Flashback: Inspiration for Smokin Gun: Part II

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Stephanie's POV

Fifteen minutes later Eli was pulling up to park behind Brantley's truck. Ashley turned in her seat and looked back at me.

"BG still up? "Ashley asked glancing at the clock. "Know he had been driving back from Nashville."

"Yea, I think so," I said with a grin. "I'll just let him know I'm here and crash in the spare room."

"More like his bed with that dress on the floor," Eli mumbled then covered it up with a grin and speaking louder. "Ok Steph. I know he'll give you a ride home in the morning."

I leaned forward to give them both a kiss on the cheek and climbed out of the truck with a wave.

"Thanks for the ride y'all, I said leaning in Eli's window. "Ash, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I turned to walk away and heard Ashley call out after me. "Thats if your ass can still talk! I foresee a lot of screaming from you!"

I flipped her off over my shoulder and wove my way to the side door for the garage. I was feeling good enough that I wasn't as sturdy as I should be on these shoes. I opened the door to step inside my heels clicking as I walked across the concrete floor. I heard a throat clear and almost swallowed my tongue when I looked up.

Brantley was leaned against the doorway leading into the kitchen with his arms crossed over his bare chest wearing nothing but a low hanging pair of his black sweatpants. I paused and leaned a hip against the Cougar and met his stare with a raised eyebrow.

"Pretty sure I told you to lose the pants mister," I said with a sexy smirk.

"Sweetheart," he rumbled with a grin. "I am pretty sure I told you to lose that dress. Fuck me.....those heels."

"See something you like B?" I asked leaning forward a little to give him a good view.

"Damn right I do baby. I'm not sure you could get any sexier right now," he said with a wink. "Now, lose the dress and dear God keep the shoes on."

"See that's the problem B," I said walking forward a few steps and turning my back to him. I knew he was getting a good view of the curved back of the dress that showed off my tanned back nicely. "I can't quite reach the zipper. Think you can help me out?"

I felt his bare chest brush against my back as he gently traced a knuckle down my spine making me shiver. "I owe Eli a shot to the jaw for letting you leave the house dressed like this," he growled whispering in my ear." I just thought the view was something from the front."

"Well......" I drawled as I pulled my long hair over one shoulder. "In his defense, I was supposed to have a date with me so it wasn't going to be a problem."

He nipped my bare shoulder as I felt a sharp pop on my ass and jumped slightly.

"Planned to torture me all night I see," he muttered against my skin as he banded his long arms around me.

I turned my head to put my lips inches away from his. "Who.....me?" I whispered.
I felt a low growl rumble in his chest as he drifted a hand down my side to tease the hem of the tight dress.

"Yes, you," he muttered into my neck wrapping his arm tighter around me. "But baby I've got to say, I love that you thought of me alllll night."

"Who said I was thinking about you rockstar?" I chuckled darkly. "I thought the dress made my ass look awesome and there were a couple of hot groomsmen. I think they could appreciate this dress."

"While it makes your ass look good enough to take a bite out of, which I may do, the only good place it's about to look is on my floor by that big bed," he growled giving my aching breast a firm squeeze. "Not for some other man."

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