Chapter Fifteen

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Brantley's POV

I walked out of our closet with the last few clothes I needed to add to my bag, and stopped when I saw the sight curled up on the bed in front of me. Stephanie was sitting up in the middle with her back against the wooden headboard. Sylo was lying beside her with his head rested protectively on her stomach.

Damn dog growled at me yesterday when I tried to move him so I could talk to Carson. Steph was pretending to read the book in her hands but I knew better. I had caught the look she had been giving me out of the corner of my eye as I walked around getting my stuff packed.

The bus would be here in about an hour. As I put the last few things in my bag, I noticed her dab at her eyes thinking I wasnt looking. Sylo whined lowly looking up at her. These two were killing me and I havent even left yet. I put the shirt I had just folded in my bag then crossed my arms over my chest as I looked at my wife.

"Sweetheart, you ok over there?" I asked as she snapped her head up. She looked at me carefully for a minute before nodding. I crooked my finger at her with a soft smile. She sat her book down before she crawled to the edge of the bed to sit up on her knees and wrap her arms around my neck. I wrapped one arm around her waist and took the other hand to tip her chin up making her look at me. She chewed her lip trying to keep the tears in. I gently tugged her bottom lip out from her teeth and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

"Steph, honey, it's not the first time I've left nor will it be the last," I said softly. She twisted her fingers in my t-shirt before shrugging her shoulders at me.

"I know," she said softly. When she finally looked me in the eye I could see the tears swimming there and I pulled her to me as she lost it. She buried her head into my shirt and sobbed. Sylo nudged my hand that was sitting on her waist and gave me the saddest eyes I have ever seen.

Like, Dad, dude, you have got to do something about this. I gently gripped Stephanie's shoulders and pushed her back so I could look at her. I took one more look at the tears streaming down her face then made up my mind. I kissed her softly on the forehead before digging in my pocket for my phone.

"That's it sweetheart," I said softly but sternly. "Go start packing and make it quick the bus will be here soon."

She wiped her eyes as she looked at me. I mentally braced myself for a fight but she just nodded her head before sliding off the bed to walk into our closet.

"That's it, no argument?" I called out to her. A boot came flying out at my head. Thank the lord after all these years, I had learned to have cat like reflexes with this woman. She poked her head around the door to glare at me.

"Do you want there to be?" she snapped making me shake my head.

"No sweetheart I don't," I said with a grin, pulling my phone out of my pocket to dial the school. I got them on the phone and explained that since there were already a few issues, Stephanie would be traveling with me. Since the principal wasnt a fan of either of us, she didnt even put up a fight which kind of pissed me off.

My wife was one of the best teachers she had but I knew at least traveling with me, Stephanie would be under a little less stress and I could keep an eye on her. I hung up the phone about the time Steph tried to walk out of the closest with a loaded suitcase.

"Dammit, Steph! Let me get that," I said quickly hurrying over to her. She had traded her clothes from earlier for a pair of my sweatpants with a racer back tank top. The shirt draped over her baby bump making me grin. She walked over to pull her laptop bag out of the dresser drawer then loaded it up.

I went downstairs to grab Sylo's leash and favorite bed. I already had toys, bowls and a ton of his other stuff stored on the bus. I knew there was no leaving him this time if Stephanie would be with me. He was her shadow. I looked over at the clock and hurried back upstairs to lug our bags down since I knew the bus would be pulling in soon.

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