Flashback: Girls,Girls,Girls: Part III

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Stephanie's POV

I rolled over and blinked my eyes against the sunshine and threw the covers over my head.

"Owwwwwww...." I moaned out loud. The pounding in my head was killing me. I heard a chuckle and then the bed moved slightly. The covers were gently pulled back and I cracked an eye open to see Brantley smirking down at me.

"How's the head there sweetheart?" he boomed making me groan again. I pulled the covers back over my head and ran a hand out to flip him the bird.

"Fuck off B! Do you have to talk so damn loud? My head is killing me," I growled.

He laughed as he tugged the covers off again and gently pulled me up right. I kept my eyes closed against the spinning room. He handed me a couple of aspirin and an opened bottle of Gatorade.

"Drink up sweetheart," he said pushing the hair off my face.

I took the medicine and a long drink from the bottle. I leaned forward to rest my head on his shoulder and groaned. I felt his chest vibrate with a chuckle. I pulled back to glare at him when I noticed he was wearing a black button up shirt with his jeans. I closed my eyes and winced.

"I'm in so much shit ain't I?" I asked. He smiled down at me and shook his head.

"No. I told Mama and your mom both you had a migraine. Kolby is gonna have to figure out an excuse on his own, but I probably bought you a day or two before he throws you under the bus," Brantley said with a grin.

"I'll shoot his ass," I growled. I looked over at the clock on the nightstand and my eyes widened. I smacked Brantley in the chest. "You let me sleep through church and lunch."

I dropped my head again when I saw it was almost two. Brantley slipped a finger under my chin to lift my head to look at him. He smiled softly at me.

"You needed it sweetheart. Slept most of the hangover off. This right here darlin is why I crack up watching y'all. I don't have the hangover to deal with anymore. How about I take you home, you get a shower and I'll thaw out some of that soup Mama gives you. We can watch movies the rest of the day. What do you say," he asked?

I nodded my head slowly and he stood up. He helped me stand up and dropped a kiss on my head.

"You get your stuff together and I'm gonna go change," he said heading towards his closet.

I padded into the bathroom and gathered my clothes and make up from last night stuffing them in the bag I had left on the bench in there. I ran my brush through my long-tangled hair and threw it up into a messy bun calling it good. I walked back out and slipped my feet into the UGG boots I had worn over here last night.

I grabbed the hoodie B had tossed onto bed for me and pulled it on. I picked up my phone and went downstairs looking for him sipping the Gatorade the whole way down. I smiled when I saw him and Sylo waiting by the door for me. I overlooked the smirk when I thought about how sexy he looked standing there in a backwards hat, long-sleeved grey UGA shirt and black sweatpants. I swear it was like that jackass knew what that hat did to me sometimes.

As we walked out to his truck I was thankful it was still cloudy and still a little rainy since I didnt have my sunglasses with me. Brantley opened the door so I could get in and shut it behind me. Sylo leaned his nose over the console to nudge my hand. I laid my head back against the head rest and closed my eyes as I idly scratched his head on the drive over. I heard my phone go off. I opened my eyes and picked it up out of the cup holder in the middle. I groaned when I saw it was my mom.

Mom: Hey honey. Was just checking on you. Brantley had said you werent feeling well since you missed church this morning. Tell him I said to take good care of you sweetie.

Steph: Will do. And doesn't he always lol. Talk to you later.

I dropped my phone into my lap as Brantley turned onto my street. A minute later he pulled into my driveway in the same place he always parked. I opened my door and climbed out as he let Sylo out and met me at the front of the truck. I was still so damn sleepy I let him wrap an arm around me and lead me to the door.

He moved his arm to unlock the door and I followed him in. Always cracked me up that Brantley was just as at home at my house as I was at his. Had always been that way. Mom had woken up several mornings after a fight with whatever boyfriend in high school to find him passed out asleep on a pallet on my floor. Me, as close to the side of the bed as I could get and a hand reached down for his.

Our parents had learned a long time ago that as long as we were respectful about it, there was no separating us. And usually said guy was walking around with at least a black eye by the time football practice rolled around that afternoon.

I made my way down the hall lugging my bag as Brantley headed towards the kitchen. Sylo followed me and jumped up on my bed making his nest in his favorite spot. He spent as much time here as he did at B's. He normally stayed with me on the long stretches B would be gone. I got a quick shower and got out to dry off. I towel dried my hair and braided it to keep it out of my way. I pulled on another pair of sweatpants and one of his Deer Farmer t-shirts.

Man complained occasionally that half his closet was in mine. I had rolled my eyes and said well you know where it is if you want it bad enough. I slipped on a pair of my fuzzy socks and walked about down the hall. I made my way into the living room after fixing my Yeti with water. I walked in and grabbed my fuzzy Dragons blanket out of the basket and flopped down onto the loveseat. Brantley lifted his head from the couch and looked at me funny.

"What are you doing way over there sweetheart?" he asked with a grin.

"Your big ass is hogging all the room rockstar," I said rolling my eyes.

"Well, you look a little chilly there darlin," he said turning on his side and giving me that smile that he knew I couldn't resist. I sat up taking my blanket with me as I walked over to the couch. Brantley grabbed my hand and tugged me down beside him. I got settled and he draped the blanket over both of us before sliding an arm under my head and draping the other over my waist.

"What you want to watch sweetheart?" he asked me as he flipped through the movies on Netflix. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at him over my shoulder with a grin.

"Well....."I drawled out. "I picked up Fifty Shades of Grey on DVD the other day."

He took of his hat and sat it on the back of the couch before glaring down at me.

"Ummm how about no," he said rolling his eyes as he squeezed my hip. "If you want a spanking then darlin I am down to put you over my knee right now. "

I elbowed him in the side causing him to laugh.

"Promises, promises B," I said laughing. He leaned down close to my ear biting it softly before answering me.

"Darlin, right now you are too damn hungover for that. May have to raincheck that though," he murmured before picking up the remote again.

"I don't care. Something that's gonna keep your attention. You know once I get good and comfortable I'm going to fall asleep anyhow," I said adjusting my head on the arm underneath me as he pulled me closer.

I laughed when I saw he had chosen The Waterboy. Man, we had watched this movie hundreds of times. I heard the click of Sylo's nails coming down the hall. I smiled as he padded into the living room, stopping to give me a lick on the cheek before jumping up on the couch and curling up at the end of our entangled legs.

I felt my eyes growing heavy as the movie got started. I wished my life could always be like this, but I knew there was going to be one that come along someday that was going to stick and I wouldn't have this anymore. I sighed and gripped Brantley's arm a little tighter as I started to drift off. Well, I was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

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