Chapter Twenty-One

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baseballfan8 for this that is a "did my wife just come downstairs wearing that look... Yes, yes she did"

Stephanie's POV

I locked my knees when I felt the whisper soft touch ease from my ankle up my calf. I looked down into the blazing green eyes looking up at me and I gulped.

"Oh God," I mumbled biting my lip. I heard a low dark chuckle as Brantley sat up slowly. He smoothed his hand up my leg gently then leaned over to nip my thigh right above the lace edging of the stocking.

"Sweetheart, call him all you want. Jesus, Buddha, whatever deity you can think of. I can promise, none of them are going to answer," he whispered huskily.
He smoothed both big hands up my thighs to grip my waist then pulled himself to his feet. He gripped my hips tightly tugging me closer while he leaned his face closer to mine. I growled when he stopped an inch from my lips.

"Ummmm..before I go any further, where is our son?" he asked looking at me with a half guilty look.
I knew what he was feeling. I loved our baby boy but Mama needed major alone time with Daddy right now. I banded my arms around his neck and grinned up at him tugging him a little closer.

"He's hanging out with your Mama tonight then getting spoiled by my parents tomorrow night," I answered. He looked up at the ceiling like he was praying giving thanks.

"I have I ever said how much I love the fact that they are such hands-on grandparents. I love my little man but he has been cock blocking me," he whispered with a wink before wrapping my ponytail around his fist and slowly kissing me.
Once, twice, then slowly making his way over to my ear. He softly bit the lobe of my ear. If I had actually had underwear on with this outfit, they would have gone up in smoke and he had barely touched me yet.

"Baby, you have got a ten second head start to get your sexy ass up those stairs and up to our bed. If not, I am gonna take you against wherever I catch you. Wouldn't be the first or last time we have put the kitchen counters to use," he whispered.
I stood there dumbfounded for a second but was brought back to reality when I felt a hand slide around to palm my ass as he took a good grip and groaned.

"Hope you are not partial to this outfit. May be coming off with my teeth,  he growled before dropping his hands.
" One.. .."
I let out a gasp and turned to dart up the stairs. I stopped at the bottom step to turn and give him a saucy wink over my shoulder and blew him a kiss as I kicked my heels off.

"Not playing fair Stephanie Lynn!" I heard him growl out.
I had just passed through the door into the kitchen when I heard his bare feet thundering on the stairs. I had just made it to the other doorway when an arm banded around my waist pulling me backwards. I was spun around to be pushed into the kitchen island with a pair of hips.

I gasped as I could feel how hard he was through the track pants he had thrown on earlier. Good job honey, easier access for me. I dropped my head back against his hard chest as I smoothed my hand over his hard a steel erection. I chuckled to myself when he slammed his hands down on the counter in front of me caging me in and keeping his knees from buckling. I pushed back against his hips with my ass making him gasp and step back a little.

I turned around to look up at him. I let out my own gasp when he gripped my hips to lift me up on the counter. I bit my lip as he reached one arm back to tug his white t-shirt over his head slowly. Not ashamed, I whimpered when that fucking V, tan muscles, and tattoos came into clear view. He smirked at me as he tossed it across the kitchen to land on the cookie jar.

"See something you like," he asked when he saw me lick my lips.

"You know I fuckin do,"I huffed out.

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