Flashback: Sorry Ms. Cochran

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2015- Aftermath of CMA Week

Brantley's POV

I was sitting in my recliner holding an ice pack to my eye. I had gotten the swelling to go down enough to be able to see while driving back home. Until I pulled into my driveway. News had obviously reached my dear baby brother who socked me again for good measure.

Man, I hoped he didn't tell Mama. I could only handle so much pain and she was sure to tan my hide. I didn't even have my damn dog to comfort me. Sylo had been sitting at Kolby's feet when I got out of the truck. He took one look at me after Kolby punched me and followed my brother to his truck. It was like he knew I had fucked up.

I shifted my leg, wincing against the soreness in my balls, to pull my phone out of my shorts pocket to try and call Stephanie again. Nope. Voicemail again. I had thought she might have beaten me home but when I drove by her house her Explorer was still gone. I had text Ben to see if she had left. He told me that she had taken off earlier with Caroline saying she was staying at her and Luke's the next few days.

I wasn't gonna be allowed around my music buddies or in Nashville for a while now. I had definitely pissed off the wrong set of wives. Caroline and Katie both were going to have my balls on a silver platter. I'd had to stop on the way out of Nashville to get a new phone. P.J. had shook his head when he had seen the TV. BK had text me earlier that Chase had asked if he'd run into a Mack truck when hed come to. They rolled their eyes and said no just BG's fist.

I leaned my head back, closing my eyes willing my blood pressure to go down. It pissed me off and hurt at the same time when I thought about the photo of Chase kissing Stephanie. I heard the front door open then close before someone called my name. Please, let it be Steph.

"Brantley," she said. "Mom said she saw you truck turn in earlier."

Fuck. I am so screwed I thought as I heard footsteps approach the living room. I turned my head slightly to see my girlfriend standing there giving me a puzzled look. I took in the cut off shorts, flip flops, black tank top and sassy ponytail her long brown hair was pulled back in. Normally the sight would make my heart race.

Right now, I was disappointed it wasn't a still fuming blonde standing in front of me. I tried to reign in my disappointment. At least if she was yelling at me it meant Stephanie was speaking to me. I sighed and pulled the ice pack off my face. I saw Amber's eyes grow wide as she gasped.

"Oh, damn Brant, what the hell happened after I left Nashville," she asked sitting on the arm of my chair taking my chin to turn my head and get a better look. Out of habit I sat my right hand on the leg closest to me forgetting about my bruised knuckles. She traced a finger gently over my sore hand then gave me a stern look.

"So, who did you get in a fight with baby? Tell me now before I see it on TMZ," she asked carefully. I huffed out a breath trying to decide how to handle this. I pointed at my face first.

"That well, it's compliments from Kolby. Partly," I grumbled not meeting her eyes.

"Why did Kolby punch you?" she asked rubbing a hand over my hair.

"Because Stephanie, may or may not have hit me first," I muttered suddenly becoming very interested in staring at my rings on my left hand.

"Ok, you got popped by both of them. I repeat yet again, what did you do?" Amber said as she stopped up to cross her arms and stare me down.

"I punched Chase Rice last night," I said heavily. "Amber we need to talk."

She gave me a confused look but moved to drop down onto the end of the couch near my chair. She'd known me long enough to know something was up.

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