Flashback: Huntin.......

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CyleeLynn I added something just for you.....

Brantley's POV

"Dammit Steph, would you get still," I hissed as she adjusted in her chair again. The mountain of damn clothes she had on rustling each time she shifted. Cold natured ass. She had begged me to take her to the farm to go hunting since she was out on Christmas break.

The woman loved to hunt, but damn she never could get settled. She stretched her right leg for the third time in ten minutes. A cold front had rolled into Alabama after we had gotten here last night dropping the temperatures. I growled at her as I stared out the window and I could see her flip me the bird out of the corner of my eye.

"I can't help it. You know my damn ankle bothers the hell out of me when the weather gets cold," she snapped. I closed my eyes and sighed. I just knew I wasn't going to see a damn thing at this rate.

"I know," I whispered back. "You remind me every damn time."

"Well whose idea was it to jump off that bridge hmmm....." she said smirking at me. "Broke my damn ankle. "

I glared at her before reaching over and grabbing her right leg. I tugged the camo and pink Muck boot of her foot and pushed her insulate bottoms up a little before sitting her foot in my lap and began rubbing her ankle. Damn how many pairs of socks did she have on.

"Thank you, B," she said softly huddling down in her jacket a little more and looking out the window.

A while later I was watching a ten point that Kolby and I had dubbed "Maverick" making his way into the foot plot. Steph was quietly digging in her backpack for the sunflower seeds I knew she had stashed in there. Good, she was distracted for a minute and hopefully I could get ready to pop off a shot before she noticed.

She was already one deer up on me since she had been out here last month with Kolby bow hunting. I had already threatened both of them and called dibs on this big boy. I had leaned forward to ease the window open slowly before reaching for my rifle, when the most godawful, bloodcurdling scream cut through the still, cold air. I saw a flash of white and he was gone. I was going to beat her ass until it was red!

"Fuck!" I snapped before turning to glare at Stephanie. I wish I'd pulled my phone out to blackmail her with what I turned to find. She had come out of her jacket, yanked her bibs down, and was tugging her hoodie over her head while dancing around.

"Get if off, get it off!" she hollered.

"Baby girl, if I had known I was gonna get a strip show I would have brought dollar bills. Will you take an I.O.U.?" I said laughing.

"Fuck off Brantley," she snapped as her blonde head appeared again. Her beanie was turned sideways covering up one blue eye. "A damn spider crawled down my jacket! Help me kill it!"

I lost it then and bent over at my waist laughing as I watched her hop around. I heard a thud as one boot hit the wall near my head before her long-sleeve camo under shirt landed on my head. I tossed it to the side and noticed something crawling on the window in front of her. I pointed at it, snickering the whole time.

"Steph, is that it right there?" I asked between laughs. She looked over and paled.

"Yea, I think so. KILL IT B!" she snapped. I picked up the boot she'd lost and smashed the poor little fucker. He wasn't much bigger than a pencil eraser. She had probably made him run for his life when she started flailing around.

"OMG Steph! That thing was soooo big," I said in a high pitched girlie voice. She smacked me in the head before putting her hands on her hips.

"Don't even go there. I need to remind you of that snake from this summer," she said baring her teeth.

I held my hands up in defeat. I got a good look at her about then. Her beanie had come all the way off so her blonde hair was mussed up and she had just her camo and lace trimmed bra on with her black Under Armor leggings. Both boots were gone and her insulated bibs were around her ankles. Girl doesn't play when it comes to spiders.

I suddenly wished I had put on another layer to hid the erection that popped up when she bent over to snag her shirt off the floor of the stand give me an awesome view of her cleavage. I was so tempted to make a move but shed probably kill me. Wasn't like there wasn't a heater in the stand but shared body heat was better. Fuck it, she made me miss out on a damn deer.

I unzipped my jacket and pulled it off before standing up. Steph looked over at me like I was nuts. I gave her a naughty grin as I moved closer to her. Wasn't like she could run. She went to back up and I stopped her by putting a booted foot on her bibs at her feet stopping her.

I grabbed her by her hips and lifted her out of them before wrapping her legs around my waist. She tugged my hoodie over my head taking my hat with it and tossed it behind me. She let out a gasp as her back hit the side wall of the stand before grinning at me.

"Really, thought we came out here to hunt," she said as I leaned down to kiss her.

"Well, you scared off the deer I've been eyeing so I'm on the hunt for something else," I murmured before kissing her deeply. I felt her tongue tangle with mine and I groaned rubbing my dick against her making her tighten her grip on my t-shirt.

"Oh, you are huh," she moaned as I trailed kisses down to the top of her breasts and bit causing her to grip me harder with her legs. I eased one bra cup down and exposed a pink nipple to the cool air and licked it before answering her.

"Yes mam," I growled. "I'm on the hunt for something called a pink breasted cock gobbler. Know where I can find one?"

I mentally kicked myself for that one. What in the hell was I thinking? Stephanie couldn't keep her laughter in. She started laughing so hard and I couldn't help but join her and I lost my grip on her causing her to fall into me. Which made me topple backwards onto the pile of clothes we had made on the plywood floor.

Stephanie pushed her hands up on my shoulders and looked down at me. I reached up and wrapped a blonde lock around my finger and tugged gently.

"How about we take this back to the cabin? I can promise a fire, the rug in front of the fireplace and lots of other inventive ways to keep ya warm," I said grinning up at her. She leaned down and gave me a smacking kiss on the lips then jumped up reaching a hand down for me.

"Deal," she said with a grin.

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