One Shot: We Suck At Keeping Secrets.......

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Lacey's POV (2006)

I walked into our apartment the next morning to after being at the hospital with my parents all night. My grandmother was doing ok. All I wanted to do was crash in my bed after a busy finals week to get some rest. I tripped over Brantley's boots two steps into the door. Dammit, I was gonna kick his ass. I cut my eyes towards the couch. Must have crashed in there with Steph I thought. I noticed the almost empty bottle of Jack on the snack bar.

I shrugged knowing those two probably had a few more drinks after they came in last night. I took in the shirt and pair of jeans tossed over the back of our couch. Eh, didn't think too much of that. That man had a penchant for losing his clothes when he had been drinking. Especially if it was something Stephanie dared him to do.

Now, the hot pink underwear made me raise my eyebrow for a second. Surely not..... I tiptoed to Stephanie's door and cracked it open slightly. I said a silent prayer that I didn't see anything I didn't need to. But what I did see made my jaw drop open. While the sheets had everything that needed to be covered out of sight, I could clearly tell that something had finally happened last night. I had been watching these two dance around each other the last four years. Just neither of them admitted it.

Brantley had Stephanie's back against his chest and she was so wrapped up in his arms you couldn't tell where he started and she began. I smirked at the very prominent bite mark on her tan shoulder. He was gonna have hell to pay when she found that. I quietly backed up and shut the door. I couldn't help it I jumped up and down doing a silent happy dance down the hall to my room. High five Stephanie girl! Here's to you both finally pulling your heads out of your asses.

Mark's POV (Summer 2014)

"Sara, can you come here for a second please?"I said at the doorway of my office. I had moved to Jefferson, Georgia a few months ago to take a loan officer position here. Everyone was so nice and I really loved the small-town feel. While I was more used to the perks of living in a big city like Atlanta, I kind of like the calmness of the country life.

"Yea Mark, what's up?" Sara asked walking into my office. She had been my secretary since I had started. Her and her husband, who was a sheriff's deputy, had been really sweet to me.

"Tomorrow night is my third date with Stephanie and I was thinking of taking her into Atlanta to do something special. You know her better than I do, so I was wanting your opinion," I said smiling sheepishly as I adjusted my purple paisley tie.

"I  thought that was last weekend," Sara said taking the seat in front of my desk and pulling out her phone to help me out. I typed in a few things on my computer before turning my attention back to her idly nodding my head.

"Yea, it was but her best friend came into town. She said the way they work they don't get to see a whole lot of each other. So we postponed it until this weekend," I said.

I had met Stephanie at a Memorial Day BBQ the bank president had had at his house that weekend. His wife and Stephanie worked together. She was so beautiful and smart. I glanced up to notice the strange look on Sara's face. It was like she was trying not to laugh.

"Have you met the best friend yet?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, "I said shaking my head as I looked at the screen. "I haven't yet. I know they have been friends for years. I am sure she is a lovely lady."

I heard Sara snort with laughter. I was about to ask her what was so funny as my office door banged open and slammed against the wall. Sara jumped out of the chair with her hand on her chest and gasped.

My eyes grew large at the man standing in the door. Oh dear Lord, we must be being robbed! He was tall, muscular, and tan. He had on a backwards black hat, dark sunglasses. sleeveless black shirt, leather pants, a leather vest with a Confederate flag on it, motorcycle boots, rings and chains. He stomped over to my desk and leaned over it with his huge arms crossed. I gulped and feared for my life. Why wasn't Sara calling the police!

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