have liked, and I had heard how tired he sounded when he had called the other night. I glanced at the clock on the microwave as I petted Sylo and figured that he should be getting on a plane headed this way right about now.

They were somewhere in Colorado. Mom and Dad had left yesterday going to my uncles to see them for the holidays. I had decided to stay home. Brantley had been excited, and we had planned to spend Christmas Eve here with maybe Kolby after going to see Tinsley and Cam, watching Christmas movies. I got lost in thought thinking about how I could almost bet that things had shifted some between us this past year, but I wasn't sure, and I didnt want to get my hopes up.

I jerked out of my thoughts as my phone rang on the counter and I grinned at the ringtone pushing Sylo out of my lap. I stood up grabbing it smiling at B's picture on my screen and answered his request for FaceTime.

"Hey rockstar," I said giving him a big smile as his face appeared. The shadows under his eyes gave me a pause as he let out a yawn. I could see the airport in the background. It looked like he was off in a corner to get some privacy.

"Hey sweetheart," Brantley said giving me a soft smile. He had a black beanie over his hair and a camo hoodie on. He narrowed his eyes at the screen then snickered wiping at his cheek. "Think you got a little something on your cheek Steph."

"Shit," I grumbled wiping at it with the sleeve of my long sleeve blue Jefferson Dragons shirt. "Damn Giant. We got into a flour war earlier. He's supposed to come back and clean up my kitchen since he started it but I know he will magically forget. What time does your flight leave?"

"Yea...." he sighed biting his lip looking down at this feet before looking at me. "About that. I don't know when I'll be in sweetheart. We've gotten snowed in. Mike is trying to find us a way out of Denver. Maybe tomorrow. I'm not sure."

"Oh," I said quietly getting really interested in the hem of my shirt trying to hide the light sheen of tears in my eyes.

"I know we had plans Steph," Brantley said quietly and cleared his throat. "If I don't make it in you know Kolby will be still around."

"Yea," I said nodding my head then looked at the screen pasting a smile on my face. "Knowing Mike he will exhaust all options. Cindy will have his ass if he isn't home for Christmas. Speaking of pissed off people, you called Mama yet?"

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