From Athens to Arlington: Part IV

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Brantley's POV

I wrapped Stephanie around me and headed to the back of the bus never breaking my gaze from hers. I watched her sink her teeth into her bottom lip and I stifled a moan just from the look in her eyes. She had literally just blown my mind and she didnt even know it. Yea, there had been a girl or two here and there that would moan "Daddy" out in the heat of things.

But to hear those words cross Stephanie's pink lips, I went from half-mast to full on hard on in two seconds flat. Yes, I liked control. She knew that. She challenged me in every aspect of our lives and it was something I loved most about her. This woman had my number and she knew it.

I unlocked her legs pressing her tightly against me as I lowered her feet to the floor. Stephanie let out a whimper deep in her throat. I spun her around to mold myself against her back rubbing my erection against her ass. If it wasn't for my arms locked around her, her knees would have buckled when I sank my teeth into her neck and laved the spot with my tongue.

"Sweetheart," I whispered darkly in her ear. "What little bit of control I had left, you just snapped. Better hang on to something honey."

"Fuck, " Steph said in a breathy whisper making me chuckle as I eased down to my knees and glided my hands upwards starting at her calves and slowly making my way under her sundress. I could see her chest heaving and feel her legs trembling as she turned to face me. I slid my fingers into the lace on either side and yanked causing a loud ripping noise to echo through the quiet bedroom.

"That's exactly what we are about to do sweetheart," I murmured as I brushed a knuckle over her wet, swollen, clit as she hissed out a breath between her teeth and tried to ease closer." Uh uh, I want you on your hands and knees."

I knew her knees buckled then but she recovered herself by sinking her nails in my shoulders. She licked her lips as slowly slid down to her knees in front of me. She grasped the end of her sundress and lifted it over her head then tossed it to the side before reaching back and unhooking the white lace strapless bra and tossing it to. Her pink nipples were pebbled hard enough to cut glass and my mouth watered at the sight of them. Stephanie turned slowly and eased down on her hands then tossed her hair to the side and looked over her shoulder at me.

"You mean like this?" she whispered huskily. "Or do you want me on the bed Big Daddy?"

I sucked in a deep breath at her words and stood up on my feet holding a hand out for her. Stephanie gave me a puzzled look then placed her soft hand in my letting me pull her to her feet to stand in front of me. I tunneled my fingers in her long hair tugging gently to make her look at me. I swallowed deeply and looked into her pretty blue eyes.

"Steph, are you sure?" I whispered placing my forehead on hers. She eased both hands up to grip the sides of my face tugging me closer.

"Baby," she said softly against my lips. "I have been here every step of the damn way. There's not really anything that I don't know and not much that I havent seen. But I know without a shadow of a damn doubt that there is no one and I mean no one that I trust more than you."

I slammed my lips down on hers kissing her harder than I ever have as I lifted her in my arms and stepped closer to lay her down on my bed. I broke the kiss and pulled back to see her laying there with her long blonde hair spread across my pillow.

"Don't move, "I said as she nodded her head and her eyes followed my every move. I dug in the drawer until I found one of my black bandanas and one of my belts. I turned and sat them on the end of the bed before reaching behind me to tug my t-shirt off. I smirked as Stephanie licked her lips slightly when my chest came into view. I tossed my hat across the room and climbed on the bed easing towards her.

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