Flashback: Videos: Part II

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Small Town Throwdown

Brantley's POV

"I swear Justin man," I said with a laugh. "You can't shoot worth shit."

"Kiss my ass BG," Justin grumbled as he put his rifle back in the case on the side by side.

Thomas was holding his sides laughing. We had just hopefully finished up the first part of the video for the new single I had coming out with Thomas and Justin. I was pumped up about this one. We had been goofing around and shooting shit while Shane got it on camera. We were on the back side of my property where Kolby and I had set up places to shoot.

Lauren and Kate had come with them but opted to stay up at the house since Stephanie was coming by. Ok fine, not coming by. Her ass had been standing in the middle of my kitchen in nothing but my t-shirt, drinking coffee when Shane had banged on the front door this morning.

She had let out a squeak and hauled assed upstairs to hide. Like it was a rare occurrence that she slept over here. Well, I thought with a smirk. There hadn't been much sleeping going on. I shook out of my thoughts when Thomas hit my arm and I realized Shane had been talking to me.

"Yea?" I asked with a smile.

"I said we are done for right now," Shane said with a laugh. "Y'all can head back to the house until we get everything else set up."

"Sounds good man," I said with a grin. I heard Thomas groan and I glanced over at him. He and Justin both were shaking their heads as they looked at their phones. "What?"

"Oh, just check your phone buddy," Thomas said with a laugh.

I knew even before I pulled it out of my pocket it was going to be trouble. I unlocked my phone and groaned and shook my head at the selfie of the girls giving us a toast with margaritas glasses by my pool. Oh boy. I saw the pitcher sitting on the table between them.

"Think that was the only one?" Justin asked hopefully as he climbed in the passenger seat. Thomas cracked up laughing as he and I both climbed in and we looked over at him.

"Dude, really?" he said slapping Justin on the shoulder. "No that was probably number two at the least."

"Boys, those three are together," I said with a laugh as I cranked the side by side. "Should we have expected anything less."

I headed back through the field to the house and my jaw dropped a minute later as the other side by side I had came flying towards us with Stephanie at the wheel. I could hear the music blasting as she honked the horn when they got closer. All three of them were still in their bikinis. Lauren was grinning from the passenger seat and Kate was hanging out the back waving like a crazy person. Steph blew me a kiss and floored it with an evil grin. I knew exactly where she was headed.

"I'm gonna kill her," I muttered as I yanked the wheel to turn and head after them.

"She headed to the mud pits?" Thomas asked with a loud laugh.

"Fuck yea she is," I growled. "I spent three hours cleaning both of these for the damn video yesterday."

"Ladies and gentlemen," Justin drawled out using his phone as a microphone. "Welcome to todays episode of the Steph and BG showdown. Who will come out on top this time? Is she going to get drowned or will he get kicked in the balls? Again.."

"Kiss my ass Moore," I said shaking my head.

Stephanie had stopped with the tires on the edge of the first pit and had climbed out to stand there looking at me when I pulled up. She had her hands on her hips and a grin on her face. I tried not to notice how damn hot she looked standing there in just her dark purple string bikini with one of my black hats backwards on her blonde hair and her mirrored aviators on. I jumped out and pointed a finger at her which only made her grin widen and Justin and Thomas laugh harder. I noticed Lauren raise her phone up out of the corner of my eye.

"Stephanie Lynn Davis, don't you fucking dare," I growled as I walked over to tower over her. She met my glare head on.

"Oh, come on B," she said sweetly. "It's just a little mud."

"You want mud sweetheart," I said as I looked down at her. "I'll give you mud."
She let out a surprised shriek as I scooped her up and tossed her in the pit with a splat. I turned around with a laugh to walk off but was stopped when I felt a hug glob land in the middle of my back.

"You've done it now BG!" Kate called out with a laugh.

I spun around and was met with a shot of mud to the chest. I looked down at it and then over at the smirking blonde five feet away. I let out a dark laugh and took off running to tackle her back. She let out a yell as we toppled backwards into the mud. At this point we were both covered.

"Get him Steph!" Lauren cheered as Stephanie hooked her legs around my waist flipping me onto my back. I looked up at her and laughed as she cracked up along with me. She grinned down at me.

"I'll wash them both off tomorrow B," she said with a laugh as I pushed up on my elbows to look at her.

"Will it involve you out there with just a bikini sweetheart?" I lowered my voice and asked.

"Maybe," she whispered with a smirk as she put her hands on my chest to push me back down and hopped up. "If you are lucky rockstar."

Later that night we were filming the bonfire portion of the video. Stephanie had already smacked me upside the head earlier grumbling that she still felt like she had mud in her ears. I had glared at her when Shane told us to look intimidating as we did the part with Chuck Liddell. Which was awesome to have in this by the way.

Stephanie, Kate, Lauren and PJ had been laughing so hard at us they'd had to walk off so we could keep a straight face. After the fake punch, Kate had asked Justin if he felt like a true badass now. Shane had told me that he was just gonna pick some random girl to sit on my lap during parts of this.

I knew I was a single guy and I was having fun let me tell you. But I just wasn't in the mood for that this weekend or enjoying the stares I was getting from the girls we brought in for the video. I nodded my head at Shane and told him to hang on a second. I walked over to the edge where Steph was standing with the girls laughing. I grabbed her hand and tugged.

"B?" she asked as I pulled her along with me towards Shane. "What are you doing? I am not being in this. I've already told you."

"Come on sweetheart," I begged. "For me. I'll get Shane to edit it where you can't tell it's you."

"Ok, ok fine," she huffed out as I sat down and tugged her down into my lap.

A little bit later I was shaking my head as Justin and Thomas goofed around dancing and tried to get me to as well.

"No," I grumbled. "Not no but hell no!"

"Oh, come BG we know you have moves," they taunted me making everyone else laugh around us. I felt Steph shift in my lap then her soft lips brush my ear.

"Chicken shit," she whispered then pulled back to look at me with a smirk. I glared at her for a minute before I picked her up to stand her on her feet.

"Hell yes!" Shane let out with a laugh. "Thank you, Steph!"
I rolled my eyes before standing up to do a body roll to the music.

"Hot damn BG!" Kate said with a cheer as Lauren wolf whistled. "Do that again. Shane, we need a retake!"

"Hell no!" I growled glaring at Stephanie as she grinned at me and took a sip of her drink. "That was it."

After we wrapped Shane came over to clap me on the shoulder with a wide grin and kissed Steph on the cheek pointing at her.

"See man," he said. "This is why it's fun when she comes to hang out on the set. She can talk you into all kinds of shit the rest of us can't."

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