Flashback: Videos: Part I

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Stephanie's POV

Kick it in the Sticks

"Oh my god!" I said as I shivered. "You had to pick a damn cold, rainy day to do this damn video didn't you B!"

"Now sweetheart," Brantley drawled grinning at me as I wrapped my arms around my waist and glared. "Here's my other jacket. It's not that bad."

I growled at him as he turned the stupid ass camera he had been carrying around on me with a grin.

"Say hi Steph!!" he said as I glared and flipped him off.

"Play nice Stephanie Lynn!" he said with a laugh. "Y'all this is the grouchy ass best friend."

"Kiss my ass BG!" I said as I shrugged into the jacket I picked up off the tailgate of his truck. Why I let him drag me out here when it was freezing to watch him film this damn video is beyond me. I was supposed to be at my parents while David was gone to Atlanta for the weekend but well, ya know here I am.

Brantley cut the camera off and walked over to me. He gave me a smile as I zipped the leather jacket up and glared at him. He knew I couldn't stand to be cold. Man had taken me hunting enough over the years. He rubbed his hands up and down my arms to warm them up as he placed a quick kiss on my forehead. I couldn't help but snicker at the blonde that was wearing a skirt too damn indecent for this weather glared at me. I leaned a little closer to Brantley just to piss her off. I cracked up laughing as she flounced off to her equally as trashy dressed friends.

"Uh oh," I said grinning up at him. "I think I just pissed off the BG skank brigade."

"Geez Steph," he said rolling his eyes and grinning down at me. "Really, can't you come up with a better name than that."

"Hell no!" I said shaking my head. "Ben, Kolby, Jesse, and I thought long and hard on that one. Took alot of beer too."

"Steph! Honey, darlin, sweetheart," Ben called out as he walked over with a bottle of gel in his hand and a pout on his face. "I need help please. I can't get my damn mowhawk to stand up right."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Damn men," I muttered. "You would think yall are little boys half the time instead of grown ass men."
I went to climb up on the tailgate so I could reach Ben better and let out a squeak when Brantley picked me up by my waist and lifted me up.

"Thanks B," I said smiling at him as he turned to walk off. "Come here Drummer Boy."

Ben gave me a wide smile as he sat down in front of me with his back turned.

"Thank you, Stephanie," I heard him rumble as I got his hair to spike just the way he liked it. Man swore I did it better than he could. Jesse walked up and passed me a red SOLO cup with a shot of whiskey it in. I threw it back then grinned.

"Thank you," I said going back to my task. I sighed when I heard my phone ring. Jesse cocked an eye at me as he leaned against the side of Brantley's truck while Ben tried to turn and look at me. I stopped him with a tug of his ear.

"Where are you supposed to be Steph?" Jesse asked giving me a knowing look. I sighed and tapped Ben on the shoulder letting him know I was through. He stood up with a grin and tugged me into a hug. I rested my arm across his shoulders and met Jesse's look.

"Mom and Dad's," I said not looking at him. I knew he was shaking his head at me without looking. "I don't want to hear it Jesse. You know he bitches when I hang out with y'all. Says I'm too old for this shit."

"No, "Ben said with a loud laugh. "That's not it. He doesn't like you hanging out with BG. Numbers Boy is intimidated by the best friend."

"Ben's got a point Steph," Jesse said with a smirk. "David has never been fond of Brantley since y'all started dating and BG only tolerates him for you. Don't think its gone unnoticed you have been a fewer shows in the last year."

"I've been busy working y'all," I growled as Ben reached a hand up to help me hop down. He leaned down to give me a kiss on the cheek with a toothy grin.

"Keep telling yourself that darlin!" he called out over his shoulder as he walked off. Jesse dropped a kiss on my other cheek.

"Damn dumbasses," he muttered shaking his head. "One of these days they'll pull their out of their asses."

A while later I was walking around with the camera filming stuff going on. I grinned as I saw Brantley standing to the side watching everything. I tiptoed closer to him with a grin and leaned my chin on his shoulder.

"Hey sexy," I said with a smirk as he turned to look at me. I lifted the camera up with a smile.

"I mean, I feel sexy," he said shrugging his shoulders and not looking at me.

"Does that have anything to do with the makeup?" I said trying to keep my laugh in when he turned to look at me with a glare.

"What the hell kind of question is that?" he said looking at me like I had lost my mind. I grinned back at him innocently.

"The makeup makes you feel sexy," I said zooming in on the look on his face. He glared at me with his hands on his hips.

"That was some paparazzi bullshit!" he said looking at me then put his hand over the lenses. "Turn that fucker off me Stephanie Lynn!"

I took off running with him chasing after me trying to get me to delete it. I handed the camera to Kolby as I ran by.

"Dammit it all hell Stephanie Lynn! Only you would ask about makeup and film it!" he yelled as I darted around Kolby's truck but he caught me as I made it back around and tossed me over his shoulder. "That's it sweetheart. I don't care how cold it is you are getting a mud bath."

"Brantley Keith Gilbert!! Put my fucking ass down right now!" I screeched as he walked to the closest puddle of mud near us and dangled me over it with an evil grin. "I will shoot you and you know it!"

"Fiiinnnnneeeeeeeee," he sighed as he tossed me back over his shoulder and walked back to the truck and sat me down on the tailgate.

"Asshole," I muttered.

"Grouchy ass," he said as he flopped down beside me and wrapped an arm around me to keep me warm. "Thanks for coming sweetheart. I know you are freezing your ass off."

"It's worth it to see you do something you've dreamed of doing," I said smiling up at him. He looked in my eyes for a second and then took a deep breath before standing up.

"So, ready to watch this a pray I don't bust my ass?" he asked holding out a hand to tug me up.

"I thought you were kidding about the backflip," I said looking at him like he was crazy. "How many beers have you had?"

"I got this darlin," he answered with a smart-ass smirk as he strode towards the car. "And enough to make this not hurt, hopefully."

I held my breath as I watched him get on the roof of the car with a grin then watched through the fingers covering my face as he got ready. "Please land it, please land it" was all I could chant under my breath. I did not feel like sitting in the ER all night tonight. I let out a sigh of relief when he landed it without face planting and threw his arms up. He climbed down with a smile then limped over to me.

"That hurt like shit," he said shaking his head and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Alright there rockstar," I said as his legs buckled a little.

"Yes mam," he grunted out. "Give me a beer and I am good to go."

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