Chapter Twenty-Four

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Brantley's POV

I was stretched out on our couch with an icepack on my face as Carson played with the toys he had scattered around him. I had gotten up yesterday morning early and left to go hunting after sleeping on the couch in the downstairs studio. I had left Steph a note that I'd be back. She had gotten up to go to church and get Carson. I had gotten an ass chewing via voicemail from Mama for missing church but it was a good thing. I didn't need to answer questions about my face.

However; my wifes stormy expression and puffy eyes had told her enough. She hadn't said too much to me when I had gotten home last night. She mumbled that there was a plate in the oven for me and asked if I'd had any luck. I had leaned over to give my son a kiss on the cheek and jumped back when he started crying as he looked at me. Duly noted son, Daddy's bruised up face scared you. Which is why I was now icing my face. The bruise on my cheek and eye had gone down some. He didn't seem as scared of it now but had almost made me cry when he'd smacked my cheek earlier playing.

I heard the doorbell ring and groaned as I stood up to answer it. I scooped Carson up and made my way out of the living room. I cussed under my breath when I got close enough to see out the glass. Bracing myself I opened the door and tried to smile. Didn't have much luck when the two scowling blondes shot my smile down with a glare and crossed arms. Both of my buddies standing behind them raised their hands in defeat. Assholes. No help at all.

"Oh! Little man! I have missed you!" Caroline squealed before taking Carson from me and giving him a big kiss on the cheek as Brittney did the same. Caroline gave me another glare before turning to hand my son to Luke. She pushed the sleeves up on her long-sleeved t-shirt and gave me a shove back in my house. In a smooth move that my mother and wife would both have been impressed with, she grabbed my ear and spun me around facing my stairs. Brittney quickly snatched the other ear and tugged. They marched me towards my living room.

"Ouch! Ow!! Fuck!!!" I yelled letting the cuss words fly. Caroline twisted a little harder with each one. I did not envy Luke being married to this woman at all. "Guys a little help here!"

"Nope!" I heard both of them yell as I was pushed down onto the couch.

"Man Carson..... Aunt Caroline is about to get Daddy," Luke said with a big grin as Carson grinned back up at him then reached for his Buck Commander hat. That boy I swear he had an obsession with hats. Luke took it off and handed it over, shaking his head when he started to chew on it. Jason laughed and kicked back on the loveseat across the room.

"Well," Brittney asked standing over me with crossed arms. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Me?" I asked pointing at my chest and glaring up at them. "I'm not the one who lied about where they were going and then had another man hit on them. One, who I might I add, my wife had slept with."

"Oh, shut up BG," Caroline said rolling her eyes. "Think about every awards show we attend. Steph has to see Jana. Amber's mom lives right up the road. So, try again jackass."

Dammit, I thought closing my eyes. She has a point. I really, really hated when Caroline was right.

"I take it she's been talking to you two," I said sighing in defeat. I saw them look at each other then shake their heads.

"No," Brittney said giving me a concerned look. "That's the thing. She hasn't. Other than a proof of life check to us, Kate and Lauren, she really hasn't said much. Mentioned it was a pretty big blow up when y'all got home but then we knew that was coming."

"Fuck," I muttered running my hand down my face. "She's not really talking to me either unless it has to do with Carson and I've been sleeping on the couch. That's not a good thing if she's being this quiet."

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