Flashback: Grrrr... Seriously B!

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Stephanie's POV

September 2013

I gritted my teeth against the loud ass snore in my ear. Are you fucking kidding me? I turned on my side the best I could in this small ass bunk. Ok it wasn't that small in the scheme of things but Brantley's big ass was being a bed hog and snoring like a damn freight train. It had been decided that I would sleep on the inside.

What the hell was I thinking. I had flown out to meet up with them this weekend. The guys were still ecstatic that psycho bitch oh excuse me Jana, was gone. According to Kolby, Mama Becky had danced a jig when she found out she was gone. I wiggled a little against the heavy leg thrown over my hip as he buried his nose further in my hair sawing away. I knew he was tired. He always got like this towards the end of a tour and he'd been in and out of the studio as well.

I felt his chest suck in against my back and then my hair ruffle as he breathed out. Across the aisle I heard BJ get started again. What the hell? Were the guys trying to have a damn competition on who could out snore who? Wait with this bunch that's not entirely out of the realm of possibility. I laid there for a few more minutes listening.

I growled at myself. The one fucking time I forget to pack my ear plugs and since I hadn't been out as much earlier in the tour because of Jana, I didn't have a pair on the bus. Brantley heaved out another snore and my already sleep deprived temper snapped.

I rolled over and pushed my legs against his and dug my hands into his shoulders shoving. Next thing I heard was a loud THUNK and a rapid string of cuss words. Ben, who was under us, sat up so fast I heard his head hit the ceiling of his bunk with a thud.

"Oww! What the fuck!" Brantley roared sitting up holding his head and rubbing his ass. "Steph?"

I poked my head out of the curtain glaring at him as he stood up. I ducked back behind the curtain then reappeared tossing his pillow at his head then pointing a finger at him glaring evilly.

"Go get on the mother fucking couch Brantley Keith," I growled. He stood up leveling me with a glare and Ben let out a yelp and ducked back into his bunk. Yep.... that's right Drummer Boy, a four a.m. argument between us would not be fun.

"Stephanie Lynn....." He seethed through gritted teeth.

"Now......" I said never breaking his glare. Brantley stared me down for another minute before he poked his lip out and shuffled towards the lounge area like a scolded child. Tough shit. I was the meanest one of all if I didnt get my sleep and they knew it.

Not long after I settled back in under the covers and willed myself to doze off but I was freezing. The guys kept it cold enough to hang meat in here at night and I had kicked my personal heater out of the bed. I had on one of B's long sleeve t-shirts and a pair of my pajama shorts.

I shifted my feet under the sheets and realized they felt like two blocks of ice. Sighing to myself, I bit my lip and debated. Not able to take it I pushed the curtain back and hopped down quietly. It was quiet as a tomb other than the hum of the bus tires on the road and the faint snores coming from the lounge area.

I made my way over to the couch, lifting my favorite fuzzy blanket I left on here, off the back of the chair and looked down at Brantley. He was sprawled out on his back with an arm thrown over his eyes sound asleep. One foot kicked out from under the blanket that was pooled around his waist at the top of his black sweatpants.

I knew damn good and well that the bare chest I was staring at was warm and my favorite pillow. If my ice cold feet wound up on top of his, well it was just a bonus. I carefully crawled up on the couch and stretched out between his long legs to rest my head on his chest and draped my blanket over me.

I settled in and buried my head into his lower chest. I let out a sigh and felt my eyes drift close. I was almost asleep when an arm snaked out to wrap around my shoulders pulling me closer as I felt his chest vibrate with a chuckle then a sigh.

"Kick my ass out of a perfectly comfortable bed because my snoring is bothering you sweetheart," he mumbled sleepily rubbing his thumb on my shoulder. "Then sneak in here to pile up on me on the couch. I swear, some things never change."

"I couldn't sleep," I muttered snuggling closer. "I was cold."

"Why am I not surprised," he said with a quiet laugh pulling me closer.

I felt a soft kiss placed on the top of my hair as I twined fingers in the necklaces around his neck and fell asleep.

Later the next afternoon, I was stretched out of the top of one of the guitar cases that was sitting by the stage as the guys ran through sound check. I had pushed my sunglasses down over my eyes since we were at an outdoor amphitheater. I tapped my foot idly along with the beat of Ben's drums and he checked their setup and jerked when I felt something land in the middle of my stomach.

I opened my eyes and pushed my glasses up as I looked down. I saw the package of the heavy-duty ear plugs like I normally kept on the bus. I turned my head slightly to see Brantley standing there with his sunglasses over his eyes with his arms crossed over his chest. I knew without even seeing his eyes, he was glaring at me.

"There sweetheart," he grumbled pointing at me. "Those should help because my ass is sleeping in my bed tonight. I have a big ass bruise on my hip to show I didn't land gracefully early this morning. If those don't work, you can sleep on the damn couch."

I glared and rolled my eyes at him as he shook his head and headed towards the stage.

"Wanna see you make me try rockstar!" I yelled at his retreating back and could faintly hear him laughing. Damn man would make me too.

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