Chapter Thirteen: Part II

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Lexi's POV

I stepped out of the taxi onto the Las Vegas sidewalk as Brantley paid the driver. We had taken a private flight out of Atlanta first thing this morning. Everyone thought he'd had to go to Nashville for a few days, taking me with him.

I had told him we could have flown normally and was met with a fierce glare before he pointed down at my stomach and Carson, growling. I now owed Jason two dozen of my homemade blueberry muffins that he loved and I think there was some deer trading done in the conversation. I had tuned them out when they started bargaining. All this just so no one bumped me on the flight out. Over protective caveman.

I looked up at the building in front of me and my jaw dropped. I closed my eyes then shook my head. I know I am seeing things. Yes, that's it I am seeing things. I cracked an eye open carefully. Nope, it was still there. Why in the hell did I agree to this? I was going to kill him. No, if I kill him there goes the D, and lets face it that has been a major pregnancy craving with all these damn hormones.

I felt Brantley wrap an arm around my waist. I turned my head to look up at him. He grinned down at me but the grin faded a little as he saw my face. Here I was on the hot Vegas sidewalk in my favorite white strapless sundress that thankfully still fit because it was flowy. Couldn't wear the normal stacked heel sandals I preferred because someone was afraid I would trip.

I did have to bite my lip as I looked harder at the man standing next to me in the nice jeans he saved for church and black button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up showing off those arms. No hat, something that didn't happen too often. I literally licked my lips before I remembered I was aggravated at him. Get it together Steph!

"You ok sweetheart," Brantley asked as he turned me to face him. I reached up and tapped a finger on his chest.

"Really honey," I said sweetly through clenched teeth. "The KISS Hotter Than Hell Wedding Chapel?"

He shrugged his shoulders and gave me that famous smirk.

"What I thought it was cool as hell. Come on, its slightly less cliché to get married by a Gene Simmons lookalike than Elvis. Everybody and their mama has done the Elvis route. Plus, it was the one place that had an opening that Scott could make sure would do a NDA." he said pulling me closer. He gazed into my eyes for a minute searching for something.

"Steph, if you don't want to do this I am ok with that honey," he said softly rubbing circles on my lower back." To hell with what people may say. We can plan something after Carson is born. It would be kind of fun to include him."

He leaned down and kissed me soft and slow. I lose all train of thought when he does that. He broke the kiss and brought a big hand up and cupped my cheek.

"Sweetheart, I don't care where or when it is as long as I get to marry you. Something that I've wanted to do since I was sixteen years old when I realized I was in love with you. I'm even more in love with you now than I was then. If I hadn't been such a stubborn idiot we probably would have done this years ago."

"Stubborn idiot, yep that sounds about how I'd described you BG when it comes to her," I heard a deep voice say behind us followed by a throaty female laugh.

Brantley raised middle finger up over his shoulder never breaking eye contact with me.

"Kiss my ass buddy," he said rolling his eyes as he smiled at me.

I peeked my head around his shoulder to see who he was talking to and grinned. Tim and Faith were both standing there smiling at us. I pulled out of Brantley's arms to walk over and hug them both. I had spent most of the summer out on the road with Brantley a few years ago when he'd been on Tim's Two Lanes of Freedom tour. I was able to get to know the pair pretty well and loved them. I didn't get to see them as often as I would like.

"What are y'all doing here?" I asked. Brantley banded his arms around my waist resting his hand on my baby bump.

"Well, someone found out we were in town for a show and said he needed a pair of witnesses," Tim said with a grin. I felt Brantley chuckle.

"I don't think she's a hundred percent made up her mind if this is the route she wants to go yet," he said.

Faith gave me a wink as Tim laughed. She reached over and squeezed my hand.

"Hey, you could have been like us. Go to his home town for SwampStock, and surprise everyone by telling them we were getting married. Tim, the preacher and I were the only ones dressed up. Everyone else was dressed to play softball," Faith said with a laugh. Tim gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Do you blame me for being in a hurry? I only asked you countless times before you said yes. Woman, I was going to make sure you weren't getting away," he said with a smile.

I turned around in Brantley's arms as I stood on tip toe and kissed him softly.

"Ok, let's do this," I whispered. He pulled back to look down at me.

"Are you sure baby?" he asked.

"Yes, I've waited long enough to marry your crazy ass," I said causing him to crack up then hold his arm out for me to hold onto as we made our way inside.

I sat down on the bench while Brantley dealt with the woman or our "tour manager" that he had spoken to earlier.

"So, I know that y'all are expecting a boy. Got a name picked out?" Faith asked.

"Carson Keith," I said with a smile.

"Awww, I love that," she said.

"Probably a good thing it's a boy," Tim said with a grin. "I speak from experience, it's no fun when the women out number you. The tears will do a man in in a heartbeat and that's just because I can't help but give them what they want."

"The possible jail time is what worried me," I said with a laugh as they both cracked up with me.

"I reminded Audrey's latest boyfriend that I was from Louisiana and I knew where all the best bayous to hide bodies was at if he hurt her," he said with a mischievous grin. Faith rolled her eyes.

"Poor kid always asks if Mr. McGraw is around before he will come in the house now,"she said.

Brantley walked over to help me up.

Ready sweetheart, he said with a big grin on his face. I threw up the rock on sign and grinned back.

"Rock on baby, lets do this."

He rolled his eyes and pushed my arm down then kissed the side of my head.
"Baby girl.... don't do that again please. Leave it to the professional."

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