Flashback: Curve Sign

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Stephanie's POV

I looked in the rearview mirror to see if the damn blue lights had faded out. I reached over and smacked Brantley in his arm. He cracked up laughing. I rolled my eyes. The damn man looked way to sexy for his own good sitting in the driver's seat of his truck in nothing but his boxers, backwards hat and that damn smirk on his face.

"What the hell B?" I yelled laughing at him. "You have gotten way to good at avoiding the cops over the years."

He looked over at me and raised my eyebrows and pointed at his bare chest. I wasn't in too much of a better situation in just my red lace Victoria Secret bra and matching panties.

"Me? Whose idea was it to flash the sheriff's deputy after he clocked us for speeding?" he said laughing as he took a quick left turn down another back-road gravel and dust flying under the truck tires. Thank God for the dark tinted windows.

I looked over at him and laughed. We had been sitting around at his house watching movies when we got the bright idea to play curve sign like we did in our teenage years. We were determined that we could still have as much fun at thirty-one.

"Well, since I am the respectable high school teacher its a good thing we are two counties over!" I said holding my sides laughing as Brantley took a left onto a black top road. "Where are we?"

He squinted as he looked out the windshield then shrugged his shoulders.

"No fucking clue," he answered with that bad boy grin of his. I glared at him before leaning up on the console and shaking a finger at him.

"You son of bitch! Yes ,you do!" I yelled shaking a finger at him that he leaned over and tried to take a bite before I snatched it back.
" See, this is why I suggested we don't play around the house! To try and keep it fair."

"Sweetheart, since when have I ever played fair at this game?" he said shooting me a wink before focusing back on the road.

I reached over and hit skip on the song on the radio and turned it up  a little when "Pour Some Sugar on Me" came on. I danced in my seat and sang along to the song. I noticed Brantley giving me a look and shaking his head out of the corner of my eye. I was so intent on the song I jumped when he spoke over the music a few minutes later.

"Ohhhhh Steph...... Guess what," he drawled out with a huge grin on his face before pointing out the windshield. "Curve sign."

"Shit," I muttered as I glared at him before shooting him the finger. I couldn't help but smile as I noticed he kept watching me out of the corner of his eye. I sat up slowly and eased a hand around my back to grip the clasp of my bra. I bit my lip and shot him a wink as I slowly eased the straps down by shrugging my shoulders and holding the front up with one hand. I saw him swallow deeply as he kept flicking his gaze back between the road and me.

"Oh, you are playing with fire now honey," he growled out as I grinned before tossing my bra at him. He snatched it midair and tossed it over into the backseat. "You aren't getting that back anytime soon."

I propped my arm on the console and thrust my chest forward slightly. The cold air from the air conditioner had made my nipples pucker. From the glow of the lights of the dash, I could see that Brantley's boxers had tented from the corner of my eye. I smirked to myself but then gasped when I heard him growl.

"Fucking tease," he muttered before he jerked the truck to the side of the road and slammed the truck in park and flipped the console up. I yelped when he closed a big hand around my upper arm and yanked me across the truck.

The coolness of his rings on my skin made goosebumps pop up. He picked me up and dropped me down into this lap after scooting the seat back slightly. I pushed his hat back slightly and looked down in his eyes as he grinned up at me.

"So, you've got me over here hot stuff. What do plan on doing?" I said giving him a smirk as he gripped a lace covered cheek in each hand and squeeze causing me to gasp.

"Well..." he drawled out before I cut him off with a glare.

"I swear Brantley Keith, if the next words out of your mouth are we are going to sit here and talk about the first thing that pops up I'm gonna deck you," I growled down at him before he chuckled and push me back against the steering wheel gently and took a hard nipple between his teeth before sucking it into his mouth. He looked up at me from hooded eyes as I let out a gasp as he shifted his hips to make his hard on bump my core. He let my nipple go with a pop.

"You were saying," he asked before shifting to lay his lips on mine. I lost myself in his kisses before turning and biting his neck gently before soothing it with my tongue. I laid my lips back on his kissing him deeply again as his hands trailed down my back. The windows of the truck had quickly fogged up during our make out session and I knew two pair of underwear that quickly needed to disappear before mine burst in flames.

"Condom. Wallet," he gasped out between kisses and I pulled back to reach over for his wallet on the dash. He took advantage of the position to bury his face in my breasts and tease me by dragging his beard back and forth. I couldn't help it I moaned out loud. I just about had the condom out of his wallet when I heard the knock on the driver's window. We both yelled with shock.

"Shit!" I heard Brantley murmur before tugging me back to him and melding me to his chest. He turned my head facing the other way so you couldnt see anything before wrapping an arm around me. He took his left hand and lowered the window enough just so he you could see his eyes above the tint.

"Evening officer," he grumbled making me snicker before he tugged my hair slightly to shut me up.

"Dammit BG! You have a perfectly good house for this shit. We're not teenagers anymore," I could hear Chris, our friend who was a sheriff's deputy, grumble. I could practically see him rolling his eyes. I took my hand to muffle my giggles.

"Sorry man. Well the mood just struck," Brantley said with a laugh.

"Ah so the mood struck to speed through two other counties with your lady friend there too," Chris drawled. "Sherriff John got them to leave you alone after they ran your plates and called him. Think you can slow it down and get home please before I have to arrest you for something."
I heard Chris start laughing and Brantley joined him.

"Will do buddy. See ya later," he said before rolling the window up. He eased me off his lap and tucked me into his side. "Give me ten minutes sweetheart and we will pick this up where we left off."

I rolled my eyes when he put the truck back in gear and took off throwing rocks and racking his pipes.

The next morning, we both had just dropped down into the church pew beside Mama Becky. We had almost been late because someone had convinced me it would be faster to shower together. Yea, no it wasn't. We both jumped when we heard a deep voice speak. I turned my head and saw Sheriff John leaning down looking at Brantley with a heavy hand on his shoulder.

"Son, next time you are home and want to blow off some steam. Please do it on the dirt trails or mud pits on the back part of your property. Not speeding across three counties," he said with a raised eyebrow before squeezing Brantley's shoulder and making his way down the aisle. We both choked and turned red trying to keep our laughter in. I heard Mama Becky sigh before sliding her arm across the back of the pew and then smacking us both with a rolled-up bulletin.

"Heaven help me you two, I don't even want to know. When are you two going to realize you are grown?" she grumbled. I buried my head in Brantley's shoulder to muffle my laugh as he dropped a kiss on the top of my head. I jumped slightly when I got an elbow in my side and Mama Becky dropped a hymn book in my lap and pointed toward the front.

Author's Note: If you've never played curve sign before. The object of the game is to spot the curve sign first before the other person or you lose an article of clothing. Lol yea... you can guess what that leads to bahaaa.

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