Chapter Seventeen

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Stephanie's POV

I stood with my arms crossed over my chest and glared up at my husband. Nope Steph, don't cave no matter how hot he looks. Brantley mirrored my pose and didn't flinch. Jesse, Mike, and P.J. stood to the side of us watching the exchange. I saw Mike keep glancing at his watch. We were currently standing outside the bus before his VIP.

I had gone to lunch with the girls earlier today while the guys had gone to play paintball. I had laughed when Brantley walked back on the bus when they made it back to the venue. He looked like someone had drawn multi-colored polka dots all over his body. That black t-shirt was covered. I frowned when I saw one around the zipper of his jeans. He smirked and told me Justin had done it. Oh, he was going down. Nobody but me messes with that dick!

"Alright you two, can we please settle this? BG you have VIP in five minutes man, just cave and give her what she wants. We all know if Mama ain't happy, nobody is happy," Mike grumbled tapping his foot.

I decided to try a different approach. I uncrossed my arms and reached up to place my hands on his arms rubbing lightly. I looked up into his eyes and smiled softly batting my eyes.

"Please baby, I just really have a craving for nachos," I said smiling.

"Well, then I'll find someone to go get them. You're not getting out in that crowd baby," he said glaring at me. I growled at him.

"Oh, good Lord Captain Caveman, she's a grown woman. Can't keep her in a bubble forever. Justin is busy getting ready to go on. I'll go with her and take P.J.," Katie said as she walked up rolling her eyes. She stood next to me and glared at him. Brantley finally rolled his eyes and relented.

"Fine, just be careful please," he said leaning over to give me a soft kiss. "I just worry honey."

"I know baby, we'll be fine. We'll be in and out. I know it's packed out there," I said giving him another quick kiss before backing up to loop my arm through Katie. I turned and gave him a wink over my shoulder.

"Love you baby," I called out.

We made it out to the main area of the outdoor arena. We both had tucked our passes under our shirts to not draw attention. P.J. was trailing along with us. I could hear the opening music as Justin was getting ready to go on.

"Sure, you don't need to be back there Katie," I asked looking over at her as we walked.

"Nah, she said shaking her head. "I"ll head side stage when we get back. I remember the cravings. And when you want something you want it. Plus, I knew this bunch has been coddling you."

I rolled my eyes, "Lord have they. I either have B or my shadow with me."

"I heard that Lil Mama," P.J. said behind me.

"You were meant to. Oh, there's a concession stand," I said grinning as I hurried over. Dang kid. I had been craving all kinds of stuff. We moved forward and stepped in line. I saw Katie eyeing the cotton candy.

"See, I had a good idea huh," I said pointing at it. She grinned and shook her head. As the line moved forward the group of girls in front turned around to look back towards the stage. They all looked to be in their late teens, early twenties. A tall blonde saw my t-shirt, that had been a joke from Caroline, and smiled.

 A tall blonde saw my t-shirt, that had been a joke from Caroline, and smiled

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