Chapter Twenty: Part II

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Stephanie's POV

A few hours later, Carson was headed to Mamaw's and I was standing in the middle of our closest trying to find a certain pair of shoes I was looking for. I had taken Brantley a plate earlier for lunch and he had shot me a grateful smile before rolling his eyes at something Scott had said. I know it was aggravating but at least he was at home dealing with this instead of being up in Nashville.

I found the black heels that I was looking for and a huge grin spread across my face. I remembered all too well how much he loved the silver shoes I had like these. I bit my lip as memories of the night of the CMT awards flashed through my mind. That was the exact reason I had three other pairs just like them in different colors. I walked out and sat them on our bed before heading back into the bathroom to finish my hair.

I was curling the ends and humming along with the music on my phone. Mama Becky had sent me a picture a few minutes ago of Kolby passed out asleep on her couch with Carson curled up on his chest. I should have known she would have help with him. Carson had his Uncle Kolby wrapped around his finger. Bunch of baby thieves when we were all together. I had almost wandered if Keith had taken him back to Alabama with him when I couldnt find them last week. I had found them passed out in Brantley's recliner with Brantley on the couch watching hunting shows and laughing at them.

I pulled my hair back in a low ponytail and looked in the mirror to make sure my eyes were lined dark enough. I hadn't had this much make up on in a while but it was worth it for the desired effect. I picked up the red lipstick to apply it then winked at myself in the mirror. I tightened the belt on my black robe and bit my lip slightly. I had just a little doubt in this whole plan.

I was only a couple pounds shy of being back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Yea, there was a stretch mark or two but I felt that for having just had a baby and turning thirty-three I didn't look half bad. I shook my head to clear the doubt. Get it together Steph, that man has been in love with you most of his life.

I walked back out to our room eyeing the outfit on the bed

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I walked back out to our room eyeing the outfit on the bed. The black and red lace butterfly corset Caroline had talked me into when I met her in Atlanta to go shopping earlier this week, complete with matching lace stockings. All of this along with a trip to the spa for a little pampering. I slipped my robe off to get dressed, or well half dressed.

I really wished the nerves I was feeling would go away. He's my damn husband for fuck sakes. I was wearing less than this when Chris almost busted us playing curve sign. I got dressed and slid the stockings on and grinned down at the red I had painted my toes to match. Something I knew had always made that man turn his head. I slipped on my heels and walked over to the full-length mirror hanging on our closet door.

I adjusted slightly to make sure the ladies were good and perky. Man had been grinning like a kid in a candy store since he realized the cup size I had gained from being pregnant was not going away. I walked into the closet to flip through his side. I grinned when I found my favorite, well-worn black leather jacket of his. His favorite one to wear when he was going on more than a quick bike ride. I draped it over my arm and walked out to pick my perfume up off the bathroom counter to spray it on with a smile.

I made our way through our bedroom and was met with Sylo sitting right outside in the hall. He cocked his head looking at me in question. Like just where do you think you are going dressed like that Mama. I glared at him slightly before putting a hand on my hip and pointing at his camo dog bed in the corner. I would swear on a stack of Bibles that dog rolled his eyes at me as he huffed and walked by me. Like well shit, here they go again and Daddy has the nerve to call me a horn dog.

I shrugged the jacket on leaving it partially unzipped. I carefully made my way down the stairs. I had been in socks and running shoes for way too long. I made sure the front door was locked on my way to the kitchen. I may seriously shoot someone if they tried to come in this house. Hmmmm. I pulled my phone out of the jacket pocket and sent my dear brother in law a text.

Steph: If you value your life, limbs, and balls don't even think about getting anywhere near my house for the next few days Giant. I FUCKING MEAN IT!!!!

Kolby: Sweet Jesus Short Stuff. No need to get nasty about it! I got it, I got it. Damn, I'm gonna warn Eli too. Stay the hell away from Steph and BG's. They are gonna rock some sheet rock, knock some pictures off the wall tonight!!

Steph: OMG Giant did you just quote Eric Church to me!!!! Yes, I plan on rocking your brothers world tonight if you must know.

Kolby: Thanks for that mental image Stephanie Lynn! Really!!! Don't think I didn't notice those freshly manicured nails the other day!

Steph: How do you think your nephew got here you dumbass!! Kiss my baby boy for me. I've got a hot date with your brother!

I snickered as I put my phone on the counter before making my way to the wood door leading down to the basement. I took a deep breath and opened it to make my way downstairs. I could hear Brantley still on the phone. When I got to the bottom I couldn't help but laugh to myself. He was sitting at the desk he had down here with his bare feet propped up and leaned back in the chair. He had his eyes closed and was pinching the bridge of his nose as he talked.

"I know Shane, I know. I'm not making any promises all I can do is ask," he muttered.
Ahh, he's on the phone with Shane Drake discussing video ideas. They must have decided on the newest single earlier. I walked a little closer to lean against the edge of the desk.

The movement made him turn his head slightly. I saw his green eyes widen as they traveled down my body. I grinned and reached to unzip the jacket the rest of the way. The side of desk blocked his view slightly so he leaned further back to get a better look. I bit my lip to keep from laughing when he flipped backwards out of the chair landing on the floor with a yell.

"FUCK!" he let out. I looked down to see him looking up at me with his jaw wide open.

"Ummm.......Shane buddy...... I'm gonna have to call you back," he stuttered out.

Shane must have tried to argue with him because he let out a loud growl.

"I've got to go take care of my wife. If you were seeing the outfit I am seeing you would hang up too. I'll talk to you tomorrow," he hit the end call button so hard I thought he would crack the phone.
Thank God, I had talked him into a Life Proof case ages ago. He laid there looking up at me for a minute speechless. I had worried for a minute that I had broken him. Then the sexiest smirk I had ever seen spread across his full lips as he slid a hand over to loop around my ankle tugging me closer. Oh shit, I was in for it now.

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