Flashback: Bye Felicia!! Part III

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Stephanie's POV

He slowly took my other arm and tugged it behind my back. Locking both of my wrists in one big hand. I gulped knowing I was in for it. Brantley leaned down and nipped the side of my neck hard enough to make me jump. He drug his tongue up my neck to flick the lobe of my ear before he set his teeth on it.

"What am I gonna do hmmmmmm," he growled darkly in my ear. I closed my eyes and clenched my thighs together. Best friend or not, this man knew how to push my buttons. He took his free hand and ran it over my ass as he chuckled.

"See baby girl at the moment I can't decide if I want to beat your ass or fuck you senseless." He followed up his statement with a hard smack to my right ass cheek.

I was torn. Either option I was guaranteed to not be able to sit down right for a week. I warred with myself for a minute. What the hell I thought. Poking the bear was always more fun than being rational. I pressed myself further against him. Molding my body to his, I tilted my head back to look up at him with a seductive smirk.

"Do your worst outlaw," I whispered huskily. I gasped when he released my arms to spin me around and mold my back to his chest. He wrapped one arm around my neck pulling me closer as he eased the other under my tank top. He leaned down to kiss the spot in the curve of my neck that only he has ever found as he slid a big hand to the waistband of my shorts. I shifted my hips back to rub my ass against his erection. I heard him hiss between his teeth and I couldn't help but grin. It suddenly wasn't as funny when I felt his hand pop open the button off my cut off shorts. I let out a hiss of my own.

"That's how it's gonna be baby girl," he whispered before continuing his torture on my neck. "Want to poke the bear do we. "

If he hadn't been holding me up, my knees would have buckled when he eased two long fingers under the lace of my panties. I felt his chest rumble with a groan against my back.

"Mmm..he whispered against my ear, "baby girl, are you that wet because of me?" He kept teasing me with his fingers just on the outside of my core. Damn man.

"You know damn good and well it's all because of you outlaw," I growled out digging my nails into his arms. My knees did buckle when he bit down on my shoulder as he pinched my clit between his fingers. He grabbed me before I dropped to the floor and tossed me over his shoulder like it was just any other day.

He stalked forward and yanked open the doors leading into the house. Not wanting to be outdone, I reached down to slide a hand in each back jean pocket getting a good grip of firm ass in each hand. I was rewarded with a groan before I felt his head turn and nip my thigh right below the hem of my shorts.

"Woman I swear," he said with dark laugh slamming the door behind him. I could practically see the evil grin on his face. He made his way through the kitchen. I sucked in a sharp breath when he landed two more hard pops on my ass before he made it to the bottom of the stairs. I felt the world spin as he pulled me off his shoulder and shoved me against the wall with a soft thud.

I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist as he anchored me there with his hips. He took both hands to grip my ass and squeeze. I dug my fingers into his shoulders trying to make heads or tails of what was going on. He leaned his face down to mine. He green eyes were blazing with something other than anger now and the big, hard evidence of it was pressed firmly against my stomach.

"Dammit Steph, what are you doing to me?" he whispered softly.

I whimpered in my throat when he slammed his lips down onto mine in a possessive kiss. Every time I tried to fight him for dominance of the kiss, he'd shift his hips against me a little more making me gasp. He broke the kiss to bite, lick and suck his way down to the curve of my breasts at the top of my tank top.

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